VS Central Friday 01-22-2010


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This is the bottom line on this one. While this is not a "must win" to get to the playoffs, the reality of the situation is it is a must win game to get to the playoffs! Because of our loss to Livingston this one becomes very important psychologically to our team. True we can get there if we don't win Friday but It will be VERY TOUGH to do. We will not have an easy time of it either way. We are struggling with our shooting percentages from all over the floor and we are about to loose at least one starter to grades beginning with this game. We already struggle against teams with depth due to our own lack of the same. I have quite a few thoughts on this game and will add them to this thread later this afternoon or Thursday.

I will leave with this, we can win this one and we need to do it for ourselves!


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To talk about this game and how we can beat them I think we really need to take a look at who they played and what happened.

Central (3-3)
Defeated: Vidor 79-45 Lost to: LCM 54-50
Lumberton 82-54 Ozen 54-49
Nederland 63-44 Livingston 55-52

All of the games Central has lost have been relatively low scoring games. These teams were successful at slowing the game down through defense and not getting caught up in running with the ball. The low scores suggest that they were patient with their shot selection. And it also suggests that they did at least a decent job on the defensive boards against central. Not allowing a lot of second shots on many trips down the floor.

If you look at the games Central has won, they are all much higher scores for the jags and their opponents scored in the same ballpark as the teams that beat central. That suggests these teams they defeated did not do well on the boards and most likely could not handle centrals press and therefore turned the ball over too much allowing easy lay ups for central. Which translates to the higher scores for the jags.

Let's look at our own results for a minute.

PN-G (3-3)
Defeated: LCM 52-42 Lost to: Nederland, 44-38
Vidor 54-39 Livingston 65-51
Lumberton 70-64 Ozen 66-45

Our splits between winning and losing are not as clear as far as how many points are scored in the game. However, It appears that with the exception of the Lumberton game, our wins have come through defensive play. Just glancing at the scores we will score in the lower 50's on a typical night and our defensive play determines the outcome of the game. I have already stated I believe our shooting is streaky and our percentages low. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding has an average score of 51.6 in district play.

So I guess what I am saying is that we have to slow the pace of the game, break the press and play solid defense to up end the Jaguars. They have lost two in a row and will be very hungry to "end the trend" so to speak. We should be very hungry to end the trend of our own though. That is our tradition of not reaching the playoffs! This Indian team can do it!!!

Agree or disagree I would love to hear others thoughts on this game.
That is great stuff Carzan,and I will have to agree with you.I have been to a few games and what I have seen is that our guards tend to panic against the press,Passing beats the press trying to dribble through it causes turnovers that leads to easy buckets.The way I see it we have (3) guys that are 6'-3" or taller that are starters,with guys that tall there is no reason to play outside as much as we do.We need to get easy shots which will help improve our scoring percentages.


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I just thought this was interesting. Look at the Nederland game in comparison to the rest of our games. We did what we wanted to do defensively against the Dogs and kept them to only 44 points. Our problem in that game was the fact that our shooting went cold in the second half. It was not because of their defense either. We just got stone cold! Had we scored even a few of those trips down the court late in the third or early in the fourth, that game would've had a different outcome! You can take that to the bank!
I think this an important game too. Central is very inconsistent this year. If we catch them on the wrong night it could make the going tough. But even if we catch them at thier best, we have the tools needed to beat them. It will come down to ball control. Nothing else. If we make a lot of turn overs we won't win. We have to control the ball coming up the court. Make solid passes to break the press and then avoid the bad passes on offense.

I guess what I mean is that we need to capitalize when we have the ball! They will be very athletic and will aggressively attack the ball. Good passing will wear them out quickly!
I forgot to add that even though I feel this is an important game, I don't think I would put it in the must win category. I think we have to win aginst one of the Beaumont schools at least once to lock up a spot though!


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I will be there in time to catch at least half of the JV game. Once again I'll try to post updates here. These gyms seem to give my phone fits when it comes to using internet. I'll do my best though.


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I have some things to say but I am going to keep my thoughts to myself for a day or two until I can find the right words! :thud: :stop:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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