Coaching Position


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
Wow! What an impressive accomplishment! This man is taking us places.(Cowboys Stadium) Our future is so bright we gotta wear shades! 8)
ndnsrock44 said:
Wow! What an impressive accomplishment! This man is taking us places.(Cowboys Stadium) Our future is so bright we gotta wear shades! 8)
Enjoy the “Faircloth Years” while you can.

Last night the PN-G School board voted to reduce the size of the high school coaching staff. This was Joe Cegielski’s coaching position, which became vacant when he was transferred to administration in fall 2009.

Against the recommendation of the Superintendent, HS Principal, and Athletic Director, Rodney Balsamo, Melanie Miller, and Jim Walters voted against allowing the position to remain classroom teacher/coach. Mrs. Broussard stated that she didn’t understand the issue and abstained. Therefore, the motion to fill the coaching vacancy failed on a 3-3-1 vote.

The head football coaching position at Odessa Permian will come open again after the end of the 2011 season. The former Permian offensive coordinator who helped the school post it’s best offensive numbers in its history, revived the PN-G football program, and gained valuable administrative experience as our AD will be a very attractive candidate.

You can take this one to the bank: if he wins an undefeated district championship, achieves a top-10 ranking at the end of the regular season, and is the state “Coach of the Year”--all in his first year--the Odessa ISD school board will not reward him by reducing the size of the coaching staff.

It’s true, as some of the opposing board members said last night—or in the case of Mrs. Miller just nodded a lot when Balsamo and Walters spoke—that we did get by for most of the past school year without the coaching position. That is true, and under ordinary circumstances it might be worth a try. However, it was mentioned that more freshman are expected to participate in athletics next year than the freshman did this year—maybe 50+ additional. We want our students to participate in sports for the physical, mental, leadership, and emotional benefits, but we need enough coaches to accommodate kids in the different sports.


Active Member
Ridiculous to lose a coaching position basically because you do not want to pay the stipend. If you cannot see that these three board members have an agenda against faircloth you are foolish. Things like this will lead to Faircloth to becoming unhappy with what he is getting from the administration part of our community. Hopefully we as a community can band together and vote out those who do not support what is at the best interest for the whole community. If we are unable to get rid of these people then it is possible that we will lose a great coach and man to foolishness.


Old School


100+ Posts
Was the decision to eliminate the coaching position part of an overall "reduction in force" plan that the school board is implementing?


1,000+ Posts
Talk about a vendetta!!! I know these people you are trying to smear are NOT anti-Faircloth or athletics at all. Like I said, I don't agree with this one vote but I do respect ALL of the board members who use their time to oversee our tax monies while providing an excellent education for our students. Don't vote for those three, that's your right, but if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.


Staff member
squaw said:
Talk about a vendetta!!! I know these people you are trying to smear are NOT anti-Faircloth or athletics at all. Like I said, I don't agree with this one vote but I do respect ALL of the board members who use their time to oversee our tax monies while providing an excellent education for our students. Don't vote for those three, that's your right, but if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.
Please.... you and others have done the same. Why the double standards?


100+ Posts
Torino said:
Against the recommendation of the Superintendent, HS Principal, and Athletic Director, Rodney Balsamo, Melanie Miller, and Jim Walters voted against allowing the position to remain classroom teacher/coach. Mrs. Broussard stated that she didn’t understand the issue and abstained. Therefore, the motion to fill the coaching vacancy failed on a 3-3-1 vote.

squaw said:
if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.

Let me start by saying this: #1 This thread was meant to praise Coach Faircloth for a job well-done and congratulate him on his accomplishments... WAY TO GO COACH!!! We are so glad you chose PNG as the place to make your mark! :clap:

#2 I think what this thread has turned into should be in it's own thread

#3 What exactly is slanderous about letting members of this message board know how a vote went? I don't think anything Torino said was malicious or rude in any way, he was simply stating the facts. Would it have been better for him to phrase his statement in a way that he announced who voted for instead of against? Either way, everyone can still figure out who voted what way.


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
Talk about a vendetta!!! I know these people you are trying to smear are NOT anti-Faircloth or athletics at all. Like I said, I don't agree with this one vote but I do respect ALL of the board members who use their time to oversee our tax monies while providing an excellent education for our students. Don't vote for those three, that's your right, but if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.

I have no axe to grind with anyone on this board. I don't have kids in school anymore , but what bothers me is you and Mrs. Miller used this website to use propaganda to get her voted in. That bothers me.


500+ Posts
squaw said:
Talk about a vendetta!!! I know these people you are trying to smear are NOT anti-Faircloth or athletics at all. Like I said, I don't agree with this one vote but I do respect ALL of the board members who use their time to oversee our tax monies while providing an excellent education for our students. Don't vote for those three, that's your right, but if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.

They are political hacks. Typical I love Coach Faircloth but here the middle finger to your request. An Mrs. Broussard is not intelligent enough to understand the issue? WOW


100+ Posts
squaw said:
Talk about a vendetta!!! I know these people you are trying to smear are NOT anti-Faircloth or athletics at all. Like I said, I don't agree with this one vote but I do respect ALL of the board members who use their time to oversee our tax monies while providing an excellent education for our students. Don't vote for those three, that's your right, but if I was one of those board members and you smeared me like that I'd have someone in court defending themselves against a slander suit.
Squaw..You are a joke! You respect ALL of the board members? is that why you have and Melanie Miller have used this board to smear board members? Does the term "stooges" ring a bell? You live in a HUGE GLASS HOUSE to be throwing rocks about slander. You only are making a fool of yourself..your posts speak for who you are.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
O.K. kiddies....let's stay on the subject here. If yet another thread on that subject is needed, then go ahead and start one, but this one is supposed to be about Coach Faircloth.


Staff member
If anything should cause Coach Faircloth to leave, anyone involved with causing that will be infamous in the community for the remainder of their days. And PN-G's image will be tarnished. Why would a good coach want to come to a place that may not support him?

There are some people playing with fire...


500+ Posts
Saw Coach Faircloth on KFDM 6 news tonight talking about the thrill and honor of being invited to the AlamoDome.... Very proud of his school, kids and community...(in a very humbled and NOT boastful way). Now THAT's what it's all about. He deserves everyone's respect and support....He's there to do his job..put the politics away and let him do it....


500+ Posts
AMEN yankeedawg!! As usual you are a voice of wisdom! I agree with you totally. What a gracious,humble, and sincere man Brandon Faircloth is. The reservation is truly blessed to have a man of such integrity leading the students and athletes at PN-G. Enough said!! :angel:

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I just removed 2 posts. Neither of them were pertaining to this threads subject, even after a kind warning. Consider this your pm ladies. You now know why I did it.

Cool it guys. I'm getting sick of this crap and all of this whining is could very well run off the best thing that's happened to this district in DECADES!


Active Member
PNGPROUD I would appreciate it very much if you would not delete my posts! I have every right to post just as you do futhermore I was not whining! I simply asked a question that no one seems to want to answer. I will ask my question on another thread but believe me I will get the answer if I don't know it all ready!! :nono:


500+ Posts
NDN79 said:
AMEN yankeedawg!! As usual you are a voice of wisdom! I agree with you totally. What a gracious,humble, and sincere man Brandon Faircloth is. The reservation is truly blessed to have a man of such integrity leading the students and athletes at PN-G. Enough said!! :angel:

Good morning NDN79...thanks for your comment but I think it's more reason than an outsider looking in, I can't seem to get it through my thick skull why some appear to be wanting to drag down (to quote PNG Proud) "the best thing that's happened to this district". Good luck and God Bless, my friend.


500+ Posts
Hey guess what?!?!!!!! Dave Cambell's TX Football Magazine lists 'Brandon Faircloth' as the Texas 4A coach of the year for 2009!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
#1sportsmom said:
PNGPROUD I would appreciate it very much if you would not delete my posts! I have every right to post just as you do futhermore I was not whining! I simply asked a question that no one seems to want to answer. I will ask my question on another thread but believe me I will get the answer if I don't know it all ready!! :nono:

I didn't delete it because you asked a question, I deleted it because things are getting out of hand, with people swapping punches on here.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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