
100+ Posts
I cannot wait for tonight ! To see all our boys, Out there putting it all out on the field, The band Blasting out CHEEROKEE, The Indianetts screaming out the war cry, Everyone knows we have the freaking best half time show, The Indain spirit and Cheerleaders keeping everyone fired up ! At the parade last night you could see it ! They are a unit not just the players, everyone ! I have faith that they will pull out the win ! And us as fans we have a job to do also, And that is to yell for them as loud as we can ! INDIAN NATION ! Lets send those bears packing :cry: !


1,000+ Posts
Best part of the parade last night was clapping and singing Cherokee as the boys passed by us and you could really see the boys pride when the adults were clapping and saying "Go get 'em boys!!" Can't wait for tonight. Already chewed off all my fingernails.


100+ Posts
My favorite part was when the Varsity squad was done and was walking back down Merriman the youth football players were passing by. The varsity boys were giving them all high fives. It was so cool and those little guys were all excited. :hookem: :hookem:


500+ Posts
My favorite part was when the Varsity squad was done and was walking back down Merriman the youth football players were passing by. The varsity boys were giving them all high fives. It was so cool and those little guys were all excited. :hookem: :hookem:
I saw that as well. Good stuff.


500+ Posts
Cant wait till the game...Im ready to yell myself And I am going to yell extra loud for our defense...Behind them 100%...there is nothing they cant do. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:


500+ Posts
badndn said:
My favorite part was when the Varsity squad was done and was walking back down Merriman the youth football players were passing by. The varsity boys were giving them all high fives. It was so cool and those little guys were all excited. :hookem: :hookem:
I saw that as well. Good stuff.

I saw the same thing. It shows what type of players we have at PNG :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cant wait till the game...Im ready to yell myself And I am going to yell extra loud for our defense...Behind them 100%...there is nothing they cant do. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:
Let's keep the "defense" chant going the entire time the D is on the field. Let;s make a lot of stomping stadium noise also. We can throw their O into some penalities if we do. I'm in the middle, at the top, and making all the noise I can.

I'm past ready for some football!!!


100+ Posts
My favorite part was when the Varsity squad was done and was walking back down Merriman the youth football players were passing by. The varsity boys were giving them all high fives. It was so cool and those little guys were all excited. :hookem: :hookem:
When my my boy was 4 or 5 we lived in Nederland (I know), I will not give to much info, May get speard ! Anyways, We went to the pot and pan parade, One of my good friends younger brother was the kicker for "that team over there" and he came up to my son and shook his hand, You would have thought he had just shook hands with a pro player ! When I saw what those boys did it took me back, Later I asked him if he rembered that night and he said he did and cracked a smile, I said that is how those young boys felt, He just thought for a moment and said WOW !

png tribe

100+ Posts
What would be really cool is trying to organize a true student section. Have a representative for each grade and try to organize each group to help the cheerleader's when they are trying to get the croud involved. Most of the kid's sit in GA anyway. It would be nice to get them all sitting in the same area so you could almost treat it like a student section in college. Since some people like to yell and some don't and some get real dizzy when they yell too much. If we want to truly turn our field into a true home field advantage then someone is gonna have to step up and get the student's involved. Kid's love acting a fool and yelling. Maybe organize with a couple of group's in each GA section and everyone in between the GA section's could chant with them. Just a thought for future games.


100+ Posts
png tribe said:
What would be really cool is trying to organize a true student section. Have a representative for each grade and try to organize each group to help the cheerleader's when they are trying to get the croud involved. Most of the kid's sit in GA anyway. It would be nice to get them all sitting in the same area so you could almost treat it like a student section in college. Since some people like to yell and some don't and some get real dizzy when they yell too much. If we want to truly turn our field into a true home field advantage then someone is gonna have to step up and get the student's involved. Kid's love acting a fool and yelling. Maybe organize with a couple of group's in each GA section and everyone in between the GA section's could chant with them. Just a thought for future games.
That would be awesome ! The first thing I do when I sit down is explain that I like to yell and stand most of the game ! I would sit very close to that section ! When my nephew pitched for A and M we would sit in the student section, We had a BLAST !


100+ Posts
Cant wait till the game...Im ready to yell myself And I am going to yell extra loud for our defense...Behind them 100%...there is nothing they cant do. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:
I am SO THERE ! :clap: :woohoo:


500+ Posts
would you think I was crazy if I wore my D-Fence headband? I had my son get me one from his spirit sales at

The student section by the band...some of them get into the game...alot of the younger students sit on the other end in GA...dont think they are there to watch the game, as alot of them sit backwards to talk to the row behind


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I sat in the student section last night and none of the kids around me were watching the game. They were throwing stuff around the bleachers and yelling out curse words and other obsenities. They were told by multiple people to quit and even had the cops called up a couple of times to settle them down. None of them cheered for the Indians except for when they ran out on the field. One student asked me in the 4th quater who is winning? Her and her friends had been setting there all night. There was a reporter from a newspaper setting near me who was also disappointed with all the stuff going on.


Active Member
I agreee. We had to sit in the general admission section last night and that was the first and last time. It if comes to sitting there or listening on the radio, i choose the radio. The kids were running around the whole time, throwing food, and hollering curse words. My 8 yr old daughter and 7 yr old son were there and got knocked of their seat twice and the kids just laughed about it. They were throwing nachos, chips, skittles and m&ms all night. I must have gotten hit 25 times and the kids just laugh because there is nothing you can do and they know it. The curse words and all the talk about f---ing this one and screwing that one in front of my kids just about did me in. Not one employee or cop did one thing. The three other couples around us left in the second quarter and said they wouldnt be back because their kids were youger than mine. I was very disssapointed and couldnt enjoy the game. I love PN-G football but without reserved seats I will never be back.


100+ Posts
ndn1998 said:
I agreee. We had to sit in the general admission section last night and that was the first and last time. It if comes to sitting there or listening on the radio, i choose the radio. The kids were running around the whole time, throwing food, and hollering curse words. My 8 yr old daughter and 7 yr old son were there and got knocked of their seat twice and the kids just laughed about it. They were throwing nachos, chips, skittles and m&ms all night. I must have gotten hit 25 times and the kids just laugh because there is nothing you can do and they know it. The curse words and all the talk about f---ing this one and screwing that one in front of my kids just about did me in. Not one employee or cop did one thing. The three other couples around us left in the second quarter and said they wouldnt be back because their kids were youger than mine. I was very disssapointed and couldnt enjoy the game. I love PN-G football but without reserved seats I will never be back.

I totally understand what you are saying. At the Nederland game we had reserved seats but the kids sitting behind us were not sitting in the right seats. They started yelling YOU SUCK to the players and I turned around and told them if they wanted to stay sitting here that they needed to not talk like that because I was not having that kind of talk around my 6 year old. I came to watch the ball game and didn't want to hear that kind of talk again. They shut up the rest of the game. I was nice too and the mad sitting next to them thanked me after wards.


Active Member
I tried that. I asked several of them to stop throwing things so we could watch the game and to stop cussing in front of my kids. One girl gave me the finger and some little boy told me to f--- off. They must have been 12 or 13 i guess. They must have some proud parents I tell ya.


Active Member
Contact Matt Burnett and or Superintendent about this. Demand that they have stadium workers and police in the section to control the problem. They use to have campus principals assigned to home games to monitor the students in the stands. You and your young children should not have to sit through that from those students.


500+ Posts
Thats really sad to know that there are kids acting this way. My son, a sophmore who plays JV told me that the coaches tell them to act like men and not kids when they are at the games. That if they got into trouble for misbehaving they would run them till the coaches got tired. My son told me in the truck last night that he told several freshmen kids to knock off their crap and to quit being obnoxious. He told me they told him to F off. That pissed him off, so he stood up and intimidated them. He is a big kid. They left and went to the other side. I think he really got pissed off when they started talking crap about some of the players. Nice to hear that the Sub varsity players in the stands are standing up for their team mates and coaches. Shows their dedication. Good Job Son ! Proud of you !


Active Member
And to top it off we had 6 other couples with us who had never been to a PN-G game. Needless to say they wont be back. They were disgusted and left early, which made me feel horrible because of the hype I built up about my former school and community. They said it was an experience but wouldnt return again.


2,000+ Posts
Trust me its that way in the reserved sections also. Kids running up and down and there parents just sitting there BS'ing with friends. I told some adults a few weeks back if they thought they were there for a birthday party or a social event they needed to go to McDonalds, It was a football game.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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