Football Banquet


100+ Posts
Last night at the Booster Club meeting, Coach Faircloth announced that there will be an annual football banquet. It will be held at a local hotel and individual awards will be presented to standout players. These awards will be voted on by the players. Plans have not been finalized at the moment, nor have ticket prices been determined. Coach said that everyone in the community is invited to attend and honor the kids on a great season. Once plans are finalized, I am sure that you will see info on this site as well as the PNG-ISD channel and other places. Other notes of interest from last night were the following: Coach stated that although everyone is sad about the loss, that they have had time to look back on so many positives from the season to carry forward to next year. He talked about the junior varsity and talent coming back for next year. We should have another really great year next year. He made it a point to walk the entire room last night and shake hands with every individual in the room. Every response that I heard was a congratulations on where we are as a program and a thank you for a great and exciting season. On a final note, (form your own opinion on this), a half-hearted comment was made that a Booster Club members wife had not met Coach Faircloth yet, so please don't run off during the offseason. Coach said emphatically, " I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE !" He went on to talk about getting off of the bus at Aldine at 4:30 and already seeing two thousand people in the stands. He said that he has been at some high profile schools, but has NEVER seen anything like that ! He said that everything that he has ever heard about PN-G is true and it is truly a special place. If you were there, you could tell he was VERY SINCERE about what he was saying. We can only hope that he stays here for a VERY LONG TIME. Thanks to all of the Coaches. GREAT JOB.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Outstanding news from Tribesman ... thanks for the update ... the football banquet is a great idea ... the PLAYERS get to vote on the hard work and results of their peers ... the guys who put forth the sweat, time, tears, emotional highs, emotional lows, butted heads, had sore bodies, shared memories will all get to vote. I bet you see some players vote for scout team members who were just as important as the starters and back-ups.

CBF will not leave PN-G in the near future ... (1) he knows the talent coming back for 2010 because he is the one developing the talent, i.e., QB, OL, WRs, DL, LBs, DBs ... 2010 has the potential to be a really good season with a returning QB (more experience and a better understanding of the reads), a big and seasoned OL, a big, mean, and veteran DL, talent at the WR spot, an undefeated JV with kids bursting at the seams to be Indians on Friday nights; and, (2) CBF makes good money to be the Chief of the Tribe. Plus, I think the fans and students have made him feel welcomed. From the outside looking in, I sense that CBF feels that he is a part of something special. He's building a winner. The mystique of The Reservation is back ... why leave a good thing? We need to lock up some of those assistant coaches because they all did one hell of a job. The assistant OCs, OL coaches, Coach Arnaud with the DL -- he had those kids amped up and playing physical football -- and all of the other coaches. They are all to be given a big thumbs-up and "thank you" for taking a stagnant program and turning it into a winner. If we can keep the coaching staff in tact for a few years then PN-G will a team that no one wants to play. We need to keep other programs from cherry picking our coaching staff.

I've said it before ... PN-G has looked far and wide for another Doug Ethridge type coach ... we found him and his name is CBF. He is a winner ... he surrounds himself with positive people who are winners ... and those are the type of coaches that make kids believe they can win any game on the schedule. They have a will to win and the kids develop that "will" to win. The blocked FG at Central may have had some luck involved, but you make your own luck ... CBF will be happy with district championships but he is the type of winner that thinks about state championships. CBF reminds me of a young Art Briles and Alan Weddell in that those personalities believe that it does not matter what other programs are doing, it only matters what we are doing ... if we do what we do best, then we will win. It is a great time to be an Indian.

Go Indians. Peace.


100+ Posts
I agree with yall 100%!!!! What a great season, and I really see a bright future! My boys will be playing jr high the next 2 yrs, and I hope he's here when they get to HS. :rocks:


Active Member
I think the banquet is a great idea and being voted on by the players on your team is even better. The whole program this year was really great and it was a wonderful football season. GO INDIANS!

PNG Proud

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Staff member
png94 said:
I agree with yall 100%!!!! What a great season, and I really see a bright future! My boys will be playing jr high the next 2 yrs, and I hope he's here when they get to HS. :rocks:

Don't worry 94. I told him that my wife said that he can't leave until our 6th grader gets out of school, and he said not to worry, that he's not going anywhere! ;D


100+ Posts
The winners of the individual awards will have their names placed on a plaque in the field house. Coach also stated that we would have a MUCH better off-season with a full coaching staff this year. He talked about the three phases of the off-season program and about ordering a new mat for "mat drills" which he jokingly described as "the ten worst minutes of your life". These are the drills that require the trash cans to be close by...Lol :thud:


500+ Posts
That's great news! I really hope he is sincere is stating that he isn't going anyhere :) When will they start talking contract again with him?


100+ Posts
I was there and agree 100%, he ain't going anywhere for awhile and we as tax payers, former Indians, those parents with kids still in the system need to make it well known to our school board that what ever it takes this man and his staff need to be taken care of!

It's not all about on the field either, he made it very clear that all 62 varsity players never had an issue with grades. So for those that are not sports fanatics he is also pushing them just as hard on the academic side as well.

Also he is in favor of multi sport players so he will not interfer with kids who wish to play other sports.

For a 32 year old man this guy has his head on straight and must have had one heck of an up bringing.


I like this baquet thing, BUT i hope it is done for all the sports not just football, it will cause problems with the other sports that does not get recongize as football. I for one hope that the Booster club meeeting conntinue every week now that football is over i for one would like to hear about the other sports too, reeember it is the Athletic Booster club .. for all sports.


500+ Posts
I don't see anything wrong with having a banquet for football only. Each sport can have their own banquet. If we have only an All-Sports banquet, we would have to wait until the end of the school year and because each sport would have to be honored, each sport would get less time devoted to it. I think by having each sport having its own banquet, they would get full attention and not have to share attention with other sports.


100+ Posts
I think the football banquet is a great idea. To be nominated and voted for by your fellow team mates is an honor. To include the community is just icing on the cake for football fans.

I have never met Coach Faircloth, but he strikes me as a very genuine classy man and coach. I watched Coach Faircloth on the field and during media interviews. Many times (every game) I saw him go to players during warm ups. I am not sure what he said or maybe he didn't have to say anything. I also saw the other coaches doing the same thing. But young men don't play with the heart that our players played with unless they respect their coach or coaches. Respect is something earned and I think this coaching staff earned it from the team. Obviously is overflowed to the JV and Freshman teams as well. I would bet that it's been a long time since we had a season where not one player busted out for grades. Therefore, it appears that Coach Faircloth not only earned respect, but helped to build character in these young men as well. I think this team are very blessed to have played under Coach Faircloth's leadership as respect and character are lessons that will take you a long way in life.

I had the privilege of briefly meeting Coach Faircloth's father at the Brenham game. One of the coach's' wives was standing behind us looking for seats and I offered 2 seats in front of us. At the time I didn't know that it was for Coach Faircloth's parents. Mr. Faircloth sat in front of us for a few minutes, but ultimately moved where the family could all sit together. I saw him and Coach Faircloth's brother after the game and spoke to them. Both of them were very personable. In those combined brief moments, it was obvious that these are fine people.

If Coach Faircloth thinks it is awesome to see over 2000 fans 2 1/2 hours before a game. What will he think we he sees the INDIAN NATION in the Alamodome? The INDIAN NATION is very lucky to have Coach Faircloth and his team of coaches and I can't wait until September! :clap:


100+ Posts
OldEagle said:
I don't see anything wrong with having a banquet for football only. Each sport can have their own banquet. If we have only an All-Sports banquet, we would have to wait until the end of the school year and because each sport would have to be honored, each sport would get less time devoted to it. I think by having each sport having its own banquet, they would get full attention and not have to share attention with other sports.
I agree. Why have to share the moment when each sport can have their own moment.


1,000+ Posts
We had the privilege of attending Coach Ethridge's football banquets and they were fun and heartwarming. Then, only players and parents were allowed. I think it would be awesome to have the fans allowed also, but CBF better find a huge place to serve that many people. Maybe we could do it in the new stadium??? Just a thought.


Staff member
I'd like to propose using Coach Faircloth's name when referring to him. "CBF" seems a little informal.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Port Neches had a football banquet decades ago. It's good to see it back.

We had a "Fall" sports banquet in 1999 honoring the football and volleyball teams, I believe.


100+ Posts
There used to be an athletic banquet every year for all sports. Could someone tell us if this still takes place ? The football banquet would be only for football. The banquet has nothing to do with the Booster Club. It would be put on by the football staff. Coach Faircloth said that he would try to book a local hotel for this banquet. The MCM Elegante' would probably accomodate the crowd.


500+ Posts
I think that a football banquet would be great. We should celebrate and honor the season that the Indian players and coaches had. They sacrificed a lot of time and effort to give us one of the Best seasons we have had in 35 years.Their achievements and efforts should be celebrated by all fans who would like to attend.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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