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  1. N

    Any Offers Yet?

    Yes and know on locals. I am close to Harmon and was disappointed but he never quit. Lumberton, Central and Westbrook had several multi yr starters. I've only missed 3 home games since day one. LU had some good WR's, hoping Jace gets more time each year. School first!
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    DCTF Statewide Scoreboard : State Semifinals - Saturday

    Section 8 housing has killed schools like ours. The big cities will rule from now on. Example tonight Guyer vs Brennan, both schools less than 5 yrs old. The families can move were they get a scholarship and leave. Do some research. Sad to see Multi generation schools being phased out when you...
  3. N

    Any Offers Yet?

    Any news that can be shared on any of our guys getting looked at from colleges? A word to all parents, it takes your work as well to promote your child. Been through it, not easy but be open minded. Goal is to start an education at any level and work there way up. Good luck.
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    Kyler Nicotre - former PNG Indians Left Tackle - 2009-2011

    Great news, good guy.
  5. N

    PN-G vs. LC-M Game Thread

    PNG PROUD, I was one of the founding members of the Booster Club even though my kids were long gone. I sold programs and did attend the majority of all the meeting's for the Booster Club and the field house sessions for several year's. I have spoken to coach face to face several times. I stopped...
  6. N

    PN-G vs. LC-M Game Thread

    Been biting my tongue for two years now but can't stand's no more. LCM out hustled our guys last night and their coaching was very well prepared. Some concerns I have seen trending over the last few years are as follows. 1) we average 2 -3 time outs to avoid delay of game penalties. 2) we...
  7. N

    2013 Baseball

    Haven't been on here in a while and this is exactly why. Right or wrong I quit my fairly large donation to the Booster Club because of the kids I see being coddled by their parents, the kids drive brand new vehicles most on here can't afford, have parties every weekend (which I have no problem...
  8. N

    Suspiciously Silent

    rock44 did you see any of the parts of my post praising what all the coaches have done. I have no problem with backlash or I would never post, did I choose my wording incorrectly, yes and I apologized for that. I do not have to explain my experience with coaching to anyone or passion for PNG, I...
  9. N

    Suspiciously Silent

    testament I did make my statement sound as if I meant all year long and for that I apologize, your right I should have mentioned the specific games and have spoken with coach about one of them. I do attend the Booster Club Mtgs when I can (I was there tonight) and would never make a negative...
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    Booster Club tonight

    Good mtg. gumbo was good, coach got a little emotional and showed some good game film. He also show season stats and records that were broken. Outstanding job by the players and coaches. Go PNG!
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    Suspiciously Silent

    Well "testament" I guess I had my eye's covered while playing for Ethridge and never been to any college or pro games so you know all about me. Just because I don't see everything thru purple lenses I have to to a bad person right. I don't care if it was my coach, Troy, Malone (Who was a dang...
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    Suspiciously Silent

    Great job by ALL THE PLAYERS this season, be proud of yourselves, you did a remarkable job with little sideline help. ::)
  13. N

    Is this true?

    The owners sit next to me at the Lamar games, I'll do some checking Saturday. Most people don't know for years he walked/hitch hiked from almost Silsbee everyday. Various plant workers would pick him up and bring him close to Port Neches on they way in and then pick him up on the way home. If...
  14. N

    caleb harmon

    Maybe Dawg, Woodard game from Navarro and a couple of other schools he seems to favor those kids. There are some ex-Lumberton starters doing well but for the most part the other local kids either played for him prior or are just beast like Jacody Coleman from Westbrook who tranfered back form...
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    caleb harmon

    Talked with him last night, very disappointed. Watched the game and he never got on the field even with the game well in hand. Woodard has his favorites and they are going to get all the plays. Even on special teams he has starters such as #80 on kick offs etc' this kid has NFL talent so why...
  16. N


    Proud, I'm not going anywhere and will continue to support PNG as long as I live and tell the kids great job, either praise or question the coaching staff when I feel it is justified. I guess you have not read any of the other threads or the one that was deleted. Single me out if it makes you...
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    Okay BJ you win your the better fan!
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    None of your business why people leave early, some shift work and have to get up early, some may have prior commitments, some are elderly and need to leave and some may not want to watch pathetic coaching. I stayed and don;t care who leaves. How many years you been traveling all over the state...
  19. N

    What's It Gonna Take????

    Hey Ydawg, he is back up to Betrand with a lot more speed, can't get the edges Chase can't. Y'alls D line is very good and we never tried enough different running plays. Arvie is short thick and FAST. Good W for the Dogs, I think or coached mad some bad calls. Go PNG!
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    Anyone Else Had Deja-vu?

    Worst coaching job of his career, 4th and 1 and you make the QB run 6 yards with ahurt leg and against the best D-Lin in our district. I would like to know how mant penalties or time outs we have had to take the last two years for not getting a play called, inexcusable in a no huddle offense...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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