Booster Club Info

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I have included a link to the PNGISD/Football page that is updated often. This page should include last minute changes to Booster Club meetings etc. that, at the moment, are difficult to get info on.
Save the link, and use it often!


Staff member
Meeting notes should be on the booster site. Not sure if they're updated very often though.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The booster site is not updated very often. Last night, there were only 2 board members there, so I'm not sure if anyone took the minutes.
The numbers were really down too. I wish 1/2 of the actual members would come to the meetings.


500+ Posts
I kinda wish there was a "free trial" membership or something...where we could maybe attend a few meetings before joining. I for one, fully intend to join, but my hours were cut at work recently and I just can't let go of the money right now. We've had lots of birthdays and of course gotta save for Christmas, which is right around the corner, so it may have to wait until next year. But, I would like to attend a couple of meetings to get a feel for things. I don't know, maybe we could sign something making a commitment to join after the "free trial" ends. I would think since the regular season is coming to an end that it couldn't hurt to let non-members sit in on a couple of meetings. Anyway, not asking for a handout, just a thought, it may drive up attendance and membership.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Actually, 91, the meetings WERE open to all, for the first several weeks. It wasn't until later that it was only open to members, or people joining that night.

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
Just an observation and my experience in organizations and serving as a board member. Why are only 2 board members present? When you agree to serve on a board, you are making a commitment to attend meetings and such. Not saying you have to attend every meeting, but come on 2 board members present?? And shouldn't minutes ALWAYS be taken at a meeting?


100+ Posts
Not on the board but I am a booster member and have made a few meetings. I know most of the guys well. First year, trying to work out kinks with conflicts from other groups etc.. and remember they have jobs and lives! Some have jobs that require travel and kids that are involved in activities.

For a first year orginization I think it's gone well. I know not everyone has the financial means to join just be patient. If the meetings were open to the masses it would turn into gripe sessions.

Hopefully more will join and be willing to take on RESPONSIBILITIES not just complain. This is something that should have been in place for years but for reasons that never made since it was not. Let's look forward, support when you can and give your time when you can.

If you have a complaint give a solution to go along with it and be willing to be a part of it!

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
I have always had a job and a life and been involved with 2 kids with various activities while serving on a board with not alot of help from their dad and still managed to find the time to attend the meetings because I committed to it. So don't hand me the they have jobs and a life excuse.

Not saying they have to attend every meeting but you should have way more than 2 board members at a meeting. How can a decision be made if need be if you only have 2 board members present.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
ndn78 said:
Ask to be on the board next year and then there will be 3 at the meetings.

Don't try to be funny. She makes a VERY valid point. If people can't handle their duties, then why run for the office?


100+ Posts
Not trying to be funny, I know all of them and they have spent countless and evidently thankless hours getting this going. Dont make assumptions about their reasons for being absent without knowledge. There names are posted on the website and I'm sure most everyone of them will be at the game, ask them why they weren't there!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I have a job. I have a family. I have a son in football that I help coach. I've missed 1 mtg., and I was in the hospital earlier that day.

I also understand that people have other obligations. What I'm saying is...knowing your obligations, if you can't handle MORE obligations, then don't take them on. Leave them for someone that HAS the time and is willing to put it in. 2 out of 11 is a poor showing, by any standard. That's all I'm saying.

And I'm done with this topic.


100+ Posts
Good ol boy network died with coaching bad some of the other clicks could not have died with them! :duel:


500+ Posts
It would have been nice if the Booster club would have had a membership table at all of our home games. That would have bumped up membership some too.


Active Member
pngfan66 said:
It would have been nice if the Booster club would have had a membership table at all of our home games. That would have bumped up membership some too.

There was a table setup right when you walk in the gate to the left. Had a big sign that said PNG booster club.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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