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But I agree you play with what you have. PNG REGULARLY plays above what they are on paper always have it’s the INDIAN SPIRIT and why I am a fan for lifeI was at the Carthage game vs HF
Heard Carthage fans saying “…people say we recruit… how is that?… where are they going to work?…” etc. well I know for sure that in 8th and 9th grade parents are moving their kids from Marshall Elysian Fields and all over ETx to go play for Carthage. The mom goes and moves into an apt and they spend the school week there and go “home” on the weekends. There’s rumors of small apt complex owners working with families etc etc hint hint. Nowadays the parents will move them to a football school (Ryan Mallett moved in 7th for that very reason) look at Manvel Shadow Creek Atascosita even CE King. The parents and kids want to go to the new school and new stadium (CE King got an awesome stadium) I don’t see why every kid in the GT doesn’t want to play at the Reservation in front of 10000 home fans. But theY ABSOLUTELY move districts now to play for the coach or facilities they think will get them seen by the next level.