Vote for Jeff Bergeron for UIL All-Century Football team


Staff member
Former PN-G All American Jeff 'The Jet' Bergeron is a candidate for All-Century running back.

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1,000+ Posts
Just voted. There was a couple of great TJ qb's on there. I think they will split the vote for them two.


500+ Posts
What an honor it would be if any of our past players could make the team--start voting Indian Nation! :unclesam:


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I saw this list about 3 weeks ago ... I voted for Jeff Bergeron simply because my DNA is wired for all things PN-G, but, that RB list was stout ... how could one objectively and rationally vote against Earl Campbell, Little Joe Washington, Eric Dickerson, Kenneth Hall, Adrian Peterson, Jerry Levias, Warren McVea, or Doak Walker? What a list. And, to see a father and son QB combo of Todd Dodge and Riley Dodge is pretty neat ... the Detmer brothers, Tommy Kramer, and Y.A. Title ... the same could be said for the other positions too. Look at the OL, DL, and LBs ... too many All-Americans to name ... and few NFL Hall of Famers to boot. Texas has churned out some great football talent. The final results should be interesting. I'm sure Jeff Bergeron feels extremely honored to just be listed. What a great accomplishment ... just being on the list speaks volumes about his talent.

Go Indians. Peace.

Bob S.

Active Member
I was kinda surprised Cotton Spreyer from TJ wasn't on the list. He did play for the Philedelphia Beagles if I remember right and UT when they won their National CHampionship (1969?).


1,000+ Posts
I've seen a lot of great running backs the last 40 odd years, including Little Joe Washington, but NONE as awesome as Jeff Bergeron. He didn't have to cut and make fancy moves---he ran over and through all others and ran like a deer he was so fast. Little Joe tried to catch up with him (Lincoln put Little Joe on defense to contain Jeff) and he couldn't catch him. He didn't run through holes, he ran through cracks and was gone! This post is just for information for those who weren't fortunate enough to see him. Plus, what a great All American. I remember some scouts from up north getting off a plane in Dallas thinking they'd rent a car and travel to PN. We all got a great laugh out of that one.


Active Member
He's definitely got my vote. He's also my cousin. I was just a baby, but I barely remember going to watch him play for the Indians. I also remember going to Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, TX to watch him play. My grandfather would get mad because they put him at QB. I also remember very well going to watch him play at Lamar University. I remember going out onto the field and standing there in a line while the team would run through everyone. Jeff, we love you and wish you all the luck and God bless!!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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