Was it our Defense or Lumberton’s Offense?

Two Feathers

Active Member
Did our defense finally step up or was it that, Lumberton did not have a strong offense.
I thinking it may have been a little of both. If you notice they were able to throw the ball some on us in the fourth quarter. I don’t understand why our coach is going with the type of kicking game he’s using. You don’t see it in the Pro’s, college or any other high school team. Lumberton has shown him it can be ran back on a short kick.
If I was the coach on the opposing team I would be loving him giving me a shorter field to play on ever time he kicks the ball. What is he saying to us? We don’t have kids that’s good enough to get down field and make a tackle. This is not good and I’m not the only one that feels this way. As long as we stay with this kicking game WE are not going any where in the play offs. Mark it down.
I was elated to see the difference in the defense and the offense looked good too. But the defense was awesome on most every play. Easley (#61) was planting the QB so hard I figured the QB was going to get up with some yard line stripes on his backside. Any time you are peeling the G off your helmet, somebody on the other side is getting some bonejaring hits. Shake had a great game (I sure was hoping he was going to score on that INT) as well as many others. This game was what everybody needed, players and coaches as well as fans. Let's keep it up Indians.


100+ Posts
Two Feathers said:
Did our defense finally step up or was it that, Lumberton did not have a strong offense.
I thinking it may have been a little of both. If you notice they were able to throw the ball some on us in the fourth quarter. I don’t understand why our coach is going with the type of kicking game he’s using. You don’t see it in the Pro’s, college or any other high school team. Lumberton has shown him it can be ran back on a short kick.
If I was the coach on the opposing team I would be loving him giving me a shorter field to play on ever time he kicks the ball. What is he saying to us? We don’t have kids that’s good enough to get down field and make a tackle. This is not good and I’m not the only one that feels this way. As long as we stay with this kicking game WE are not going any where in the play offs. Mark it down.
Easy there two feathers! By kicking it short, you are putting the ball in the hands of guys that are not as used to fielding these kicks. If you remember, the kid that ran it back fumbled the ball and picked it up off the ground before his return. A split second difference and we could have recovered a fumble. We did the very thing last year. I think it is not a bad kicking strategy. I would hate to be the special teams guys on Monday though. They may get some extra running drills. That was really the only uh-oh in a very well played game.
I dont believe that Lumbertons offense was on par with other teams that we have faced so far, but you gotta give credit to our defense. They really picked it up last night!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
2 feathers, If you read some of the other threads, this topic was covered. Coach Faircloth said that the decision to pooch kick was due to
a) the personnel receiving the kick and
b) our kicker having torn his acl last season, and is unable to kick it deep all night. Id'd rather save hime for a possible game-winning field goal, if needed.

This whole scheme is well thought out, I assure you.


Active Member
I have seen this kick scheme in College too. If you can manage a high kick that is fair caught between the 20 and 25 that is the goal. The shorter ones, can be muffed, and the fast deep back players can not run it back.

You will get a fluke like Lumberton did on occasion, but it was almost a muff and recovery by us.

A kick into the endzone is guaranteed on the 20, a high pooch kick that is fair caught between the 20 and 25 has the chance of being muffed.

Odds are better with the high pooch kick.


500+ Posts
Well I do have to agree about the pooch kick. I don't like it. We have given up field position around the 40 several times. Which gives the other team a much shorter field. But, I have to agree with some of the folks on here as well. If its kicked to the 20ish or so and stop em there then they still have 70-80 yards to go.

Now on to the D. The D finally played up to their potential Friday night. The last time I seen them play that good was in the Alamodome. I like having DJ as a monster backer. It showed in the game what we can do with the personnel we have. I still feel the zone coverage on passing is killing us. I say do play up close with a bump and one on one, then peel off to the zone. That way you throw the reciever off his course immediately. That would buy time for the D line to pressure the QB more and possibly cause a sack, bad pass with a interception or a incomplete pass. The zone coverage has killed us all year. This is my biggest concern as of right now. You can't keep giving up 5-10 yard receptions and expect to stop em and get the ball back.

png tribe

100+ Posts
Our kicker tore his ACL in hid other leg and his kicking leg is stronger than last year. He can still kick it into the endzone. The other kicker supposedly can kick it pretty deep also. I don't believe the short kickoff's have anything to do with the kicker's leg according to him.


Chief Touch The Clouds
Just my opinion the Lumberton offense was not even close to some of the teams played so far.This Indian defense played very well against Lumberton but our defense really needs to concentrate on wraping up and gang tackling IMHO.Even if your not a 200 pound player you can still leave a lasting impression on someone. Make them feel like their on your speed dial.Once your in there head mental mistakes play the 12th man.


Active Member
True, Lumberton is not a measuring stick in any way. Central and LCM will be and need to beat both of them.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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