IMPORTANT: June 16th School Board Meeting in Groves

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
One more tid bit of info, the fiscal year for 2014/2015 does not start until September 1st. There is still money left, plus you add in the money to be received, but bills have to be paid for August and September, so this is also part of the guessing game...What I am saying is, there is no fault to be placed, it is a wait and see type of situation, and this is an every year thing. If there is a deficit, the district has to go into the savings acct, if there isn't a deficit, they usually put the excess in the savings acct. The new budget controversy comes into play, because the budget was figured on a 3% raise for all employees, except the maintenance dept (handful of people in the grand sceme of things) and bus drivers (also a handful of people). the board amended the proposition by adding in these two groups and added step raises for teachers. Shouldn't be much of an increase from what was proposed by the Superintendent, some differences were only like $150.00, others lesser amounts, for the step increases. I hope this helps you understand school finance - it took me years to understand it. ;D


1,000+ Posts
If payroll is 80 percent of budget the 3 percent must be significant. Not all teachers put in lots of OT. The 2 weeks b4 school starts is part of the 187 contract days.

Don't say no increase just saying that a one time check would be more conservative in that you are not obligated for future years.

Any other districts get 3 percent plus step raise?


Web Guy
Here's a comparison from a NW Harris County ISD. Districts are having to raise pay to attract and keep good teachers.

Cy-Fair ISD budget includes higher teacher salaries
by Marie Leonard

May 14, 2014

Incoming Cy-Fair ISD teachers will earn a starting salary of $50,025 beginning this fall following the approval of the district’s 2014-15 budget May 12.

The district’s starting teacher salary was $48,000 for the 2013-14 school year, but administrators made it a goal last year to increase the pay to attract talented employees and stay competitive with neighboring districts.

The budget also provides for a salary increase of $2,600 for all classroom teachers, equity pay increases to teachers on hiring schedule steps 2–7 and a 3.25 percent of midpoint salary increase for all other employees.

CFISD is expecting approximately $833.5 million in revenue and $833.5 million in expenditures for 2014-15, which meets the district’s goal of a balanced budget.

The district’s proposed tax rate for 2014-15 remains unchanged at $1.45, but it will be up for approval by the board in October. However, district officials said the interest and sinking tax rate could potentially decrease after the release of Harris County Appraisal District property values this summer.

The new budget also continues the residence homestead exemptions for the 2014 tax year. The optional homestead exemption provides property owners in the district with a 20 percent reduction on property taxes annually.

Purple Dove

Active Member
Questions have been raised about PNGISD having to raise taxes to fund the raises just approved.
The taxes will not be raised for this. They can't. It would take an election to do that. Which is not needed.
It was said taxes may go up 1 penny on the debt service side of the budget. Why you may ask. Refineries
keep getting their values lowered. The district must pay the bond debt. When refineries' values go down the
money needed to make the debt payment must come from other businesses and home owners.

78 Indian

Active Member
Teachers have to work 2 weeks before school starts, but MANY others work more weeks than the teachers. My neighbor is employed in the district, and he only has a few weeks off during the summer. Teachers get 10 weeks of the summer off. I support teachers, but i don't feel they are the only ones who work hard. And when I pick up my daughter after school, I see many teachers leaving at the same time as the students leave. Lana Parker was suppose to have said at the school board meeting that teachers are the first to arrive and last to leave every day. That is not true. Ive seen teachers at HEB at 3:15

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
78 Indian said:
Teachers have to work 2 weeks before school starts, but MANY others work more weeks than the teachers. My neighbor is employed in the district, and he only has a few weeks off during the summer. Teachers get 10 weeks of the summer off. I support teachers, but i don't feel they are the only ones who work hard. And when I pick up my daughter after school, I see many teachers leaving at the same time as the students leave. Lana Parker was suppose to have said at the school board meeting that teachers are the first to arrive and last to leave every day. That is not true. Ive seen teachers at HEB at 3:15

I was at that meeting and Mrs. Parker did not say that. What she said was, many teachers go to the school two weeks before they are required to be there to start getting their rooms ready (and they don't get paid for these days). I think the best thing to do is support all of the staff of PNGISD, we have the best and that is why this district is the best around here. They all work hard!! As far as, the teacher being seen so soon after school was out, there are many factors that could contribute to that, Dr. appt, conference period is at the end of the day and so forth. Could be completely innocent.

78 Indian

Active Member
I support all of our teachers, as well as administrators, office staff, custodians, etc. We do have the best faculty and staff of any school in this area. But some people seem to think the only hard workers are the teachers. And they are not suppose to be shopping during their conference period...they are suppose to be on their campus grading papers and getting ready for the next day of school. Administrators, custodians, and office staff don't get to shop during the day.

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
78 Indian said:
I support all of our teachers, as well as administrators, office staff, custodians, etc. We do have the best faculty and staff of any school in this area. But some people seem to think the only hard workers are the teachers. And they are not suppose to be shopping during their conference period...they are suppose to be on their campus grading papers and getting ready for the next day of school. Administrators, custodians, and office staff don't get to shop during the day]

All I'm saying is that there probably is an explaination that we don't know about and was approved for them to be gone from campus.


1,000+ Posts
NDN fan 4ever said:
78 Indian said:
I support all of our teachers, as well as administrators, office staff, custodians, etc. We do have the best faculty and staff of any school in this area. But some people seem to think the only hard workers are the teachers. And they are not suppose to be shopping during their conference period...they are suppose to be on their campus grading papers and getting ready for the next day of school. Administrators, custodians, and office staff don't get to shop during the day]

All I'm saying is that there probably is an explaination that we don't know about and was approved for them to be gone from campus.

Hey bud. Not sure where you work but I know a lot of folks that have a lunch hour at their place of business. That hour belongs to them, not the business. They are free to do what they want/need to do in that hour. Whether it's run errands, go to the doctor, eat, etc it doesn't matter. The business cannot legally infringe on that time. Same principles for teachers. They have a 30 minute lunch and 45 minute prep period. Those two time periods belong to the teacher and the school cannot infringe upon those times either. What the teacher decides to do during those times is on them. If they need to run to the bank or make a quick stop at Wal-Mart, that's their prerogative.


Active Member
Hey bud. Not sure where you work but I know a lot of folks that have a lunch hour at their place of business. That hour belongs to them, not the business. They are free to do what they want/need to do in that hour. Whether it's run errands, go to the doctor, eat, etc it doesn't matter. The business cannot legally infringe on that time. Same principles for teachers. They have a 30 minute lunch and 45 minute prep period. Those two time periods belong to the teacher and the school cannot infringe upon those times either. What the teacher decides to do during those times is on them. If they need to run to the bank or make a quick stop at Wal-Mart, that's their prerogative.

I think that was 78 Indian's point. Teachers work very, very hard, but they get the same perks as the rest of us. They have time to themselves and they can choose how they use it, whether it be working in their classrooms or handling something personal that needs attention during the day.

Personally I feel the issue that needs more looking at is that 2 school board members voted down the coaches' stipend this summer due to "the budget", but then they lead the charge for a 3% raise for employees even after strong feedback from our business manager that the district may not be able to handle an increase of that magnititude at this time. Why would they be against our coaches if they are so "pro teachers". Coaches are teachers too you know. Doesn't make much sense to me. :-\


1,000+ Posts
with respect to the board members who are teacher tied --having been a classroom teacher, Program Coor. and in Admin.
generally speaking teachers are envious of coaches. Especially female teachers who think they don't do anything but hand out worksheets and scantrons. Being pro coach I know there are many great coaches/teachers and many sorry teachers. The majority of the resentment comes from the coach not playing their kid. For whatever reason these are the same teachers who moan about all the "after school" work they have to do.

Newsflash -- if you haven't figured it out by about year 3-5 on how to do your job in the 187 day contracted time, you might want to do something else.

there are still Senior sponsors that have Graduation, those that have Open House, etc... add up the hours and influence a coach has --you tell me who puts in the most hours.

by the way check the EOC/TAKS/STARR results and see what kind of coach/teacher you are.

that is the true inside story that some don't want to admit


Active Member
Not wanting to add fuel to this fire...but in response to the class room teachers time during day without students being "their time," that is incorrect. These are considered conference periods. Each class room teacher has a conference period, plus a separate lunch time. This conference period is part of their paid day and is just that. A time without students that should be used to grade papers, prepare their room, communicate with parents, etc. in fact, most campuses require those wishing to leave campus during the day to sign out so it is known how often this is happening, and the reason for leaving. In many cases, (not all of course!), if you look at those who complain about staying late grading and what not, look at how often they do leave during their conference period. You may find your connection. Granted, there are many teachers who work during their entire conference time and you'd be amazed at what they can accomplish with time management. But yes, this is part of their paid day and in their signed contract. Of course, there are many who work in the schools that barely get their 30 minutes for lunch. Just clearing things up. Not trying to upset anyone! :)


1,000+ Posts
Man I'm glad I left education. I doubled my pay immediately and shed 99% of the stress I was enduring. Since corporate money, and not tax money, pays my wages, no one complains about what I make. They also don't tell me that I don't do enough to warrant that raise that a panel of people had to vote to give me in public forum.

The negative about education is that tax money funds it. No one wants to pay more taxes. I know I don't. This puts a natural restriction on the budget and the ability to pay highly educated people what they are actually worth. When I left BISD, I had 2 Masters degrees and was making half of what people with an Associates or less we're making. Is anyone on here actually going to argue that teachers (and honestly by that I mean all school staff) are under paid? Seriously, can someone make that argument? Where I work, my clothing and shoes are provided. Nothing I touch at work is paid for by me. Heck, I have the option to sign up for a stipend to cover the fact that my superior texts me on my personal cell phone. Compare this with teachers. They must spend money from their undervalued pay to provide much of what is used in the classroom. I dare any of you who are complaining (and probably make more than teachers) to stop using company supplies for a year and provide your own.

How do you fix this?? You don't. For education to be affordable, we must share in the cost burden, which means taxes. Otherwise most can't afford to go and this country gets even dumber than it already is. The best way to fund pay though is to take it out of the tax system. Schools become corporations. Private money pays for all education. The best corporations succeed and the others go bankrupt (ahem, BISD). Very few would be able to afford this though. But hey, no one would complain about teacher raises, right?


Web Guy

Also, for those that don't fully understand the workload of a teacher, they're probably working much more than you might think.

When do you think they have time to grade stacks of papers and create lesson plans for multiple classes? Especially writing assignments. During a single daily work period? No, it's evenings and weekends.

Education is a tough job, teachers are overloaded, they deal firsthand with growing social problems, and they work for a salary that doesn't compete with industry. Dedication and joy in educating students in a subject they love is the only thing keeping them in education. It's not for the pay or public praise. The same goes for teacher/coaches. They have earned the raises.


1,000+ Posts
With respect to 93's post. One must consider that a classroom teacher works 187 days a year---so in BISD a with 2 master's and 10 years or so you should make around 60,000ish divide that by 187 days --- that's $320.85 dollars per day, that's $40.10 per hour. Transfer that to 260 days per year (52weeks x 5 days per week) puts you at $83,421. Not many associate degrees, that I know of, pay twice that or $166,642 per year. Plus the 10 weeks off at summer , 1 week at Thanksgiving, 3 weeks at Xmas, 1 week at Spring break

Not a bad deal. And if you are a mother you are off every time your child is out of school. And retire at 55ish with 30 years service --age plus years --80.


1,000+ Posts
bark said:
With respect to 93's post. One must consider that a classroom teacher works 187 days a year---so in BISD a with 2 master's and 10 years or so you should make around 60,000ish divide that by 187 days --- that's $320.85 dollars per day, that's $40.10 per hour. Transfer that to 260 days per year (52weeks x 5 days per week) puts you at $83,421. Not many associate degrees, that I know of, pay twice that or $166,642 per year. Plus the 10 weeks off at summer , 1 week at Thanksgiving, 3 weeks at Xmas, 1 week at Spring break

Not a bad deal. And if you are a mother you are off every time your child is out of school. And retire at 55ish with 30 years service --age plus years --80.

Website states if you started on or before 96/97 school year the pay is 64,197. More than I thought BUT this year it was around 48,000 and change. BISD (jobs) website.

I have only worked for small (3/4A) Dostricts. Pay less but environment GREAT. Had one opportunity from Mr. Jones at Groves MS. He called me, 2006, did not want to work in PNGISD -- had kids in the district at the time, might now???


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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