Game Updates: PNG vs. Livingston - PNG 42 Livingston 49 FINAL


500+ Posts
For the most part our boys were in position to make the play but could not wrap up. There were occasions where would overload one side and we would get a counter to the side we just vacated. Bottom line is you can't arm tackle and not wrap up good running backs. You dang sure can't shoulder check #24 and expect him to go down. He was a hoss. I am really shocked to see a PN-G defense play so undisciplined.


500+ Posts
Well let's not put a fork in our boys because of this loss. Sure there were mistakes. Both players and coaches made mistakes and adjustment mistakes. This was the first game of the District for us. We were in this game the whole time ! Were just missing one thing to make it all work. I don't know what it is but it just seems like there is one thing missing. Last years team was last years, this is this year. Maybe we may need to play a few boys both ways when its warranted. I don't know, just a thought. I think I can say yes we are all alittle frustrated as fans and parents, but I'm sure the team and coaches are too. One thing that gets me that I find frustrating are the short sideline kickoffs. Seems like that gives the other team too good of field position. About the D I have no idea what in the world happened. Our D line has been pretty good up till this game at stopping the running game. Seems like they were getting blown off the line and put on their backs alot. Livingston opened up way to many big holes for their backs. The outside run really hurt us. The D backs were sucked into the inside trap only to have the back run out. Arm tackling will not work in this District. Bump and hit will not work. Wrapping up and driving back works the best. Well maybe and hopefully this will be the last time any of us can say "maybe this is the wake up game and the coaches and team will make the needed changes and step up their game". Now we have to focus on Nederland and lets get this win ! We are not our of the district race !


Staff member
Football really comes down to simple matchups. No watter the scheme, if the guy across from you is more physical, he's going to win the battle.
Livingston is a powerful running team. I suspect they'll do the same to every team in 20-4A.


500+ Posts
Amen 66! Our boys are down, but def not OUT! I can't talk football like some of you, but I do alright for a girl ;). The one thing I keep reading is how bad our D performed last night. Well, obviously their D didn't do much better! They had no answer for Doty! I felt like I was at a tennis match with all the back and forth! Probably the worst game defensively on BOTH sides of the ball. What I did notice was Livingston had one of the best running games we've seen so far, with some fast backs that had some moves! No, this is not last years team, you have to remember, our opposition didn't really know what to expect out of Faircloth last year, this year is a different story. Teams are better prepared for us, doesn't mean we're not as talented or more talented then last year IMO. I saw a very talented Indian offense last night and I think the rest of the season will be GREAT!


Active Member
Sorry if this seems brutaly honest, but it is what it is. We should have won that game. Livingston was able to stall our offense twice, which they had no business doing. First series, ok, we are still feeling it out. But, after that, unacceptable IMO. Their defense was letting us have our way with them even moreso than our defense was. Our receivers were setting up camp 10 yds out.....all of them, with no coverage. Bertrand was avg 7 yds per carry, and was doing it easily. So, we get a 2nd and 1 and throw a deep ball to make it 3rd and 1. Then, we throw a pass to Jaloli 4yds in back of the line that gets stuffed and makes it 4th and 4. As soon as I realized we were punting I knew we lost. Why not go for it? Where does the confidence come in thinking we can punt and stop them? All that did was take an extra minute and a half off the clock by giving them more field to drive. I thought our offense did a great job and should have never been stopped with what Livingston was giving us. Our strategy in the 4th quarter lost that game. This was a checkers match, and Livingston was playing good checkers matching us King for King....unfortunately, we seemed to have a strategy of chess...sometimes its not that difficult, just do what is working. I feel this is 2 wins that were flushed down the toilet in the final minutes.


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Game replay is now available.


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Just watched the first Livingston drive. The Lions were just a much more physical team when on offense. A game is won in the trenches and they overpowered the Indians. And they have great running backs. No scheme can stop that combination.


Staff member
I agree it does appear that the Indians were running the old split 6 defense. You need some big, strong middle linebackers/pluggers to stop the run in that scheme.


100+ Posts
The back for Livingston was a hoss and he played an awesome game. As others have said, this is not last year's team. But don't count them out. This is the third game that we have lost with less than a minute on the clock. That is impressive. We are going to give 112% in every down so that it doesn't have to come down to the final seconds. The main thing is that we as fans can't let them hang their heads. We have to keep them pumped up every week. I think the coaches have a few more minor adjustments to make. Then I hope we will be ok.


500+ Posts
I want to thank the Indians offensive line. Their blocking was superb for Chase Bertrand. Also consider the fact that through 4 games, no one has sacked Doty. Next I want to thank the effort our defense has given us in all our games this year. Yes we have lost 3 games, but we have been in position in all of them to the very end. Keep learning from our great coaches......get ready for Mid County Madness!


500+ Posts
HC-NDN: It is up to the players to adjust also. That being said, coaches can't go out on the field and make tackles. I know that our players have been shown the proper tackling techniques, but unfortunately last night they did not use that info. very often. How many times did we appear to have them bottled-up behind the line, only to have them escape many tackles and turn the play into a long gain? Too many to count. I wouldn't point fingers at the coaches and their lack of making adjustments--that just won't hold water!!Just sayin ???


Active Member
Go NDNS! You guys are great! Let's beat the Bulldogs!! U have it in you. Don't let anything get you down. GO,PRAY & PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)


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I have heard that the definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. We stayed in basically, a goal line defense all night and didn't stop not even one drive. This defense left us defenseless against the pass, which cost us 14 points and didn't stop the run at all. I have never attended a PNG game where we didn't stop our opponent at least once.

Yes, the kids could have tackled better, but the defensive coaches could have gone to another defensive scheme, when it was clear that the plan they had going into the game wasn't working.

I hate to criticize the coaches and players but this was the worst defensive performance in years. I know that no one feels more badly than the coaches and players, and they will be a better team as the result of the Livington game. Even though I'm critical, I will be out there giving them my full support at every remaining game, both at home and on the road and have not lose confidence in anyone.

PNG Proud

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Tomohawk, We did cause 1 fumble at the beginning of the 2nd half, that lead to a PNG go-ahead score.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
The back for Livingston was a hoss and he played an awesome game. As others have said, this is not last year's team. But don't count them out. This is the third game that we have lost with less than a minute on the clock. That is impressive. We are going to give 112% in every down so that it doesn't have to come down to the final seconds. The main thing is that we as fans can't let them hang their heads. We have to keep them pumped up every week. I think the coaches have a few more minor adjustments to make. Then I hope we will be ok.

46 - So true! I agree we won't count them out. Let them make their adjustments and continue to improve. To all our guys - we are PROUD of our NDN's. We will be screaming for you in the stands so just focus and do your job and all will be well!

And also SCALP those DOGS!


PN-G Indians (4-0)
Huntsville Hornets (3-1)

Friday, Oct. 4, 7:00PM

Huntsville ISD Stadium, Huntsville, TX


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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