Existing coaching staff


500+ Posts
Does anyone think that Faircloth will keep the existing coaching staff? My hope is that he keeps most of the guys on staff, I can see a possibility of a couple of guys getting let go right off the bat. However, it works in the current staff's benefit that this will be his first head coaching gig, not having a staff of his own built and all. Thoughts?


Active Member
I would think he would keep most. But, the retirement of Riley Burnett leaves an opening for him to fill. I would almost guarantee he will shuffle some around and needs to. I would think he would call hs own offensive plays just as Danaher does at CCC. I believe he will bring in a couple to start with and do some some reorganization.Thats my opinion.


Active Member
allstarmom said:
Is it just rumor or is Coach Cobb retiring also? If true that would be 2 openings right off the bat.
I heard that also, but don't know it to be fact. Thats why I believe he will bring a couple and reorganize.


Port Neches, TEXAS
kfdmcoop said:
I heard he was bringing an OC and OL Line coach.

i would be nice if he brought the permian OL coach that was in that offseason video. That guy looked intense.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
If Terry Cobb retires, then PN-G has suffered a huge loss. Coach Cobb's coaching career at PN-G spanned from Doug Ethridge to Matt Burnett and he was as good a man as he was a coach. He developed many, many great DEs for PN-G defenses. He was a distinguished war veteran, a good teacher in the classroom, a good friend to many students, a role model, and although I do not know his wife and children well, I believe Coach Cobb to be a good husband and father. I hope Coach Cobb still has a little left in the gas tank and decides to come back to The Reservation next season. Like MB, if anyone is a living example of PN-G, it is Terry Cobb. PN-GISD lost a good coach, teacher, and friend if he did indeed retire.

Go Indians. Peace.


Active Member
Cobb is retiring this year. I'm not positive but also i think he has been working as a part timer just coaching not teaching. There will be two openings off the bat, Cobb and Riley Burnett. I do agree he was a dang good d-end coach and all the kids liked him. Unless he brings in the o-line coach from Permian I think he will retain welch as the o-line coach, witch he is very very good at.


1989NDN said:
If Terry Cobb retires, then PN-G has suffered a huge loss. Coach Cobb's coaching career at PN-G spanned from Doug Ethridge to Matt Burnett and he was as good a man as he was a coach. He developed many, many great DEs for PN-G defenses. He was a distinguished war veteran, a good teacher in the classroom, a good friend to many students, a role model, and although I do not know his wife and children well, I believe Coach Cobb to be a good husband and father. I hope Coach Cobb still has a little left in the gas tank and decides to come back to The Reservation next season. Like MB, if anyone is a living example of PN-G, it is Terry Cobb. PN-GISD lost a good coach, teacher, and friend if he did indeed retire.

Go Indians. Peace.

Call him Czar Cobb - he likes that!!! (He taught World History when I was in school and if you wanted to write lines, just call him Czarina Cobb - 100 lines, but it was worth it and he still remembers it to this day - I told Mrs. Cobb to ask him about it, she said he laughed out loud). Great Coach, great person!!!!

But you know he says this every year!!!


Staff member
There are some really good assistant coaches on the team now. Segura for example.

One thing I do know is it's vitally important that the current staff keep a positive attitude and stand behind their new head coach 100%. Any pre-existing relationships should not be allowed to influence those new relationships. It's time to start over.


Riley is now coaching and teaching in louisana.

i hoping he just reassign the existing coaches.. 2 of the coaches are classmates and friends of mine.


1,000+ Posts
Coaching contracts are usually separate from teaching contracts. If any of these coaches are replaced coaching, they should still retain their teaching jobs. I'm not totally sure how PN-G does it though.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
NDNS81 said:
1989NDN said:
If Terry Cobb retires, then PN-G has suffered a huge loss. Coach Cobb's coaching career at PN-G spanned from Doug Ethridge to Matt Burnett and he was as good a man as he was a coach. He developed many, many great DEs for PN-G defenses. He was a distinguished war veteran, a good teacher in the classroom, a good friend to many students, a role model, and although I do not know his wife and children well, I believe Coach Cobb to be a good husband and father. I hope Coach Cobb still has a little left in the gas tank and decides to come back to The Reservation next season. Like MB, if anyone is a living example of PN-G, it is Terry Cobb. PN-GISD lost a good coach, teacher, and friend if he did indeed retire.

Go Indians. Peace.

Call him Czar Cobb - he likes that!!! (He taught World History when I was in school and if you wanted to write lines, just call him Czarina Cobb - 100 lines, but it was worth it and he still remembers it to this day - I told Mrs. Cobb to ask him about it, she said he laughed out loud). Great Coach, great person!!!!

But you know he says this every year!!!

Coach Cobb taught World History when I was in school, too. He served as a position coach (DE) and was the head coach for track and field. In 1988 and 1989, when we had kids qualify for regionals in track and field and the school could not or would not allow us to travel in a PN-GISD van or surburban, Coach Cobb personally drove us over to Rice U on his own dime and made sure that we had a chance to compete. And, regardless if we finished first, second, or last, he always got us ready to compete and had a high five and smile when we finished. He made all the track guys train for the open quarter (400m, 1-lap) and half-mile (800m, 2-laps) ... he believed that if you could run well in the 400m and 800m, then you could compete in any event on the track.

PN-GISD needs more people like Coach Cobb. I've never forgotten him as a teacher, football coach, track/field coach, and friend. He could yell and demand accountability, but, he always put an arm around his kids and made you get better. He did well as a coach/teacher ... he turned many boys into young men.

Back to the topic ... I hope all of the existing PN-G coaches get an opportunity to interview with the new coach and get a shot to stay on board and re-energize the PN-G football program. There are many good people on staff; here's to them getting an opportunity to help revitalize the Indians.

Go Indians. Peace.


Port Neches, TEXAS
LaRedbone said:
I sure hope he replaces the Baseball coach. It's time for a change in Baseball also.

id hope this is a joke. the baseball program is in good hands, Stone is one of the best.


Staff member
LaRedbone said:
I sure hope he replaces the Baseball coach. It's time for a change in Baseball also.

Coach Stone is the best baseball coach in SE Texas, and one of the best in the state!


PNG1992 said:
LaRedbone said:
I sure hope he replaces the Baseball coach. It's time for a change in Baseball also.

id hope this is a joke. the baseball program is in good hands, Stone is one of the best.

Has to be a joke - You won't find a better baseball coach than Jay Stone. The boys respect him and he respects them.


Active Member
Any one want to take bets on how long it will take him to get us in the playoff again.
I thniking his first year. Just may win district the first year.


Active Member
Any one want to take bets on how long it will take him to get us in the playoff again.
I thniking his first year. Just may win district the first year.
He runs a much different offense, we need to be patient.


Active Member
pngfan1 said:
Any one want to take bets on how long it will take him to get us in the playoff again.
I thinking his first year. Just may win district the first year.
He runs a much different offense, we need to be patient.

I feel our kids are fast learners and will catch on to the new offence really fast. We got some very good kids coming up this year. I still say this year.


2,000+ Posts
I do agree there are a couple coaches I hope stay, but there are several I think needs to be replaced. Coach Faircloth needs to build the foundation at the Junior High. PNG has suffered the past few yrs at this level.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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