

Staff member
Thanks again to the students and athletes that made the year and season what it was in all sports.

Also, thanks to everyone here for frequenting the message board. For those only interested in football, I hope you're back next season.

For others interested in keeping up with the community and other sports year round, thank you for your continued participation and support of the kids and communities

Have a great holiday season.


500+ Posts
This is one of my favorite sites year round. I'm usually on here more in the football season, but I do enjoy reading alot of the other topics.

Another sport that really gets no attention is Power lifting. The power lifting season is going to start in 6 weeks for alot of the boys and numerous girls. They will participate in probably 4-6 meets. Looks like we could have several lifters qualify for Regional and possibly state this year. Alot of these lifters are underclass men. Several who were only Sophomores last year missed Regionals by only a few lifting pounds. Looks like we could be in some serious running for Regional and State qualifiers this year.

And off-season starts next week for the football team.


500+ Posts
Thanks for this site. I know that alot of PNG faithful get on here and disagree, that is what a forum is all about, but at the end of the day, this is the best place for info regarding all things PNG. I think we are blessed to have the best teachers, parents, and kids around.


1,000+ Posts
Ditto, PNGMom4!!! I know that I, personally, have made several friends on here who are the epitome of what PNG fans should be. Most on here, myself included, care for all the kids at PNG and will do anything that will help our schools, students and teachers. IndianFan, when you need funds to help keep this site going, just ask. I, and many others, will contribute gladly.


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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