Family and Player Post Game Tradition


Active Member
For what it's worth to family and friends of players. It seems the previous discussion about the on field tradition was locked by the moderators so this may never make the forum, but I felt that I should at least try. There is no UIL rule prohibiting fans from joining the players on the field after the game. I feel like parents have the right to have the accurate information. If Coach Faircloth made that decision, that's his choice and all must live with it and move on, but the UIL had no say so in it. Here is the official UIL rule:

It is prohibited until the officials and the opposing team have had an opportunity to leave the field.

At that point it is a local decision.

If you have other questions or need additional information, please contact me.


Mark Cousins, Ph.D.
Director of Policy
University Interscholastic League
512-471-5883 (phone)
512-471-5908 (fax)

I have heard that the UIL has a rule that prohibits fans from being on the field after the conclusion of a football game. Our school has a history of allowing the families to visit with the players after a game. I personally have many fond memories of being with my children after the games. I can understand that a coach may choose not to have the team and/or staff on the field due to, "fanatics", but does the UIL actually prohibit this practice? My children are out of high school so it does not effect me personally, I was just curious as to what the ruling was.

Thanks for any clarification on this issue.


1,000+ Posts
When we won state, Coach Ethridge made sure that all the parents were allowed in the locker room. Who cares if parents want to see their kids after the game----in my opinion, let them! What can it hurt?


1,000+ Posts
Here we go again. We need an emoticon of a dead horse getting beat.

What exactly about going on the field after a game constitutes a tradition? Is it the same as Cherokee? Is it the same as the Indian Spirit outfit? Is it the same as the Marching I? Is it the same as the cheer the cheerleaders do after they are introduced?

Is the video screen already tradition? Was Geronimo's Fury tradition as soon as the band started playing it? Is the G-Crew's motivation of fans tradition? Was having grass on the playing field tradition?

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
O.K. guys, let's put this to rest right now.

Tonight at the Booster Club meeting, Coach Faircloth addressed that question BEFORE it was even asked, and here's what he said. (I'll get as acurate as I can remember, but forgive me if I mis-quote him)

Coach said one of the assistant coaches (didn't say which one) told him that last year, one of the players parents "confronted" him after a game, and was wondering if "fans" would be allowed on the field. This got BF to thinking about it. Then another coach told him that after another game last yr., some "fan" "confronted one of the players" (appearently telling how sorry the team was, or something) and the news of that confrontaion convinced him (BF) to not allow "fans" on the field, "at this time". He said that to confront a coach was one thing, but when those kids pour their hearts out onto that field, only to be told how lowsy he is, this was enough to prompt him to make that call. He also said that in time fans may be allowed back onto the field, but for now, that is his decision.
He also said that this enables them to gather as a team sooner after the game, and to discuss matters necessary.

And after hearing this, I can say that I agree with him. This is one of those cases where a FEW ruin it for all of the rest of us.

Last yr. was a frustrating year for any true Indian, and this happens to be some of the results of that frustration.

I hope this helps.


2,000+ Posts
Fair enough. Lets move on from this discussion.

What did he have to say about the BH game and the upcoming game with Crosby?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
He said that he was nervous, and probably always will be. And he said "ya know, you hear all about the pride and great fans and all of that stuff, but until you walk out onto that field and look up at 12,000 people in purple, you just CAN'T REALLY UNDERSTAND how special this really is!

He was duly impressed, I can tell you that for sure.


Staff member
12,000 is a stretch but point understood. Now when he gets into the playoffs.... watch out. ;D

I'm glad to see the head coach take charge of the situation and not be overrun.


Active Member
NDN79 said:
Thanks for the report from the meeting PNG Proud! How was the turnout for the meeting?

Not Bad but could be better they reported that we now have 99 members in the booster club. We need more everyone is welcome and encouraged to join. There are many on this board who claim to be "true INDIAN supporters" this is a good way to show your support.

They are planning a golf tournament for Oct. 24th a 4 man scramble at the Patch golf course I think they said they could have about 30 teams so if your interested in playing sign up early.


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
O.K. guys, let's put this to rest right now.

Tonight at the Booster Club meeting, Coach Faircloth addressed that question BEFORE it was even asked, and here's what he said. (I'll get as acurate as I can remember, but forgive me if I mis-quote him)

Coach said one of the assistant coaches (didn't say which one) told him that last year, one of the players parents "confronted" him after a game, and was wondering if "fans" would be allowed on the field. This got BF to thinking about it. Then another coach told him that after another game last yr., some "fan" "confronted one of the players" (appearently telling how sorry the team was, or something) and the news of that confrontaion convinced him (BF) to not allow "fans" on the field, "at this time". He said that to confront a coach was one thing, but when those kids pour their hearts out onto that field, only to be told how lowsy he is, this was enough to prompt him to make that call. He also said that in time fans may be allowed back onto the field, but for now, that is his decision.
He also said that this enables them to gather as a team sooner after the game, and to discuss matters necessary.

And after hearing this, I can say that I agree with him. This is one of those cases where a FEW ruin it for all of the rest of us.

Last yr. was a frustrating year for any true Indian, and this happens to be some of the results of that frustration.

I hope this helps.

WAY TO GO COACH!!!!!!!!!! That's what we need! :clap:


Active Member
I will drop this after this post because I agree that we should be as positive as we can and move forward but I think some of the people that replied COMPLETEY missed the point. The point was not to question Coach Faircloth on a decision about keeping people off of the field after the game. Everyone that I saw comment said if he had made that decision that was his prerogative as a head coach. It wasn't about breaking tradition or any of the other things that were mentioned. The point was that there was no UIL rule that prohibited this. You can bad mouth me all you want, but we were told that it was a UIL decision and not Coach Faircloth's. It's his team, he makes the decisions and no one that I saw in here ever questioned that. It was the BS going round that it was a UIL rule. And yes, I along with many others that I know were told that by the coaching staff. You can criticise me all you want but the story seems to have changed in midstream. You can say I'm out to get the new coaches, that I need to let the past die or any other negative thing that you want, but the fact is that I was personally told it was a UIL rule. Several others were told the same thing and we all knew that it wasn't true. Whether you believe me or not I do wish the best for the staff and the team. I have been an Indian fan for a very long time and I will always support them but I'm not going to sit here and believe something that I knew wasn't true. I would have felt the same had it been been Coach Watson, Ethridge, Troy, Malone, Burnett or anyone else. It is what it is and it was WRONG to say it was a UIL decision. OK, now I'll shut up.


Staff member
No point was missed. You're making a mountain out of mole hill. Has it ever crossed your mind that the coaches that said that simply made a mistake? That they might have possibly thought it WAS a UIL rule that also applied to 4A? And to what benefit is it to anyone to continuously question their character?


100+ Posts
Thank you IndianFan. Get over it. We have several active posts that are nothing more than trying to stir the pot. Band vs football parents vs football fans..someone who goes under 2 screen names that can't stop trying to get everyone to think our coaches are liars. WE ARE PNG. The football team, theband, the indianettes, the cheerleaders, the students, the parents, the fans, the alumni... THE PNG COMMUNITY. We have something special, lets not nit-pick it to death and create division where there really is none. This is an exciting time for PNG.. Lets all pull together in the SAME direction and we will ALL get a lot farther.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
NDN79 said:
Thanks for the report from the meeting PNG Proud! How was the turnout for the meeting?

I'm guessing that there were about 50 or so people there. This particular mtg. was open to the public, but future mtgs will be open to members,SO.... if you want to attend........SIGN UP TODAY!


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 you are right on with your comments! WE ARE PN-G and we are proud of all our programs and traditions. Lets just enjoy this season and the GREAT experience it is going to be. REMEMBER--PURPLE = POSITIVE! POSITIVE PN-G IS THE BEST!!!!!! :clap:


1,000+ Posts
I believe that I was the one who brought up it being a UIL rule. It was something I heard at the scrimmage from another fan and didn't take the time to research before posting it. If you want to blame someone, blame me. I could really care less what you think of me. As far as I can remember, the coaches have not stated that it was a UIL rule. Has anyone here actually heard a coach state this with their own two ears? None of this heard it from . . . crap.

I'm pretty sure I started that rumor so, please, everyone blame me and let's just move on.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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