David Satcher is our man!!!!


Active Member
David Satcher is the man we should hire as our new head coach. I have known David pretty much most of my life. Probably better than most...I consider the guy more like family than a friend. Point is I know his in's and out's, his strengths and weakness' etc. David Satcher is a defensive and offensive genius. This guy is one of the smartest people you will ever meet. SUPER INTELLIGENT!!! He comes of as laid back and fun loving which he is...but don't let it fool you. This guy is one of the most intelligent guys you could ever know. Reminds me mentally of Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach....without all of the goofy stuff Leach is known for off the field. David comes with ALOT of good experience and has been MAJORLY succesful at both the high school and COLLEGE levels. This is a guy who if he would have choosen to do so could have ended up in the NFL one of these days. David is wonderful with the kids and is a super motivator and on the football field and off has a knack for always getting it done and being succesful. I feel like this is a good opportunity to tell you about a guy who couldnt be more perfect for this job and share my excitment about the possibilities he brings to the table. David would definitley bring back the good old days of the high energy, fanatical, I bleed purple INDIANS. Mark this post down and write it in your diaries. If David Satcher can not take this PNG program and turn it into a state power house year in and year out... it just isnt possible.This is a really big opportunity to end up with a young , smart blue chip calibur coach and have him for years to come.


1,000+ Posts
Where is he coaching now? What is their record since he has been there? Is he HC, or something else? Give us some real information.


500+ Posts
PNG93, there is a link on the main HC thread. He is DC at Clear Lake I believe. He has an impressive resume coaching at some very good programs. I remember the name, but know nothing else about him. That is why I am cuious what kind of offensive and defensive schemes he would run.


Active Member
In a tough 24-5A district...he was the defensive coordinator and averaged 13.8 points per game allowed over 11 games this season including the playoffs. His defensive style is very aggresive. Offensivley Satcher is one of these coaches much like Danny Malone on the early 90's who capitalizes on the strengths of the team at hand and adjusts the offensive style accordingly. Alot of coaches these days do this...I mean why run strictly a power running game for 15 years and only have good teams whenever you have great power runners. Maybe you have a super qb and recieving corp.

David sums it up best.........

David Satcher

Varsity Defensive Coordinator/Safeties

Coach Satcher begins his 4th year of coaching at Lake, and has 10 years of coaching overall. He has coached at both the high school (Woodville, Brazosport and Bay City) and college (Northwestern State University and Texas State University) levels. Coach Satcher grew up in Port Neches, Texas. Coach Satcher’s favorite saying is “never mistake activity for achievement”. According to Coach Satcher, the most important thing to learn from playing football is “working together in a group, having the experience of bringing diverse skills together so they fit into a single unit working toward a common goal, one in which everyone does his own job”. The highlight of his time at Clear Lake has been the Region III Championship game victory over Katy. He and his wife Alicia have one child, Alina. Coach Satcher also teaches P.E.
19cherokee90 said:
In a tough 24-5A district...he was the defensive coordinator and averaged 13.8 points per game allowed over 11 games this season including the playoffs. His defensive style is very aggresive. Offensivley Satcher is one of these coaches much like Danny Malone on the early 90's who capitalizes on the strengths of the team at hand and adjusts the offensive style accordingly. Alot of coaches these days do this...I mean why run strictly a power running game for 15 years and only have good teams whenever you have great power runners. Maybe you have a super qb and recieving corp.

David sums it up best.........

David Satcher

Varsity Defensive Coordinator/Safeties

Coach Satcher begins his 4th year of coaching at Lake, and has 10 years of coaching overall. He has coached at both the high school (Woodville, Brazosport and Bay City) and college (Northwestern State University and Texas State University) levels. Coach Satcher grew up in Port Neches, Texas. Coach Satcher’s favorite saying is “never mistake activity for achievement”. According to Coach Satcher, the most important thing to learn from playing football is “working together in a group, having the experience of bringing diverse skills together so they fit into a single unit working toward a common goal, one in which everyone does his own job”. The highlight of his time at Clear Lake has been the Region III Championship game victory over Katy. He and his wife Alicia have one child, Alina. Coach Satcher also teaches P.E.

I agree he should get a look if he applies but if the rumor I wrote on the other thread is true he'll never get a fair shake which is BS.
19cherokee90 said:
David is keeping an eye on the situation. If it is opened up for all to apply which it legaly should be he should apply.

Here is some more info on his coaching styles and accomplishments...

Defensively he runs a college 4-2-5..not the 4-2 you see alot of high schools run..a true 4-2-5 like TCU runs and I think Rice went to it this year. It is a newer system.

LSU also runs a version of this 4-2-5 defense. He likes to mix things up with a Dime 3-2 front. He believes defense should ATTACK!!!! last season his team had 25 sacks and over 60 tackles for losses. he likes to run alot of cover 2 in the secondary. I remind you this is in a tough 5A houston area district. His defense finished as one of the Top 20 5A defenses ranked in the state. Finishing at like 15th in the state.

Keep in mind..Clear Lake is a school without a whole lot of talent usually. They have alot of slow, unskilled, 5-8 135 140 pound kids. They are students from the NASA area and are extremly smart but usually small and slow.

Offensively he likes to take into consideration the talent and abilities of the team. Preferably he likes to run a spread with one or two back sets out of the shotgun and have a quarterback who can run well and throw well. He likes to give a fast athletic QB the chance to run or throw it...it's hard to cover both. He also likes to keep a tight end in tight to force defenses into being predictable.

He has been offensive line coach on several occasions...the last two times he was offensive line coach his quarterback and running back where both district and area MVP. This gives you a little insight on hiis offensive line coaching.

He has also been special teams coordinator at the college and high school level.

He likes to spend off seasons making trips to LSU where he has several friends on that coaching staff and study the game at the college level and continue to progress with the latest and greatest techniques and phylosophies.

He is a believer that high school athletes can run college level offenses and defenses and typically if you look at the history of high school teams that do this they are VERY succesful as most coaches dont believe this is possible. You end up seeing better teams just plainly be out coached. This is what you get with David Satcher. He is a true student and master of the game.

Sometimes on fridays..he still dawns his purple.

oh yeah, but....uh.......but.... do you remember PNG's offense in that remarkable 99 football season?!?!?[/sarcasm]

The PNG school board obviously does.


Everyone can bring their "hero" to the board but I still post that great coaches will come after this job....Mike Long IMO is not one of them....

Nothing against him, however there has been no success with him at the reigns while coaching the average everyday player.....

I still feel that plenty of OC/DC from 5A successful programs are out there as well as other HC throughout the state and outside of it...


500+ Posts
I will say that I would like to see others interviewed and take the best possible candidate, but if that is Long then I am fine with that.
Mike has had success without Dustin. The 2007 Kelly team was very good. I believe they went 10-1 with a big blowout win over 5A powerhouse Sulphur. I also know that Mike was held back at PNG by MB. Matt trusted two things, his Defense and D. Long, thus letting Mike do things he wanted while Dustin was there.

This years Kelly squad was filled with Freshman and Sophomores (small school Freshman and Sophomores at that), you can't really gauge much off of this years 2 win Kelly team. Bill Walsh coulnd't have won this year with that group. ;D

If Long is the guy, I will support him 100%.

I think Mike would probably keep Arnaud as DC which I think is a good thing. I think the world of the job that Arnaud did the past two years (with the help of MB of course). Especially this season with no returners. The defense was not great, but they were much better than expected.

All this said...I still want Jeff Traylor! ;D


Active Member
Hey 19cherokee90 do you think your guy won't use PNG as a stepping stone? He has been at a total, I believe by the no.s I've seen, at least 5 different schools in the 10 years of coaching. I graduated from PNG way back befor calculators, but I think if these no.'s are correct, he averages around a 2 yr. stay where ever he goes. I for one would not consider anyone to work for me with that tract record. Just my opinion.


Active Member
hey 19cherokee90 I know you and believe i've couch you in the past. Don't say that I'm mistaken in my assessment of the average time he stays at one place. I am only using one of your first statements to do the calculations. Unless you provided false info. Could you betrying now to cover too much info?


Active Member
mdog said:
Hey 19cherokee90 do you think your guy won't use PNG as a stepping stone? He has been at a total, I believe by the no.s I've seen, at least 5 different schools in the 10 years of coaching. I graduated from PNG way back befor calculators, but I think if these no.'s are correct, he averages around a 2 yr. stay where ever he goes. I for one would not consider anyone to work for me with that tract record. Just my opinion.

and by the way he has coached for 15 years now...we are getting old....so really thats 3 years average a school. You tell me...is it out of the ordinary for a young coach to have coached at 5 different schools is 15 years? Not at all....Im sure most of the coaches on our own staff have averaged nearly as many....coaches move around alot...thats no secret...till they find a home that is.


Active Member
hey mdog..i see what your talking about...actually that was an old media file i found on david...he has been at it for 15 years now...so my bad with the 10 years...your figures are correct my friend.....as if I should have ever doubted you!! You should have just told me to shut my mouth or you'll call my dad. hahaha

Satcher for President


Active Member
Hey no problem. We are all looking for what we think will be best for PNG. Hope you and all of yours have a Merry Christmas.

former ndn

Active Member
I love PN-G as much as anyone on this board but everyone has to be realistic. We can't expect every coach to come in and want to coach here even though its a great place. To say that the only stepping stone to PN-G is the college level is a little far fetched. I am sure some of the coordinators at the bigger schools in the state make more than the PN-G head coach does. Not sure how much PN-G head coach makes or a coordinator at a big School. But if that was the case why would a coordinator take a pay cut to come here. He would have to move his family buy a house in PN-G and possibly take a pay cut I don't see that happening(but i am not sure on money here). Yes, he would have his own program but not if it was for less money. So there better be ready to pay good money to whoever they do hire. I don't see a head coach coming from a established 4A program either. Why would he leave if he already has his program going in the right direction and going to the playoffs every year? I would even say the same for some of the bigger programs in 3A. For you people who think Mike Long only was good with his son don't know football. He has developed kids that were not that good of a QB into QB's that lead their teams into the playoffs(Saw it done). He has developed the QB's at Kelly (I've seen it). Look at what he has done for his QB's since he has been there besides this year when they had a down year. Kelly isn't the cream of the crop kids either.
.............Just my 2 cents rip away at me and just gonna say it once again I'm not sure about salaries


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
PN-G pays well and and I heard the new coach will make more than the previous.


Active Member
prepballfan said:
PN-G pays well and and I heard the new coach will make more than the previous.

Hey prepballfan...ive admired your post for some time now...you usually have wonderful insight to png football...just wanted to say hello. Man being able to coach in these facilties alone would be worth it...then you throw in the fan support and all the community brings to the table....i dare anyone to find a finer place to be a head coach in the state of Texas...regardless of the money...im pretty sure PNG pays very competitivly for this position....who knows maybe im wrong.


500+ Posts
former ndn said:
I love PN-G as much as anyone on this board but everyone has to be realistic. We can't expect every coach to come in and want to coach here even though its a great place. To say that the only stepping stone to PN-G is the college level is a little far fetched. I am sure some of the coordinators at the bigger schools in the state make more than the PN-G head coach does. Not sure how much PN-G head coach makes or a coordinator at a big School. But if that was the case why would a coordinator take a pay cut to come here. He would have to move his family buy a house in PN-G and possibly take a pay cut I don't see that happening(but i am not sure on money here). Yes, he would have his own program but not if it was for less money. So there better be ready to pay good money to whoever they do hire. I don't see a head coach coming from a established 4A program either. Why would he leave if he already has his program going in the right direction and going to the playoffs every year? I would even say the same for some of the bigger programs in 3A. For you people who think Mike Long only was good with his son don't know football. He has developed kids that were not that good of a QB into QB's that lead their teams into the playoffs(Saw it done). He has developed the QB's at Kelly (I've seen it). Look at what he has done for his QB's since he has been there besides this year when they had a down year. Kelly isn't the cream of the crop kids either.
.............Just my 2 cents rip away at me and just gonna say it once again I'm not sure about salaries

Coordinators are not highly paid even at the 5A schools. Actually many of the top paid HC's are in 4A. Most top paid OC's and DC's are making $50-$60K.

The PNG HC job I am sure will pay in the $80-$90 range maybe even into the $90's. Neuman turned down Lamarque's $100K plus to stay at Nederland after they uped his pay, so I am sure he is either making six figures or real close.

One reason why an established 4A or 3A HC would make a move is for more money. Another is because of facilities and support. And yet another reason is for greater expossure (larger markets...Primarily the 3A guys).

I agree with you on the point about Long at Kelly. Most people just assume that Kelly gets these great athletes, but not the case. They are actually a small school and have low numbers in their football program.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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