What's It Gonna Take????


100+ Posts
Antonio Arvie....1 carry for 3 yards.

Troy Benjamin...13 carries 166 yards and a slap in the face 84 yard TD.

Again...it's not rocket science.... ::)


500+ Posts
wacape said:
Antonio Arvie....1 carry for 3 yards.

Troy Benjamin...13 carries 166 yards and a slap in the face 84 yard TD.

Again...it's not rocket science.... ::)

I know it's early wacape, but I'm not following you...WHo is Antonio Arvie? (I didn't hear his name called listening to KLVI)


100+ Posts
Hey Ydawg, he is back up to Betrand with a lot more speed, can't get the edges Chase can't. Y'alls D line is very good and we never tried enough different running plays. Arvie is short thick and FAST. Good W for the Dogs, I think or coached mad some bad calls.



500+ Posts
ndn78 said:
Hey Ydawg, he is back up to Betrand with a lot more speed, can't get the edges Chase can't. Y'alls D line is very good and we never tried enough different running plays. Arvie is short thick and FAST. Good W for the Dogs, I think or coached mad some bad calls.


Hey 78!! OK, I wasn't aware of that...sounds like he should be getting called on more if he is able to get outside. and maybe some pass plays to him out of the backfield. I agree, our D-line is big, strong and pretty quick and works well together.

I was really surprised at some of the plays your coaching staff called (not bashing...just sayin) especially that 4th and short ...I would've bet the ranch they would have gone for the 3 points to tie...but what do I know...

Given some of the questionable play calling, I was impressed with how your kids fought to the last second...literally...they have alot of heart. Hope to see things improve the rest of the season for ya'll.
MCM turned into a nailbiter for sure..I could envision that final onside kick being recovered by your guys after hitting one of ours and being ran in for the winning TD!! WHEWW!!

Good Luck!


100+ Posts
Yank...exactly on why you didn't hear his name last night. I'm on a personal campaign to get Antonio more playing time. He made a long TD run in our first game against Gregory-Portland and we haven't seen much of him since. He'll go in to block or maybe get a touch a game but that's it. Defenses are keying on Bertrand to where he'll be lucky to get the kind of final yardage he got last season. Putting Arvie in with Chase HAS to make it lot easier for Bertrand to run between the tackles if Antonio starts hurting people on the corners. All I'm asking is give Arvie a chance with more than a carry a game. If he doesn't pan out, then at least he was given a shot and I'll shut up about this the rest of the season. :(


500+ Posts
wacape said:
Yank...exactly on why you didn't hear his name last night. I'm on a personal campaign to get Antonio more playing time. He made a long TD run in our first game against Gregory-Portland and we haven't seen much of him since. He'll go in to block or maybe get a touch a game but that's it. Defenses are keying on Bertrand to where he'll be lucky to get the kind of final yardage he got last season. Putting Arvie in with Chase HAS to make it lot easier for Bertrand to run between the tackles if Antonio starts hurting people on the corners. All I'm asking is give Arvie a chance with more than a carry a game. If he doesn't pan out, then at least he was given a shot and I'll shut up about this the rest of the season. :(

SOunds to me like you have a dual threat potential that for whatever reason is not being full employed. Having both those kids in the backfield at the same time would surely have opposing defenses wondering and probably make for more scoring opportunities for the Indians.


100+ Posts
Exactly,yank...why make it hard on your offense and easy on the opposing defensive co-ordinator by not adding another possible threat in the backfield.


Active Member
The blinders have to come off..........(There are more than just TWO PLAYERS on offense.).........if you want the BONEHEAD play calling to stop......Arvie NEEDS to be getting a LOT MORE playing time.........


1,000+ Posts
oldindian69 said:
The blinders have to come off..........(There are more than just TWO PLAYERS on offense.).........if you want the BONEHEAD play calling to stop......Arvie NEEDS to be getting a LOT MORE playing time.........
Same complaints against Burnett during losing years - 4 or 5 plays with a couple of players.
I think they are both good coaches *** win, no whinning/ don't win everybodies whinning.

To ask "what it's gonna take" -winning solves everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

losing brings out all the "arm chair Qb's.
Ask Burnett, Troy,Owens, Watson - only Ethridge saw the writting on the wall and moved on. Malone just did not fit in with the tradition - so the Coke $ and the wrestling thing were the excuse to get rid of him.


Active Member
Faircloth is doing the best he can with an O line that is way below par compared with his first two years. If the O line improves, so will the offense.


500+ Posts
I think all the folks that are crying are all 2 faced anyway ! Complain complain complain ! When the team is winning I bet your bragging about how good the team and coaches are. The same thing happened last year. This year we have a different team. I know they are doing what they can with the players they have to make the needed adjustments when they can. If your such a great coach and can call every play that is needed to make things happen then go put your name in the hat for a coaching job somewhere and hopefully it will take you out of this area so we don't have to read your tongue spewing on here. Remember there are alot of players that do get on here and read this stuff. Do you think your negative comments help them to work harder or play better ? NO ! Instead of complaining why not find a bit of encouragement to post for the team. They are there playing for their team no you or me. Its about them and what they are doing, not about you and your selfish comments or demeaning criticism. BTW my son is on the team. I hear from him what they know they need to work on and what they are doing about it. So don't sit there with your smirk on your face and conjuring up another way to slam all these your men. Go post on a NFL site were it doesn't matter what you say or effect players. One way to really piss of people, and especially a players dad or parent is to slam the team. I encourage the boys that come to my house that are on the team. I don't slam em. They beat themselves up enough over losses and bad plays. They don't need it from arm chair B's !
This is just my opinion just like yours.


1,000+ Posts
And I agree with you PNG66! No one wanted to win more than me, except maybe Faircloth! He is an excellent coach and a fine man. BUT he is human just like the rest of us! I think there was just too much "hoopla" at this game. Too many people trying to capitalize on our game. Everyone wanted to make a dime on us! Who can fault the boys for being overwhelmed about the enormity of this game? I'm not. I think they played with their hearts! I am proud of every one of them. They didn't give up. I am looking forward to Lumberton and playing the rest of the district who will have to meet up with the Indians. Hope we get the chance to play Nederland again. Boys, the season is early---it is NOT over! Keep your heads up like the Indians you are! No one has anything to be ashamed of. Your diehard fans will always support you if you do your best. Remember than PNG lost their first game in 1975 to South Houston, played them in area and whopped them good before going on to win the 1975 State Championship! Watch out, Raiders, we're coming.......


Chief Touch The Clouds
Momma always said make do! Boy does it hurt to lose. I can just imagine Players and Coaches.Just an opinion from a plain Jane fan but we gotta keep pushing ahead nothing wrong with adding our two cents or even talking to the Coach. It has always been my belief when you fall down and scrap your knees get back up and run.Lots of penalties and lots of mental mistakes continue to plague our team. Indians make no mistake you can recover!Alot of Football left to play see ya Friday!


Active Member
I totally agree with Oldindian69. Arvie should get playing time. Give him a chance to show what he is capable of doing. No disrespect for Bertrand, but why can't Arvie and Bertrand play in the same game. If they are both qualified, let them both play.

As for the 4th down and 1 yard call - It should have been run to the left side. Left Tackle is 3 year starter and could possibly have made a big difference in getting us a 1st down.

Offensive Line is not as good as last year's line, but will there ever be an Offensive Line like the 5 guys last year? They are putting points on the board!! Not enough to win the last 2 games, but give those guys credit.


Staff member
This is the same great coaching staff that turned the program around in 2009. A loss to Nederland doesn't justify ragging on Faircloth and staff. Two things will result from all the negative talk and neither is good. 1) the players and coaches will see the lukewarm support and be negatively affected. 2) Faircloth will likely move on to a higher profile program that pays more and has a lot more athletes year in and year out. PNG finally has a top caliber coaching staff again. Count you blessings and look forward to the team solving it's weak spots.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
This is the same great coaching staff that turned the program around in 2009. A loss to Nederland doesn't justify ragging on Faircloth and staff. Two things will result from all the negative talk and neither is good. 1) the players and coaches will see the lukewarm support and be negatively affected. 2) Faircloth will likely move on to a higher profile program that pays more and has a lot more athletes year in and year out. PNG finally has a top caliber coaching staff again. Count you blessings and look forward to the team solving it's weak spots.

great post and I totally agree with you

Sports Fan

Active Member
Alright...I don't post much but I feel a need to here. First, Bertrand is STILL the 2nd all-time single season rushing leader in school history! Second, Arvie scored his 67 yard TD (that everyone keeps hanging their hat on) in the final seconds of a blowout game against what was likely not even the teams starters at that point. Third, our running backs are tasked with being able to run, block, catch and protect the ball. Bertrand has done and is doing an excellent job of those four things. After Bertrand, Wommack probably does those four things the next best. The truth is, we are very fortunate to have 3 outstanding running backs. They each have different styles that can benefit this team and although it would be nice to see more combinations of them in the backfield, we need to appreciate what Bertrand has done with the ball in his hands and respect the work that our coaching staff does with establishing the gameplans each week.



500+ Posts
Sports Fan said:
Alright...I don't post much but I feel a need to here. First, Bertrand is STILL the 2nd all-time single season rushing leader in school history! Second, Arvie scored his 67 yard TD (that everyone keeps hanging their hat on) in the final seconds of a blowout game against what was likely not even the teams starters at that point. Third, our running backs are tasked with being able to run, block, catch and protect the ball. Bertrand has done and is doing an excellent job of those four things. After Bertrand, Wommack probably does those four things the next best. The truth is, we are very fortunate to have 3 outstanding running backs. They each have different styles that can benefit this team and although it would be nice to see more combinations of them in the backfield, we need to appreciate what Bertrand has done with the ball in his hands and respect the work that our coaching staff does with establishing the gameplans each week.

AMEN !!! Could you imagine if Faircloth put all 3 backs in the game for a few series and let each of em run the ball on plays. I would not like to be on that Defense. Reverse, draws, outside sweeps etc.... Would be the kind of threat that Livingston throws at you. The coaches figured out last year what was working and what wasn't working and made the changes. I have faith in the coaches to do what they feel they need to do too change things up. I give credit to the team for not giving up and playing till the last second on the play clock. They have the determination, heart and soul. In my opinion, we have had some bad calls go our way, whether our fault or not. They, the team and coaches will work on it all and the team will win out starting with Lumberton !
GO NDN'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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