2011 District Baseball


500+ Posts
Just in case you haven't heard by now, we lost to Livingston 4-3 in 11 innings last night. We just didn't hit well. The plate ump had a very wide strike zone (for both sides) and I don't know how much that affected the hitters.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
I cannot believe that my very first post on the baseball thread and I'm griping. Sorry to sound negative but could you please help me understand something?

Last night - the last play - wasn't that a dead ball? Was it because our player ran past second that he could get tagged out? Hubby thought that was probably the answer but I really thought that was a bad call on the ump's part. The problem is I don't know the baseball rules well and my husband thought it might be because he went past second - but its been a lot of years for him too.

Also, what was the deal with the ump calling those balls to the right as strikes. We were in line to see them and even I - a band mom - could see some of those were balls and not strikes so some of those calls were absolutely clueless. The only thing I could think of was that he had bifocal contacts and the one on the right was for distance not close up views! ;D

Okay guys, please explain!

restless natives

Active Member
Hubby is correct. On an intentional walk, the runner is awarded a safe trip to the base. But once he passes the base, he can be tagged out.

Most umps will allow the ball to be a little off the plate on one side or the other. As long as he establishes a reasonable strike zone early and is consistent with both teams throughout the game, then this is acceptable. But.... It did look like a couple were a little too far off the plate. :)


100+ Posts
The ump had a W I D E strike zone, but he called it the same all night. The Indians left their bats on their shoulders all night. Of course, the Livinston pitcher #6, had pretty good stuff! That was a hard way to lose a game, with the bases loaded. Hats off to the kids though, especially Austin Stone. I think he had 14 K's! there is a lot of district play left and the Indians will be fine. Looking forward to more good baseball and softball games this year.


500+ Posts
We lost to Nederland tonight 4-3. Nederland made 4 errors but we only got 2 hits. Alex Anderson and Aaron Graham pitched and did a good job.


Active Member
How dissapointing. They seem to be in a really bad hitting slump considering how well they have hit most of this season.


500+ Posts
Another one run loss tonight. 6-5 to Lumberton in 8 innings. We got 9 or 10 hits but not very many solid hits.


1,000+ Posts
Seems like our pitching is not holding up very well either. I can't believe the baseball team has taken such a turn for the worse!!!
It appears that the baseball and softball teams are going in opposite directions.


500+ Posts
First District Win Tonight! We beat Ozen 13-3. Was up 10-0 after 3 innings. Aaron Graham pitched a good game. We got several hits.


500+ Posts
Second District Win Tonight! We beat LCM 7-4 for their 1st district loss. Austin Stone did a good job pitching - stuckout several. Collin Gizzi hit a Grand Slam HR. On to Vidor Friday.


500+ Posts
Third District Win Tonight! We beat Vidor 2-0. Alexx Anderson pitched great - a 2-hitter and stuckout several.


500+ Posts
Fourth District Win Tonight! We beat Central 16-0. Austin Stone pitched 4 innings and stuck out 11. Jayce Nelson pitched one inning and stuck out 3. Austin also hit a 3 run homerun. We led 13-0 after one inning.


500+ Posts
20-4A standings (as of 4/9/11)

Nederland 7-1
LCM 6-2
Livingston 5-3
PNG 4-4
Vidor 4-4
Lumberton 3-5
Ozen 3-5
Central 0-8


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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