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Hello Indians...great site y'all have here. I'm Gp83 and the creator and owner of the WWW.GPWILDCATFOOTBALL.COM web site. I look forward to talking about our up coming match up in a few weeks against two traditionally rich programs in the State of Texas.

GP returns 10 defensive starters from a 3 deep playoff team from last year. We return about 5 on offense including our three year starter at QB, Kyle Fishbeck. We run the wing T, but have been told we'll open it more for our QB to do his magic. We have to replace most of our O line and our RB's, but we return a very speedy, but small RB in Micheal Johnson. Our defense is stout, and our offense should be good with Fishbecks leadership and abilities. Thank you for allowing me on your boards and look forward to discussing our match up these next few weeks.'s 11:23 and Calallen still sux :punchingbag:


Not sure how I did this...but can a mod please put this in the Football section. Thanks


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
GP83 ... welcome to the message board at Please visit the main site, too. Thanks for the scouting report on GP and its personnel. Fans and alumni of PN-G are looking foward to the trip to San Antonio and playing a good program like G-P. We are more of spread it out type team ... we can stretch the field from sideline to sideline and throw the ball around ... or pop a run with a quick back on the edges or a delayed draw. If we have to, we can bunch up and run some short yardage stuff, but the fun stuff is watching PN-G throw the ball around. Our QB is tall, mobile, and can make all the throws ... he's been in the system for a year and can read defenses, make adjustments, and distribute the ball. Coach Faircloth has rejuvenated our kids, fan base, and football program. We are fortunate to have him at PN-G ... he's innovative on offense and he gets our kids excited to play hard for 4Qs. On defense, we have some size on the DL, i.e., tall and thick kids on the DL, and a returning LB that gets us lined up. We lost some really talented players in our secondary, but with 250+ kids (grades 9-12) out for football we think we can find some kids ready to step-in and play well. PN-G fans are excited. We've got size on the OL and DL, a good experienced QB, and some hungry kids ready to shine on the varsity level. Our fans are getting amped up ... and we can bring a lot of fans ... maybe not so much for a preseason game, but if we get 3 or 4 rounds deep into the playoffs, then we can roll with 20,000-30,000 fans. Going to surf over to your website now. Welcome and come back. Lots of folks here will make you feel welcome.

Go Indians. Peace.


500+ Posts
GP83 - When you say returning a 3-year starter at QB are you saying he started as a freshman or is this his 3rd year to start?


OldEagle said:
GP83 - When you say returning a 3-year starter at QB are you saying he started as a freshman or is this his 3rd year to start?

He started as a Sophmore after our senior broke his thumb in two-a-days. We have some tall TE and WR's, but our O line is just average size...but can get after it. Our defense has a lot of experience with loads of speed. We have a D1 LB Preston Smallwood who was an all-State selection his junior and he's just flat out a beast. Rumor is we're getting an even larger LB transferring in from Mizzou...not confirmed though. We have an awesome fan base, but with the economy, we have seen a drop in numbers. But I know a LOT of people are really excited about meeting up against a super power program, such as y'all. I'll be on call that weekend, so I'll be tuned to the radio. :'(


I also saw the polls have our two teams within 1 rank of each others...this is a pickem type game with no home field advantage.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Welcome to the board. I am very excited to play you guys. DC and his group made a great match-up on this game. Best of luck to you guys.


prepballfan said:
Welcome to the board. I am very excited to play you guys. DC and his group made a great match-up on this game. Best of luck to you guys.

I totally agree...only problem with our team, and I'm not making an excuse, we tend to start out of the gates very slow and tend to lose games early in the season and takes time to find itself. We're a team that tends to build and build in strength during the season and is playoff ready come November. Our 7-7 team made it to State and did well beating teams in the qualifiers that we could not in the tourney. We have a brutal pre-district schedule with y'all, then Calallen, CC Carroll, Rockport (A game we should win) and then Monterey Tech. We could very easily be 1-4 before district, but we always pull it together and go 3-4 to sometimes 5 deep in the playoffs.

Our team is divided 50-50 between whites and hispanics, with I believe our only black kid is our RB, I believe a Katrina transplant from New Orleans. Not that the means anything, just telling you about our diversity. We had a HUGE OL tackle last year that went Stephen F. Austinv and our size was far bigger than most GP team of the past...this team however, is a smaller, quicker team. We will not overwhelm you with our size, but we will surprise you with our speed and aggression. We're very well coached and disciplined. We use mostly wing T, which gives team fits and if you manage to shut it down, we can go spread. Our bread and butter is the wing T though and have not done well in the spread.

Our town and fans were VERY excited about getting the opportunity to play PNG in the dome. We have played in the dome several times and darn near filled our side from top to bottom in 02 when we played Tivy deep in the playoffs...estimated crowd was over 35,000. We LOVE our Wildcats and have a long standing tradition of playoff football, although our only time at State we lost to Plano 20-21 in 1971. We have been to the Semi's 7 times and held the national record of 12 consecutive District Championships from 1970-1981. Enough about us...lets talk about us :p :shout:


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
We have a pretty darn big line this year both o & d. Our front 7 on defense will be stout and they are very aggressive. The offensive line from last seasons team that lost by 7 to the state finalist Brenham will be back minus 2. B. Doty who i believe had 1900 yards last season will also be back. We have to replace our runningback who had 1800 yards last season with one who had 1300 yards on the JV. This has the makings of being a pretty good season here at the Reservation.


100+ Posts
Hey Gp83,
Thanks for posting and welcome. It is very nice for you to share your teams info. It does look like a pair of evenly matched teams opening the season in the Alamodome. What a great way to kick off the season.


1,000+ Posts
There seams to at least be consensus that both teams are top 25 teams. It's gonna be a heck of a game regardless who is ranked higher!


GP preview video


Active Member
The farmers down here are starting to pick cotten, which is good. I'll get a bunch of fresh cotten to stuff in my ears so I don't have to hear cherokee about a million times!

We are ready for the big game. Practice has been going well, we have had a few injuries, but that is to be expected. Hopefully we will be at or near full strength for the Alamodome game.

We have a scrimmage set for this Saturday against Ingleside, a neighboring 3a school. No love lost between us and Ingleside, there was an incident during 7 on 7 that has been festering for a couple of months.

When is your first scrimmage?

Go Cats, Go Dogs!


2,000+ Posts
Since we conduct Spring Drills we could not start practice until this past Monday and full pads tomorrow. We are scrimmaging Port Arthur Memorial a local 5A school Friday the 20th.


100+ Posts
Gp83..I read in the Port Arthur News that there will be a live webcast on the PA News Friday Night Experience site. That will give you and others who are unable to make the trip a venue to watch the game.


ndnsrock44 said:
Gp83..I read in the Port Arthur News that there will be a live webcast on the PA News Friday Night Experience site. That will give you and others who are unable to make the trip a venue to watch the game.

I went ahead and changed my schedule that I'll be going soon as you have more info, can you forward it to me so I can put on our site. Thanks


Staff member
gpwildcat said:
The farmers down here are starting to pick cotten, which is good. I'll get a bunch of fresh cotten to stuff in my ears so I don't have to hear cherokee about a million times!

We are ready for the big game. Practice has been going well, we have had a few injuries, but that is to be expected. Hopefully we will be at or near full strength for the Alamodome game.

We have a scrimmage set for this Saturday against Ingleside, a neighboring 3a school. No love lost between us and Ingleside, there was an incident during 7 on 7 that has been festering for a couple of months.

When is your first scrimmage?

Go Cats, Go Dogs!

We scrimmage 5A Port Arthur Memorial on Saturday, August 21.


bandkid said:
gpwildcat said:
The farmers down here are starting to pick cotten, which is good. I'll get a bunch of fresh cotten to stuff in my ears so I don't have to hear cherokee about a million times!

We are ready for the big game. Practice has been going well, we have had a few injuries, but that is to be expected. Hopefully we will be at or near full strength for the Alamodome game.

We have a scrimmage set for this Saturday against Ingleside, a neighboring 3a school. No love lost between us and Ingleside, there was an incident during 7 on 7 that has been festering for a couple of months.

When is your first scrimmage?

Go Cats, Go Dogs!

We scrimmage 5A Port Arthur Memorial on Saturday, August 21.

We scrimmage Ingleside this Sat night.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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