caleb harmon


Active Member
Yep, hearing coach told him he was the starting fullback. But they are going to have at RB this weekend.


100+ Posts
Yep, but I"ll believe when I see it. Caleb's pumped, hope they don't let him down. Getting very aggravated with Woodard, seems as though if you did not come from Navarro at a skill position you don't get many chances. DJ is in the same boat, practiced ahead of one call all week then at game time coach put in other kid. Trying to keep them both positive.


Active Member
It's great to be named starting fullback. When do you get to play if the offense does not utilize the fullback position?


500+ Posts
His name escapes me at the present time, but has the kid who QB'd for ya'll a few years back still at Lamar? Is he getting any time at QB at all? I don't really follow LU football, but I don't beleive I've ever heard his name mentioned on news sports segments. In the same light, I haven't heard anything about the Forney kid from Ned. either.

Maybe LU just doesn't like MC kids?????


Active Member
His name is Harrison Tatum and he is still at Lamar on full scholership getting an education, but no playing time, the last I heard.


1,000+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
His name escapes me at the present time, but has the kid who QB'd for ya'll a few years back still at Lamar? Is he getting any time at QB at all? I don't really follow LU football, but I don't beleive I've ever heard his name mentioned on news sports segments. In the same light, I haven't heard anything about the Forney kid from Ned. either.

Maybe LU just doesn't like MC kids?????
yep in my view he goes for the JC kids or the ones who get kicked off other teams.

I am a LU graduate and Woodard, in my view, is pitiful and goes for the getto trash such as the Ark. kid kicked off and the WO-S rule breakers.



100+ Posts
Mdog is exactly right. The unfortunate thing for Caleb is that being named starting fullback in the spread offense is about the same thing as being named starting point guard on the baseball team. It doesn’t mean much. It’s too bad; I wish he would get a shot at the running back position. I know how hard he works. I think he would do well if given a chance.


100+ Posts
Talked with him last night, very disappointed. Watched the game and he never got on the field even with the game well in hand. Woodard has his favorites and they are going to get all the plays. Even on special teams he has starters such as #80 on kick offs etc' this kid has NFL talent so why would you risk him getting injured when you have numerous good players you could at least keep motivated by letting them do something. Several good kids have quit since last year for that very reason.



100+ Posts
Maybe Dawg, Woodard game from Navarro and a couple of other schools he seems to favor those kids. There are some ex-Lumberton starters doing well but for the most part the other local kids either played for him prior or are just beast like Jacody Coleman from Westbrook who tranfered back form Iowa. I understand the best should play but like I mentioned he could take some guys off special teams and let those others at least get a taste instead of being practice dumbies all week. Hope y'alls DE Corbon is okay, he's a good player.


500+ Posts
ndn78 said:
Maybe Dawg, Woodard game from Navarro and a couple of other schools he seems to favor those kids. There are some ex-Lumberton starters doing well but for the most part the other local kids either played for him prior or are just beast like Jacody Coleman from Westbrook who tranfered back form Iowa. I understand the best should play but like I mentioned he could take some guys off special teams and let those others at least get a taste instead of being practice dumbies all week. Hope y'alls DE Corbon is okay, he's a good player.

I agree 78...the other thing the way I see it...if more local kids were given playing time, that would help their attendance as well...I'd bet that more PNG and NED fans, for example, would attend the LU home games if they knew their own kids like Harmon and Forney were gonna be out on the field. Plus it's got to be frustrating for the local kids to spend the entire game , week after week, standing on the sidelines wondering if they are ever going to touch the ball and record a play.

lu cards

100+ Posts
i really wish i didnt start this thread.seems everthing on here gets turned into something that i have i guess i have to defend my university.since lamar has brought back football how many times have you heard about a lamar football player in trouble?answer is 0.lamar has brought in only 2 kids that had some issues at other schools.thats is way below the average in college far both kids have stayed out of trouble since they got here.lamar is doing a great job recruiting local kids.pull up there roster and see for yourself.if you havent been to an lu game your really missing out.great gameday atmosphere.harmon time will come.woodard has to win to keep his job and doubt where a kid is from matters to him.


Staff member
I watched part of the LU-SEL game on tv. Neither team was very impressive. Lamar looked like a mediocre high school squad.

lu cards

100+ Posts
im sure png could beat lamar.whatever.just delete the whole thread please or move to the lamar section.thanks.


100+ Posts
He didn't say PN-G could beat Lamar. Your reading too much into it. I agree that Lamar looks unimpressive, that does not mean any of us do not want them to get better and succeed. I hope they go undefeated every year. They are just not all that good right now.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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