What in the World is going on?


100+ Posts
I just talked to someone that told me that Ms. Briggs informed the booster club that she is taking away selling programs from them. Also, the concessions have been taken away from the booster club. This is unbelievable! I have never seen HS programs as nice as what the booster club put together last year and for only $2.00. I imagine the concessions were going to see a big improvement this year if the booster club was able to run it. What is the motivation behind this? Why would anyone be against a booster club that has benefited ALL PNG sports? Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that this is another shot at Coach Faircloth? Some very definitive answers need to be provided. I hope people will demand answers and hold our school "leaders" accountable.


100+ Posts
i can`t believe this one . we all know that there are some board members trying to undermine everything BF does. when will this madness stop ? selling programs had to be a HUGE fundraiser for the booster club. and they put a lot of thought into that program as well. this is not right. someone needs to get to the bottom of this and if the usual board members surface ANYWHERE in this mess i hope answers will be demanded from patrons.


500+ Posts
You had to have gone to the last booster club meeting to get all the answers to your questions. I too was looking forward to the booster club getting the concessions. The reasons we did not get it are many. The booster club membership is right at 100.....about 30 less than last year. In order for us to do the concessions, we would need a LOT of volunteers. Keep in mind this would be for Football Varsity and JV, Soccer boys/girls, Baseball, Softball.....the list is quite large. At 100 members we do not have nearly enough people to volunteer to man all the venues. Also there are no food preparation equipment in the stadium concession stands. All preparation last year was done in the H.S. cafeteria by the cafeteria workers, who also manned the concession stand.

Last I heard a decision had not been made yet on who would sell the programs.

Which brings us to another question, when do the PNG programs for the Alamodome game go on sale.....and where? Those have to be purchased here. We can not sell our programs at the Alamodome.

With the booster club membership lowest fee now at $25, we need a lot more local people to join so the organization can consider doing more. We also need the members of our Indian Nation who are not local, to join. All funds go to all our athletic organizations. The booster club meeting with Coach Faircloth's discussion of the previous game is well worth it. There are a lot of things for the booster club to do this year. If you have not joined, please do.


100+ Posts
Maybe another aspect of the school organization needs funds for their causes just like the booster club. From what I understand the band and others organization needed to raise funds. If this is correct then I agree with the decision , everything cannot be given to the booster club, gotta spread the wealth around. I do not believe this is anything to do against BF.

Be warned do not overstep the boundaries. They gave the permission to have the booster club and they can take it away if it gets to where other organization at PNG do not have the opportutity to raise funds.


100+ Posts
I can understand manpower being an issue for concessions, but not programs. Why would there be any doubt about letting the booster club do it again this year? Especially after the great product that was turned out. I did not make the meeting and have missed most of them due to work conflicts. I can't believe that we only have 100 members this year..Come on people! A lot of people complained that it was too expensive last year...well here's your chance! $25 is something most people can afford.


100+ Posts
attakapandn said:
Maybe another aspect of the school organization needs funds for their causes just like the booster club. From what I understand the band and others organization needed to raise funds. If this is correct then I agree with the decision , everything cannot be given to the booster club, gotta spread the wealth around. I do not believe this is anything to do against BF.

Be warned do not overstep the boundaries. They gave the permission to have the booster club and they can take it away if it gets to where other organization at PNG do not have the opportutity to raise funds.
attakapandn/png82..Why am I not surprised to see you get on here to defend the new school board members? Your response alone should raise questions, since you are a hard core supporter of Balsamo and Miller.Be warned? You better warn your cronies that if they are behind this, there will be hell to pay. Spread the wealth? This is the only fundraiser other than membership dues that the booster club had. Take it away? Go ahead and try! MB was the only thing stopping the booster club and now he is gone. If this school board tries to get rid of it, they will be gone too.


500+ Posts
This is the time of year when the excitement of PN-G Football is at it's peak. We need to be able to got to the game and stop at "The PN-G Store" with all merchandise from all the organizations there......band, soccer, baseball, softball, booster club, project graduation. All types of items, beads, flags, cups, shirts (all kinds from all groups), rain gear, highlight DVD of last years football games, caps, yard signs, decals, office items, if its purple and says PN-G.....it will sell. What items each group sells, those funds are then distributed to that organization. Nothing could be more simple. And because it is all in one place, all the groups would be astounded at how much more is brought into their organization. What are we waiting for?

And all this should be at one internet site for all PN-G fans far and wide to order.


100+ Posts
First of all I do support the board members, and they are doing a fine job! If I have a problem with any decision or question of why they vote one way or another I call them on it and get their reasons. I am not scared of asking them why!

And I was warning about overstepping the boundaries I do to remember we had a booster club in the 50's and problems was created and the coach Bum Phillips) got rid of it. That is all I am saying and trust me the board had nothing to do with the decision of Mrs. Briggs.

You can not expect everyone to agree with your opinions just like I can not expect ppl to agree with mine. If you think I will sit here and not defend what I think is right just like you then you better have the owner of this site ban me because I am not going away!

I think there are a lot of sore losers on this site when it comes to anything the board makes a decision on.

I have talked to BF and I like the guy and he is a darn good coach, he does not get into the school day to day operation and he is a man that understands what it is all about! as far as I can remember BF has gotten every request he wanted.


100+ Posts
attakpandn/png82... WHATEVER! Trust you? I guess you've already talked to board members about this? The old booster club got involved with trying to tell Bum how to run his program, not by selling programs. I wish the booster club would get more active in politics...Politics that involve our school board screwing with Coach Faircloth. It is foolish to think that Coach Faircloth is not concerned with the day to day activities of the school as it relates to his football program and the athletics department as a whole. Do you not realize that as athletic director he is an administrator? He hasn't been denied anything? He was denied a coaching position that needed to be filled until people on this site got wind of it and scared Broussard and Miller into changing their votes....Let's see....you seemed to have a lot to say in the defense of Balsamo/Walters/ Miller. You reveal yourself more and more with every post you make defending these people.

NDNband69 great post. I support ALL things PNG. I am a sucker for anything purple and white and PNG. I have supported ALL the groups you mentioned. It is sad that people do things to divide our great school and community, instead of fostering and cherishing the unity we have. Unfortunately, we have new school board members that have sunk to the level of playing them against each other.


Staff member
Programs were originally sold for the benefit of Student Activities. When they were taken away last year, Student Activities lost funding needed to carry out its operations. My understanding is that the administration decided to give the programs back to Student Activities so that the proceeds could benefit all extra-curricular programs (including, but not limited to, athletic programs) and ultimately all PN-G students participating in such programs (which, let's face it, is just about every student at PN-G).

As far as the concessions go, I thought they were going to split up concession duties between the ABC and the band's booster club. I don't know what the deal is now, although I can certainly understand manpower issues.


Active Member
it doesn't matter what happens, the blame is going to be put on certain people when anything happens. People will jump to conclusions prior to getting the facts.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Regarding the programs - the funding for the purchase of the ads go to the school. With a very significant percentage of ads purchased by the band and Indiannette families, why should the sale of the programs only go to the Athletic Booster Club? Why not benefit the band and Indianette organizations? Why select one group over the other? As far as the layout of the programs, that is designed by the High School staff - and you are absolutely right - they did a great job last year. Just wait until you see what is coming this year. Personally I am delighted that the funding goes to all students; i.e. choir, band, Indianettes, G-Crew, all athletics, etc. After all, each of those youth chose to spend their time and talents to benefit the Reservation, football games and other activities. How fortunate we are that all of our youth participate in many sports, UIL, band, choir, etc., activities! It makes us proud to be Indians.

Regarding the concession stands.....the manpower issue would be massive. In addition, aren't the Band Action Committee and Athletic Booster Club sharing the proceeds from the drink stands?

You know, many many parent and supporter organizations work hard to benefit the many activities in the school. For one group to be selected out specifically to reap benefits that traditionally have gone to the many just doesn't seem fair. Would I purchase a BAC fundraiser item, a Project Graduation t-shirt, PTA item and support the Athletic Booster Club? Sure. Our family has for years. I think we need a line item in the family budget for purple items this time of year.


100+ Posts
I am not saying that the booster club should hog all the benefits. But remember, the booster club provides funds to help RUN the athletic programs. It is not the only fundrasing group, but I am sure it wants a piece of the pie as much as the other groups. I just don't want to see the booster club get its feet cut out from under it before it gets going good. Forgive me if I jumped to conclusions, but there is a lot of STUFF going on behind the scenes. Let me assure you, I want ALL our students to suceed and they ALL deserve our support.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
44, you did indeed "jump to conclusions"....
1) As mentioned the manpower to operate the concession stand would be massive (around 40+). Remember, there are concession stands on both sides. So, WHO WANT S TO MISS THE GAME AND SELL NACHOS????? Not me! And, neither did anyone else in the booster club. There's the problem! The concession stands were not "TAKEN' away from us... WE GAVE IT BACK!
2) The programs were handed to us last year mainly as a way to get some operating money, since the ABC was new. It was never officially "ours". We just received the windfall from it, and were blessed with 7 home games last yr., which helped even more.
The ABC, as mentioned, had NOTHING to do with the way the programs turned out. They would have been the same if any other group had them.
We may may actually get the programs back this yr., if the other student organizations can't provide enough manpower to sell them effectively.
3) While it's true that the ABC helps "all PNG sports", the monies from the programs in the past helped finance other organizations that are not sports related. I'm sure they were effected last yr., because of the loss of revenues.
4) The school board had nothing to do with any these accusations!!!!!


100+ Posts
Proud..did you not read my last post? I apoligized for jumping to conclusions. Thank you for re-stating what the others had posted. Forgive me for being defensive, but I have good reason. I'm not sure what your problem is with me, but you need to get over it. I am a man and I don't think you would talk to me like I am an idiot to my face, so don't do it here.


100+ Posts
ndnsrock44 ................ proud seems like he is a little sensitive. anyway , i believe that what you said ( on programs ) has merit. i keep hearing that there are underhanded & behind the scenes deals which are all aimed at " squeezing " BF. the manpower issue for concessions is understandable. but taking away the programs ...... i dont see the rationale ? so i don`t think you jumped to conclusions at all. watch what they do , not what they say they will do. i think proud is jumping to conclusions. or he may like walters , balsamo , & miller ?


100+ Posts
Seems like there is a lot of politics going on with the school board :duel: and on the campus. If these issues are not resolved :whiteflag:, the students will be caught in the middle of it. Kind of like a bad divorce and the kids get hurt the most. How sad :'( that would be?


500+ Posts
i was not at the last booster club meeting, but was told that not enough booster club members to work the concessions. maybe when there are more members there can be a schedule where each person can work a time of two and not miss all of the games.

In respect to the school board members, they do not make all decisions concerning the high school. As stated earlier, some decisions are those of Pat Briggs. I will agree that she does alt for the school, but she is taking her job a little too far. She is reminding me of the lady at the ticket office who gave some of you all a hard time.

Pat Briggs doesn't seem to want to share in the fundraising activities with the booster club. It seems she is too concerned with project graduation.

Let's try to give the board members a rest on this topic. Not everyting is their fault. :whiteflag:


500+ Posts
So how many of you have a problem with other student activities reaping some of the benefits from the largest arena we have for fundraising (football games at the Reservation)?

How many parents of football players have had to fork out over a $1000 this year for their child to play football at PNG this season? I will "jump to a conclusion" on this one...ZERO! Now go talk to the parent of an Indianette or Cheerleader! These are just a couple of examples. If you want those organizations and other non-sports organizations to die just keep taking away their opportunities for fundraising.

Look folks I love PNG Sports and Sports in general, but I also realize that there are other student organizations that need the opportunities that a large crowd like what we have on a Friday night afford them for fundraising.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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