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  1. S

    Walker should be "The Man"

    Walker bounced balls off receivers hands all night, while running for his life. Kid showed great poise, he just needs some help.
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    Some Summer Creek Info.....

    I agree 66! A quality opponent here gets us ready for district play. WOS exposed our weaknesses this week, and tells the coaches what to work on. I look for a better game from our Indians on Friday. Scalp 'em!
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    PNG-TC scrimmage updates

    Good post pngan66. Not a lot of fans could make it to the scrimmage and are hanging on every thread. Thanks for keeping us informed.
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    It's quiet around here....

    I did not see the game and have only read about it. That kind of behavior is disgusting. The brawl was bad enough that police had to use pepper spray on the kids. I do hope the UIL weighs in on this issue. Altercations like this threaten all high school sports. The parents and coaches must be...
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    Ozen defeats Brenham!

    Ozen, Nederland and Vidor all to the 3rd round of the playoffs. Shows what kind of district the Indians compete in. :woohoo:
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    Suspiciously Silent

    Lots of good posts here. When we, as parents and fans, make comments on the game, there are some who take those comments personally and critically. While there are very few posts criticizing the kids themselves, any comment against the team or coach is taken to heart. I try to keep my posts...
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    PNG Football on the radio

    I will be out of town this weekend, so I will be "tuning in" for the broadcast. It is the next best thing to being there! Scalp 'em Indians!
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    PNG vs Dayton

    I thought the same thing ndnsrock, but didnt want to post it. 2009 D had Dunbar playing safety that kept a lot of teams in check. Dunbar may have been the best I've seen at PNG in the defensive backfield. That takes nothing away from this years defense. This years team has shown improvement...
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    PN-G vs. Central Game Updates

    It seemed like after scoring 4 TD,s the coaches took their foot off the gas pedal. Almost let Central back in the game. The boys looked good though. They will be fine to start the playoffs. *I do have one gripe about the game though. The Central band put on the most awful, obnoxious noise...
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    PNG Football on the radio

    This season, I have been unable to make all of the Indian football games due to family issues, work schedules and such. On the games I have missed, I tuned into 92.5 on the car radio or streamed on the computer or smartphone. Thanks to Joe & Robert Arnold, Paul Brown and Cool 92.5 FM radio, I...
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    Calling all old regulars...

    Hey IndianFan, I too am here. I've been here reading, just havent posted as much. I've been a little busy and havent put the time in the message boards that I normally do. I have also been reading some good posts and havent really had much to add. I do try to stay out of the conversation when...
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    PA News

    That was it. They parodied both college and pro teams. The LA Lambs, Tampa-at-Bay, etc. The ragged on Purdue Univ, called them Purdont. Funny stuff every week. I have not seen it in years.
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    PA News

    I rarely read the PA News anymore. I was a regular subscriber years ago and really enjoyed the sports pages, especially oudoor articles by Ed Holder. I sometimes liked Bob West's perspective. I always liked the weekly column by the late Lewis Gizzard and "The Bottom Ten" sports parody. All of...
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    Kyler Nicotre

    I played OT back in the day, so I like to watch these guys too. The kids playing this year have big shoes to fill, as last years O'line was the best I have seen at PNG. This year, I see improvement every game. They really had to battle against nederland, as they faced some monsters on the...
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    Football costs add up for school districts

    Let me throw another point of view out there. When my kid was in high school, it seem like he needed money for something weekly. $20-100 for something. I'm not complaining, I just wondered how some kids with less resources were able to do this. I found out that they dont. Some kids dont...
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    I'm satisfied! Lumberton may be the weak sister of the district, but it was a good win. Lots of kids got playing time. The band played Cherokee all night. The L-train horn was relativly quiet, AND thats the first time the Indians hung half-a-hundred on the scoreboard in a loooong time. Congrats...
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    Listen up, internet Indians....

    I'm suspicious of the whole thing. Didnt Nederland win band of the week last week? I feel that KBMT-12 wants to appeal to more of the population than just Nederland and will likely "spread it around". I have no connection to Channel 12 and no proof. Just a hunch. I guess we will see tonight...
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    Messageboard Upgrade

    Looks great Indianfan!
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    The Livingston Game Will Be Sold Out

    You mean all 50 tickets are almost gone! :o Just picking (sort of...) but after you seat the band and Indianettes, thats almost all that is left! I'll miss this game this year, since my kid has graduated. I'd rather a parent or one of the die-hard fans take my place at this game. That being...
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    Hooks is Retiring??

    Wow. I guess the timing is right with the teacher incentive package and all... Looking back on last season, that really had to be tough on Coach Hooks. He will be missed. He is as much of a sideline icon there is in this corner of Texas. You know, he always had PNG's number too. I dont think I...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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