

100+ Posts
Pretty dadgum cocky of Manvel to play that after they score. Tell you what...for a 3rd year school and comming off a 5-5 record last season, they've got more audacity than most young programs...LOL. What really pisses me off is they can back it up. Hope LaMarque tears em a new one next week. :flaming:


Active Member
If we play them again next year, we need to let the boys know what Manvel meant by 'hokahey' and show 'manvel' exactly what it meant by giving them a shutout. 'hokahey' meant - it's a good day to die. Coined by Crazy Horse. This should fire up the boys!!!!


Active Member
Cant help but want La Marque to POUND Manvel for the cockiness and arrogancy some of their players and fans showed last night. They also make alot of mistakes with penalties and will eventually run into a well diciplined team that makes very few that will wipe the floor with them. Thanks Indians, coaching staff and fans for another exciting season and God willing will see you all again next year. I allready have a good feeling about next season. God Bless.


100+ Posts



500+ Posts
first let me say that I love our Band....but... "Im a little Teapot" does not get me fired up and Im pretty sure it does nothing for the team. Our band needs to play more and play loud, even if its only something from the drumline. Other bands are playing the whole game. We are one of the larger bands Ive seen and we need to "bring it".


Staff member
first let me say that I love our Band....but... "Im a little Teapot" does not get me fired up and Im pretty sure it does nothing for the team. Our band needs to play more and play loud, even if its only something from the drumline. Other bands are playing the whole game. We are one of the larger bands Ive seen and we need to "bring it".

That song is a band tradition that has been around for years. If I remember correctly, someone said it started on our last state championship run.

I thought it was interesting that Manvel picked up that song. At halftime, I hoped it might be a nice theme song for them at the end of the game.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
first let me say that I love our Band....but... "Im a little Teapot" does not get me fired up and Im pretty sure it does nothing for the team. Our band needs to play more and play loud, even if its only something from the drumline. Other bands are playing the whole game. We are one of the larger bands Ive seen and we need to "bring it".

I love to hear our band too. There are a few things at play here:
* When another band plays, we aren't supposed to. Its a form of band etiquette. To play when another band plays is really bad form and bad manners. It would make us as tactless as the other bands that blare noise the entire time. The songs are supposed to go back and forth between the bands. As we have seen there are other bands out there in our face and spewing the entire time. Its their form of smack talk. So, in the band world, does PN-G lower our standards and become as tacky as the other bands? To me, its a dilemma because I love to hear them play. I'd love to bring it....but then I like knowing that the other bands realize they didn't make us lose our classiness.
* In the past, PNG coaches have said they don't want the band playing when our offense is out.
* Those Manville players were crass and their band was too. I learned that a couple of their football players were talking to our cheerleaders before the game, taunting them about the number of points we would "lose by". Of course, one of our bright girls retorted that they needed to leave them alone and go worry about the five fans they brought with them. LOL. I also know that our loading crew saw their buses enter and, like they always do, waved hello to be polite. The Maverick band just looked at them and ignored them. The bus with the Manville cheerleaders and drill team all flipped our guys off. Tacky.

As far as the song - like you I hate that song now. The only redeeming thing was watching our fans change it to Na-na-nah-na-hey-hey-hey-we're number one at the beginning of the game.


1,000+ Posts
Is it just me or didn't it seem that they played louder when we were on offense and our band was quiet when they were on offense. We definitely lost the battle of the bands! lol JK


100+ Posts
i notice taht too! and by rule our coach could have stopped the game and request the referees to have them stop . Rules states that LOUD MUSIC/noise etc can not cause the team to hear the signals on the field. and not sure but if it did not stop it is a 15 yard pentaly . we are just too nice to play dirty like other schools do .


Active Member
I would like to get something straight regarding the "NaNaHeyHeyGoodbye". Manvel started playing this before their game against Dawson. It is not "NaNaHeyHeyGoodbye" it is "We Ready" by Archie Eversole. This is a rap song that all the kids have found and are listening to. LaMarque comes out during pregame with it, and other teams I have watched have come out playing it. Look it up I'm serious. It is no disrespect to the PNG Nation. As for "Hoka Hey", lets get all the facts straight. When Coach Martin came to Manvel it was a brand new school, so brand new traditions, mascot name, etc was being established. Coach Martin brought the schools motto, war cry, what ever you want to call it to Manvel. The rallying cry traces back to the Lakota Sioux Indians and is about personal sacrifice for a greater cause, It's about brotherhood and sacrificing yourself for your teammates. The entire Manvel community is building its own tradition, just like PNG did many years ago, and look what it has done for the PNG Nation. I am a Manvel Mavericks Supporter and the game last night was unbelievable. Yes there were personnel fouls on both side, and both teams lost their focus. I meet a few of the PNG fans last night and all I can say is I was treated with respect and kindness. I see some posts that some feel they were treated unfairly by some from Manvel, I can tell you there are some great, hard working people in Manvel, and some very gifted and athletic students at Manvel High School, and yes there are some turds that ruin it for everyone, and that goes for both sides. As a Manvel resident I personally appoligize for those who feel they were treated wrong. I hope all the best for the PNG Nation, yall know how to bring a crowd. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts on this message board, and my God bless PNG Nation.


500+ Posts
ryno1203 said:
I would like to get something straight regarding the "NaNaHeyHeyGoodbye". Manvel started playing this before their game against Dawson. It is not "NaNaHeyHeyGoodbye" it is "We Ready" by Archie Eversole. This is a rap song that all the kids have found and are listening to. LaMarque comes out during pregame with it, and other teams I have watched have come out playing it. Look it up I'm serious. It is no disrespect to the PNG Nation. As for "Hoka Hey", lets get all the facts straight. When Coach Martin came to Manvel it was a brand new school, so brand new traditions, mascot name, etc was being established. Coach Martin brought the schools motto, war cry, what ever you want to call it to Manvel. The rallying cry traces back to the Lakota Sioux Indians and is about personal sacrifice for a greater cause, It's about brotherhood and sacrificing yourself for your teammates. The entire Manvel community is building its own tradition, just like PNG did many years ago, and look what it has done for the PNG Nation. I am a Manvel Mavericks Supporter and the game last night was unbelievable. Yes there were personnel fouls on both side, and both teams lost their focus. I meet a few of the PNG fans last night and all I can say is I was treated with respect and kindness. I see some posts that some feel they were treated unfairly by some from Manvel, I can tell you there are some great, hard working people in Manvel, and some very gifted and athletic students at Manvel High School, and yes there are some turds that ruin it for everyone, and that goes for both sides. As a Manvel resident I personally appoligize for those who feel they were treated wrong. I hope all the best for the PNG Nation, yall know how to bring a crowd. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts on this message board, and my God bless PNG Nation.
I do not post on the Manvel site, and I'm not impresssed by Manvel's selection of a fight song. Furthermore, you may mean it to be a rap song, but I know that it sounded like a song from my sr. year in HS--Kiss Him Goodbye by Steam. So, maybe your band needs to practice a little more.
I do agree that last night was unbelievable. Manvel should have had at least 26 penalties, instead of 16.

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
Proud Band Mom said:
first let me say that I love our Band....but... "Im a little Teapot" does not get me fired up and Im pretty sure it does nothing for the team. Our band needs to play more and play loud, even if its only something from the drumline. Other bands are playing the whole game. We are one of the larger bands Ive seen and we need to "bring it".

I love to hear our band too. There are a few things at play here:
* When another band plays, we aren't supposed to. Its a form of band etiquette. To play when another band plays is really bad form and bad manners. It would make us as tactless as the other bands that blare noise the entire time. The songs are supposed to go back and forth between the bands. As we have seen there are other bands out there in our face and spewing the entire time. Its their form of smack talk. So, in the band world, does PN-G lower our standards and become as tacky as the other bands? To me, its a dilemma because I love to hear them play. I'd love to bring it....but then I like knowing that the other bands realize they didn't make us lose our classiness.
* In the past, PNG coaches have said they don't want the band playing when our offense is out.
* Those Manville players were crass and their band was too. I learned that a couple of their football players were talking to our cheerleaders before the game, taunting them about the number of points we would "lose by". Of course, one of our bright girls retorted that they needed to leave them alone and go worry about the five fans they brought with them. LOL. I also know that our loading crew saw their buses enter and, like they always do, waved hello to be polite. The Maverick band just looked at them and ignored them. The bus with the Manville cheerleaders and drill team all flipped our guys off. Tacky.

As far as the song - like you I hate that song now. The only redeeming thing was watching our fans change it to Na-na-nah-na-hey-hey-hey-we're number one at the beginning of the game.
You are getting a little steamed about the teapot song. Did you see all of these incidents that supposedly occurred? Otherwise it is just mean-spirited gossip here.

I think that we can bring it up a notch and still have a ways to go before we ruffle the feathers of the band police.

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
ryno1203 said:
I was just justifying the song sir. Have a blessed day.
I appreciate the insight from your post. Most of us realize that not everyone from Manvel is rude and unsportsman like. The same is true on this board. ;)


Active Member
I walked over to the other sideline a few times for photos. The song they were playing was in fact "We Ready" The only time it sounded otherwise was near the end of the game.
I asked a lady what Hoka Hey meant and she said it meant, in short, "Play unselfishly"
AS I moved toward the Maverick bench I noticed a sign that confirmed it as it said at the top of it Hoka Hey = Play unselfish.


100+ Posts
Adams said:
I walked over to the other sideline a few times for photos. The song they were playing was in fact "We Ready" The only time it sounded otherwise was near the end of the game.
I asked a lady what Hoka Hey meant and she said it meant, in short, "Play unselfishly"
AS I moved toward the Maverick bench I noticed a sign that confirmed it as it said at the top of it Hoka Hey = Play unselfish.

Well I don't know about your sources and I am not trying to start something here. But my source was a Varsity cheerleader mom from Manvel. The mother was a PNG alumni from 1981 and her daughter is a varsity cheerleader from Manvel. I asked her at the game what Hoka hey on the flags meant. That is when she told me (with a smile I may add), "Today is a good day to die". :huh: Also when I got home I googled it to make sure.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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