August 22 Scrimmage vs. LC-M


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Will do if not during right afterwards. If its like previous scrimmages they don't even wear the right jersey numbers. so its hard to exactly tell who is who especially on the newer players.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Thank you prepballfan. I look forward to reading your comments about the LC-M @ PN-G scrimmage. You always find the positive, which I appreicate, as we watch 15-18 year old kids play a game. I hear the new OL SOPH has size (6'3" or 6'4" 250 lbs.) and good feet just like the other four OL. Sounds like we won't miss a beat on the OL. I'm anxious to hear about the RB and WR group. #15 will need some help and the WR group lost a ton of great talent from last year. #11 is a great WR but he will need some help. DL and LBs are a strength. If the PN-G defense finds some pieces and the Indians avoid the injury bug, watch out!!! Another deep playoff run and serious contenders for more hardware. It's exciting to be talking PN-G football! GO INDIANS!!!!!!


Staff member
As good as Nguyen was, I don’t expect the running game to lose a step. As mentioned by others before, 2 or 3 good receivers in addition to #11 Nunley will ideally develop.

Biggest question mark is probably the defensive backfield IMO with only 1 returning starter. But I believe those gaps will be filled.


2,000+ Posts
Just imagine
These up coming JV players have been on the sidelines for 32 games in the last two years (I guess maybe only 16) including two at NRG and two at ATT
If that isn’t motivation to do 10 more reps what will ?
I think these two appearances (and hopefully more) will have the PNG battery recharged for 10-20 years


2,000+ Posts
I’m planning on being there
(Psyching myself up for the heat)
I’ll give my honest eyeball opinion

If anything seems negative let them know I admire them just for suiting up
By now they’ve gone through hell to earn the privilege to put on the helmet

(They’ve already achieved more than I ever did in football)


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Do not know their names but the inter squad scrimmage they had a couple of great looking secondary players. We have the beef up front on the D and don't forget star LB Weunchel who is back. Hernandez and Fuentes are both absolute bosses in the defensive trenches. Don't forget Mervin who has been backing up for 2 years he isn't as big but he has a great burst at the line. Then whomever #99 is he is a hoss. I don't think the defense will be a problem. Keep in mind we have McDaniel who is one of the best DC's I have ever watched. Ever noticed so far he has never lost to a team twice except for Port Arthur which we used as a second scrimmage. He figured out FBM and never lost again to them. He figured out SOC and beat them on his side of the ball. Against Huntsville he figured out that they were not very good at throwing the ball. Then he had adjusted his defense to stop the run and force them to pass. When they passed he would blitz and we got a couple of Int's. Ill get on here tomorrow night with much more information. I look for a team that will grow every game to be ready for the long playoff run. The video of Bailey passing the ball he was absolutely amazing. He was hitting passing all over the field. He stood on the 50 and was pegging them in the numbers in the endzone. He threw one about 30 yards to #11 running across the field and he caught the ball over the out of baounds line while both feet were still in the field of play. This kid is amazing.


100+ Posts
I'm reading elsewhere that this (tomorrow) will be LCM's second scrimmage. Their first was last week vs Orangefield, and one of the LCM players was ejected from the field, if I understood it right, and perhaps I didn't. If I recall right, last year's scrimmage at LCM, we walked all over them. This season LCM is reportedly a better team.
Also, btw, there's a good piece in the PA News on Jackson Christian, and he mentioned going up against an opposing lineman from LCM, so that will be interesting.
I'm looking forward to this season, with the new kids coming up, the title defense, new schedule, new head coach at Nederland. Lots of good stuff.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Cant wait for tonight sitting at work waiting for the end of shift


Active Member
I've heard that things got a little "chippy" at practice this week (in a good way) sounds like the boys are ready to come out of the gates with a high level of intensity and enthusiasm. Seems like we have really done well at adopting a "next man up" mentality. Lots of solid mentoring from the upperclassmen, and leading by example. My understanding is that the 2027 freshman class was one of the winning-est classes in a few years. It feels like the state appearance, then state win has really ignited something within the young men in our community.


Staff member
Culture is everything. A winning culture. Believing in self and team. Knowing that if you do the work, the end result and possibility of glory is real. The formula has been proven.

Iron sharpens iron on the practice field. The Friday Night battle is just the opportunity to apply yourself against an opponent. And make your community and teammates proud.

Go Big Purple. Beat the Bears.


500+ Posts
Please post updates. I’ll be in Corpus.
Yes - my son is playing against Temple today (Hutto) but I had two skin cancer surgeries today so I’m not going to drive all the way up there and sit in the sun. Please post updates!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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