Upcoming talent?


Active Member
Returned from out of state 3 years ago and have not missed a varsity game allthough I live 1 hr. West of Port Neches. Too far to drive to attend JV and sophmore games. Can anyone fill me in on upcoming outstanding talent we might see on varsity in the 2011 season? Much Appreciated! :huh:


500+ Posts
Well to start we do have alot of great talent returning next year on varsity. We have Bertrand, Nelson, Hanks, Nicotrie, Miller. On D we have alot of returners. D line, Davis, Grantham, Secondary has numerous returners that should be alot better come football time next year. As far as the JV we have some very good D linemen, linebackers. I'm afraid to add names to this list not knowing exactly who will be on Varsity. But I do see those players on the JV that started and rotated alot moving up. On the JV D line we had Mangini, Woods, Riley, Barbosa and Thompson. All these boys are good and strong. Also remember most of these players are Sophomores. So they are not even close to being full grown. The JV linebackers were hard and strong and very fast players. They closed in quickly and are not afraid to hit. The JV O had Womack and RV as backs mostly. These 2 are very fast and hard runners. The O line was decent. Had some decent size. The receivers were all pretty good and all seemed to have good hands. Some of them were very tall and could go up and grab balls. There were some Sophomores on the Varsity team as well. Reasons, O line, Peveto, D back. Also remember we have a good Freshman squad that I see some of them more than likely being moved up to varsity. Overall we will have a varsity team that will be stout. As the younger players mature both mentally and physically we should have a very good year. Best I can come up with for now. I'm sure others will chime in with their input.

lu cards

100+ Posts
next years team will have a ton of skill kids.might be one of the faster teams we have ever had.i think we can put a solid 22 on the field but depth on the lines may be an issue.on offense you return bertrand,nelson,hanks,nicotre,lacour and stasnos.add qb miller and reasons and you have a solid nucleus.need to find 2 lineman and some receivers.we also have womack and arvie coming up from the jv.both these guys can make plays.offense will not be an issue again next year.defensively we return romero,sperl,hollier,peveto,louvier and davis.grantham and segler saw the field a bunch so we have a good nucleus to build around.we have to find some dlinemen and some lb's.which happened to be the strength of our jv.look for youngblood,gaspard and the stewart brothers to compete at lb.our dline may not be as strong next year but will make up for it with some speed.wouldnt be surprised to see some sophs make the varsity(LINEMAN).see dline names in pngfan66 post.


Active Member
Thanks for the input. I am very famliar w/ the returning varsity players and just needed to know about the JV and sophmores we might be seeing on varsity in 2011. You have been a tremendous help and cant wait till next year!


500+ Posts
I personally think our D next year will be alot better than this years D. I think the JV D linemen will grow alot more and become even better players. Should have a D line average around 6'1" and about 240-250 lbs. The kids on JV D line this year were very quick and had a lot of sacks and tackles in the backfield and at the line of scrimmage. They did a good job and opened up the blitz package for the linebackers. I see a solid group of boys on D next year. Coaches will work with them alot this off season. Our kicking game should be pretty good too next year. We will have alot more speed on the entire team next year as compared too this year. Also remember we may end up with some transfer students before next season as well. Next years team will be younger than this years team. So we will have alot to look forward too over the next 2 years.


500+ Posts
With the Varsity talent we have coming back next year and the Players moving up from JV we should be in a good position. I'm so thankful that we have the coaches we have. The coaches will take these players and make them good if not great.
I am confident we will have the talent to equal this season's team. But we have had talent in many years past where the young men didn't have the coaches who could develop their skills. I believe we have coaches in place now that can see a player's potential, put them in the position where they can be most effective, and teach them how to be the best they can be. That is what has made the difference the last two years, the coaching. As much as I like MB as a person, he had lost his effectiveness as a coach. Perhaps, it was just burn out; that can happen in any job. I certainly hope and pray that we can keep the staff we have for many years to come. It is my prayer that some in the booster club and other individuals who want the "buddy system" reinstated, will not be successful and our Indian Nation will be at the top of heap again. Respected by all and feared by any who step on the field against us.


500+ Posts
Why would any of the BC members want the "buddy system" reinstated? I mean, we wouldn't even have a BC if we went back to that! I also think the world of MB and appreciate everything he did while he was HC, but it's no secret that he wasn't a fan of booster clubs. Maybe some people just join to be "nosey" and have their own agendas but I haven't gotten that impression from the members I have met but I haven't met all of them. I just hope NONE of them joined to try and sabotage what we are building for our kids and grandkids! On that note, if any of you that read this haven't joined I encourage you to do so. It will be the BEST $25 you ever spent!!


500+ Posts
I don't see a good ol boy syndrome happening with coach BF. I personally feel he puts the players on the field who are the best. As in the previous coaching admin, I feel it was more of who knew who and who is my friend. Our current coaches want to win and help these boys mature and become exceptional men in society. They teach them fairness and hardwork. I tell my son "the harder you work, the luckier you get " I think they may teach the same philosophy on and off the field. But to already start putting negative light on the BC is wrong in my opinion. If someone feels that something wrong is happening then it should be brought to light and those individuals confronted. I'm thinking that some of the parents of the players are at the meetings and talk to the coaches about their son's. Sometimes that could be misinterpreted. If we new that the best players were sitting on the sidelines while a player who is not so good was playing and starting over the better player then you would know something is wrong. This is my opinion. And this is what I seen in the MB era.


100+ Posts
MB's downfall was not keeping up with the constantly evolving game of football. He was still trying to run offenses that worked 15-20 years ago. Opposing coaches didn't need to review game tapes anymore because it was the same old thing. He forced the players to change to fit into the system when he should have molded the system to fit the players and kept up with new developments.

BF has brought the new style of the game to PNG. Notice that the offense is very similar to many college offenses now. If he continues with the evolution of the game (which I think he will do) we will see even more success in the future. Next year will be a good test for BF. He will have a different style of players in many positions and we will see how he molds the system around their strong points. In highschool you must tweak the system each year to fit the athletes that you have. Unlike college where you recruit athletes that match the system.


1,000+ Posts
NDNFAN#1 I agree with the BF situation next year, these players will be in the 3rd season and nobody can take the blame or the glory other than BF.

As far as the Booster Club, I am sure some are in it to try and get their kid an "edge" like most Little League coaches do. But, I really think that for the most part, the BC are good folks wanting our kids to have the best. The few I personally know, some are Board Members, are good guys.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I've been to every Booster Club meeting but1 (maybe 2), and I have NEVER seen 1 person talking to coach "about their son".
#1 I think most, if not all BC members are n it for the right reason and
#2 I don't think it would do any good. BF seems to be a black and white kind of coach. If you're better than the other guy, you'll play.
(as long as the kid keeps everything else in order too)

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
akifan94 said:
This thread has been officially hijacked. :stop:

Not really. The conversation is about upcoming talent, and who will be playing (or won't be playing)


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
akifan94 said:
This thread has been officially hijacked. :stop:

Not really. The conversation is about upcoming talent, and who will be playing (or won't be playing)

Okay. Seems like it has turned to the Booster Club and whether or not parents or trying to use it as a way to get an edge for their kids.


500+ Posts
Why is it that everytime there is a thread related to players and parents something negative has to come up ? I guess people think that History will repeat itself with the good ol boy syndrome. That happened in the previous football admin. I don't see it happening here. If someone has an agenda on here to continue to start crap about the BC or BF you need to get the hell off this site or be kicked off. We are in the process of building a program that has more potential than the MB era. Stop trying to sabotage the program and the BC ! What has anyone done to upset folks about BF and the BC ? Is it hatred ? is it Jealousy ? is it you can't handle change ? is it you can't handle success of a program ? what is it that wants to cause some people to create rumors and try and cause problems ? Why can't folks put more supporting comments on here instead of negative ones ? I don't see BF allowing any favoritism to happen or manipulation ! People need to move on and get over what ever problem they have with the BC and BF ! Enjoy what our new coaches have brought to our school again, HONOR, PRIDE AND A NEW TRADITION OF WINNING ! Support what we have now or get off the bus !


500+ Posts
This thread is about our up and coming talent not the BC or other crap ! Stay focused on the topic and look forward to another great season and deeper playoff run !


Staff member
pngfan66 said:
Why is it that everytime there is a thread related to players and parents something negative has to come up ? I guess people think that History will repeat itself with the good ol boy syndrome. That happened in the previous football admin. I don't see it happening here. If someone has an agenda on here to continue to start crap about the BC or BF you need to get the hell off this site or be kicked off. We are in the process of building a program that has more potential than the MB era. Stop trying to sabotage the program and the BC ! What has anyone done to upset folks about BF and the BC ? Is it hatred ? is it Jealousy ? is it you can't handle change ? is it you can't handle success of a program ? what is it that wants to cause some people to create rumors and try and cause problems ? Why can't folks put more supporting comments on here instead of negative ones ? I don't see BF allowing any favoritism to happen or manipulation ! People need to move on and get over what ever problem they have with the BC and BF ! Enjoy what our new coaches have brought to our school again, HONOR, PRIDE AND A NEW TRADITION OF WINNING ! Support what we have now or get off the bus !
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Active Member
IndianFan said:
pngfan66 said:
Why is it that everytime there is a thread related to players and parents something negative has to come up ? I guess people think that History will repeat itself with the good ol boy syndrome. That happened in the previous football admin. I don't see it happening here. If someone has an agenda on here to continue to start crap about the BC or BF you need to get the hell off this site or be kicked off. We are in the process of building a program that has more potential than the MB era. Stop trying to sabotage the program and the BC ! What has anyone done to upset folks about BF and the BC ? Is it hatred ? is it Jealousy ? is it you can't handle change ? is it you can't handle success of a program ? what is it that wants to cause some people to create rumors and try and cause problems ? Why can't folks put more supporting comments on here instead of negative ones ? I don't see BF allowing any favoritism to happen or manipulation ! People need to move on and get over what ever problem they have with the BC and BF ! Enjoy what our new coaches have brought to our school again, HONOR, PRIDE AND A NEW TRADITION OF WINNING ! Support what we have now or get off the bus !
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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