This is a letter that I have gave my son to put in his locker...
As you get ready to play tonight, I want you to take what I
have to say in, I never could do what you are doing tonight,
your HEART and FIGHT is unreal to me ! When you do what
you do I want to scream out that is my boy ! The cool thing
about any sport is the game you are playing tonight is going
to be different from past games, But one thing is for sure, you
will do your job and do it WELL ! I want you to play for your
younger brothers tonight,I want them to see the way you play
and lead, I want you to play for your unborn kids (sounds silly)
but one day I will get to pull out newspaper clippings and videos,
and show them how awesome there dad was at football, When
you come out of that tunnel tonight know that I am there right by
you, I will allways have your back !When you take a knee to pray
to our lord, Know that I am praying the same thing you are. Your
coaches have conditioned you, But your SPEED,HEART,and SKILL
is something that you have put into motion !Now I understand
why you had RELENTLESS put in your woomp-em beads ! Now
you make the enemy understand what it means !