Marching Contest

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
To all of our Band members, Twirlers, Indianettes, Directors and Sponsors,

Good luck at the marching contest on Saturday! I hope that your pride in your work shines through for all to see on Saturday. All of us will be lined up in purple in the bleachers to cheer you on. Although this is a year where you can't move forward to the other competitions, we know that a great deal of work, sweat, tears and laughter has gone into your performance.

The Purple Pride Marching Indian Band continues to be something to see!

Go Indians. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Staff member
Did I hear correctly that the band scored a 2-2-1 at contest today??

Can anyone verify?

Unfortunately (and much to my surprise), that is the truth.


100+ Posts
bandkid said:
Did I hear correctly that the band scored a 2-2-1 at contest today??

Can anyone verify?

Unfortunately (and much to my surprise), that is the truth.
Don't hang your head bandkid. In the words of Mr. Tip Durham "Purple and White on a field green - the prettiest sight you've ever seen." In my words, "Is and always will be the prettiest sight I have ever seen."


100+ Posts
bandkid said:
Did I hear correctly that the band scored a 2-2-1 at contest today??

Can anyone verify?

Unfortunately (and much to my surprise), that is the truth.

I was very surprised also. I thought the y'all looked great and sounded good.


Staff member
Because I'm on the field, my view of what's going on is limited. However, I can still hear everything. I caught one or two precision problems (precision is always a problem for a large band that covers huge portions of the field) and the volume was lower than normal (that typically happens at contest - nerves get the underclassmen), but I didn't think it was enough to take us down a whole division. Most of the marching looked good from what I could see and the Indianettes and twirlers seemed to nail their parts.

I don't know. I haven't seen much of the video from the contest. I did get to watch the video of our performance at the pep rally Friday, and I think if we would have given that performance at contest, we would've received a first division rating and then some.


500+ Posts
Bandkid can you explain the order of the score 2/2/1.....I was in band way back when and went to school in La......just want to make sure its the same.


Staff member
There are three judges. Each judges the performance independently and assigns a rating. The most common rating is the one the band receives. If we had received a rating of 2/1/1, we would have received the first division trophy. Instead, we received a second division trophy.


500+ Posts
I graduated in 89...seem like our scores were broken down more...the overall performance...colorguard performance...I think they even gave the drum majors a score...but that was way back when in La, I could be remembering wrong. lol


Staff member
The Indianettes are judged as well, but by a different judge. They get a separate score sheet.

However, the judges for the band do take into account their effect on the general show.
I have to admit that this years competition performance was not my favorite one but it always appeared to be performed well. I can only image the hours of time and practice that the band puts in year after year. That is why I quit after elementary school. Our band and Indianetts always represent our school and communities well. No matter the UIL competition scores, I will say it again, PNG may not win every game but we will always win "signs, run throughs, and half time."

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
When I was in school it was a different each week. I would think that the kids would get tired of doing the same thing over and over. I love it when the kids come up with the performances.


Staff member
I can't think of any show bands that change their show each week. I know some military bands do, but show bands have a set drill from the beginning of summer band through the last marching competition of the year. The drills will sometimes see some modifications and the band will add more of the drill each week leading up to the contest, but it's still the same show.

I remember a post that was made on this board a while back (I believe PNG NDN Fan was the poster) that mentioned something about the marching competition originally being in December. It is now in October. This could be the issue.

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
2/2/1 Would this be the overall score from Judge 1/ Judge 2/ Judge 3 ?

Does each judge provde a sheet with a summary of how they came to their scores?


Staff member
Red Raider Mom said:
2/2/1 Would this be the overall score from Judge 1/ Judge 2/ Judge 3 ?

Does each judge provde a sheet with a summary of how they came to their scores?

If you flip it, yes. The rating was actually 1/2/2. Judge #2 was tough as nails. He gave Dayton a 3 when the other two both gave them a 1.

Summary sheets are provided to the directors. Each year, they're read to us in class and copies are posted in the band hall.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
When I was in school each judge turned in a critique sheet, much like the sheet you would get for UIL solo and ensemble contests. With regard to doing different shows, when I was a Sophomore and Junior there was one contest held in November, with the top 2 going to State. My Senior year was the first time they had a District contest, which meant holding it in October.

We usually did a few shows each year, but by the 4 week we were starting to build the contest show. Back then the shows were much less complex, and were drawn up by the directors (nowadays sometimes a show routine is purchased..but not sure if that is done at PNG). We were what Mr Almany called a "milicorps" band in that we mixed those two styles. Watch some of the YouTube videos from the Fall '83 and Fall '84 and you get the idea.

I only saw two regular season games this year, and the drill appeared to be performed well, but it was not one of my favorites. The whole theme of a baseball game for a show during football season seems a bit misplaced and, if I were in band today, I am not sure that I would have enjoyed playing the music. I would always recall that there were certain songs that the we would just love to play, and I am not sure that is the case for the kids this year.

I realize that Marching Contest is all about being competitive/pursuing excellence and that to compete today you basically have to sound like a concert band on the field, but it would be refreshing to have a more exciting mix of music in the shows.

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
PNG NDN Fan said:
The whole theme of a baseball game for a show during football season seems a bit misplaced and, if I were in band today, I am not sure that I would have enjoyed playing the music.

One of the reasons mine decided not to do band again this year. Not the main reason but it certainly didn't provide incentive to stick around either.

I am curious as to whether or not the judges mentioned the theme in their critique. I haven't spoken to anyone that understands why this show was chosen. Can anyone enighten me?


1,000+ Posts
just a "heads up" -- During the 70's the band had a different performance each game and we really enjoyed that. My children were football players and daughter was an Indianette. Now we hear the same music over and over and most fans take halftime to get drinks, visit with friends and utilize the facilities. I heard someone remark "we could toe dance to that music." I love the band and Indianettes and can't imagine an Indian football game without them, but would love to see them put on different shows and be more entertaining for the fans.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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