Observations from the Game


1,000+ Posts
3. Did I mention how hot it was??

Anyway - Here are a few of my observations from the game last night:

Crowd: It looked like GP had about 250-300 fans on their side - our side was packed. I arrived about 6:00 and seating was sparse. The crowd was energetic and most people stood for Cherokee (all 100 times it was played) :)

The Game: I thought the boys looked good on both sides of the ball. Travis Miller looked good. He's a play maker. As long as he can stay injury free this year, I see him being a standout in the district - possibly the state. Receiver Jace Nelson can play some football! I believe he caught 12-15 passes last night (2 for touchdowns) - this kid is fast. Bertrand - looked good too. I think this offense looks VERY balanced.

Kicking game looks good this year too. One kickoff sailed all the way to the endzone and all extra points safely made their way in.

Defense stepped up and did an outstanding job. I don't think GP scored a first down until the 2nd Quarter. It was good to see PN-G come out strong and build a lead QUICK. My only concern was the second half. They seemed to have lost their passion that they had in the first half. They need to remember, there are 4 quarters of ball. We don't need to ease up and give any of our district opponents a chance to come back once we have built a lead. No disrespect to GP what so ever, but I was kind of surprised with what I was seeing on the field. It is very obvious they are struggling with a new system this year and this game put a big ole target on many of their weaknesses. I hope they will be able to bounce back and have a competitive year with the rest of their schedule.

Halftime - Our band took the field first (even though we were the home team). The Indian Band looked good. We were shown a portion of their new show this year and it looked pretty good. The sound was good and I liked the music choice. The twirlers did a really difficult routine and looked good. The Indianettes did a kick routine and I think there are many more girls this year than last year and I was equally impressed. The only thing that was spoken about by some folks sitting around me was the speed of Cherokee (or lack there of). I'm not gonna even get on that topic this year. It's already been noted in previous post last year that many of us are yearning to hear the faster, more staccato version heard in the 70's and 80's. Nevertheless -- as long as I'm hearing it at least 50 times during the game, I'm a happy camper.

The GP band did not perform. To give everyone an idea of exactly how hot it was, their superintendent got on the PA system to announce that "Due to the extreme heat conditions, The Gregory-Portland band would regretfully decline to perform their halftime show". This prompted a standing ovation from the crowd for our band, twirlers and drill team that were headed back to their place in the stands. Think about it folks...these young men and young women took the field to entertain us in heat conditions that were simply almost unbearable. A BIG THANK YOU to all those kids!!

Congratulations to the NDN's! Great job last night!!


500+ Posts
in response to the GP band not marching, found out that there buses had no AC and three band members where treated by ambulance for heat related illnesses and several others were sick in the stands.

We never had AC in the buses when I played ball!!!!

Team loses 42-0, and no halftime band...Long road trip if you were a GP fan.


100+ Posts
The kids did awesome, all of them band, drill team, cheerleaders, indianettes, twirlers, football players.. you neame it.. and in this condition! Congrats on all the kids for showing the PRIDE in the Tradition , Pride, and Honor! tHEY HAVE EARNED IT!


100+ Posts
Ok...my take on the game..... the team looked like they were in mid-season form!

Offense....blocking was crisp. Gave Travis good time to pick out receivers and opened holes for Chase. Chase ran well but looked tentative...must have been first game jitters. Jace was his usual acrobatic and sure handed self except for the dropped TD pass in the end zone. I'm seeing some future big time headaches for opposing defenses in the future IF Faircloth will develop them. One is the fact that for the first time since probably Richie Etheridge, we have a running,mobile QB. Travis' ability to tuck the ball and run adds more pressure on a defense. The only problem I see with Travis' mobility is that he can't seem to throw a long ball on the move....especially down the sidelines. It looks like he can't judge the amount of air he needs under the ball and it flutters like a dying quail. It happened alot last week against Memorial and he got picked off on a "quail" last night. Hopefully, this flaw will be ironed out before the Crosby game. Another potential headache I see for defenses is the "coming out " of Antonio Arvie. Now we have a speedy running back we haven't had since "Jet" Bergeron. Would like to see Chase and Antonio in the same backfield with Chase being the power runner between the tackles and Antonio being a threat at the corners. With all the misdirection Brandon uses and having Travis, Antonio and Chase in the same backfield...I just wouldn't want to be an opposing defensive co-ordinator and deal with this mess...LOL. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Defense....how can one complain when our defense pitched a shutout? Loved the "pops" our guys put on the G-P running backs. Also loved the one time in the 4th quarter when the G-P QB was buried in a sea of purple for a fumble. Only real complaint was that the secondary was burned for a few long passes but no harm, no foul on that. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Great game, guys....y'all play like this all season and y'all have a district championship.


100+ Posts
Add Womack in there also. He's a shifty and speedy back. I liked all 3 RB's. The ball wasn't spread around a whole lot like I expected. Lacour had some catches, Bertrand, and Nelson. The third WR didn't have any thrown his way from what I remember. Also, Hopefully the backup QB is decent because you run risk of injury when you start running your QB from the backfield. I like the play calling, just gets a little scary when I don't know what we have after Miller. The defense was awesome. The only thing was late in the game GP started connecting on some passes, but that's going to happen in any game. Good overall team game!


500+ Posts
I think that the mistakes and sloppy play in the 2nd half were probably heat related. Remember, the team was there a lot earlier than most of the crowd. They spend a lot of time on that hot field warming up (no pun intended). We tend to forget that the temp. on the field is probably @10 - 15 degrees hotter, and they have those hot pads and uniforms. Just something to think about.


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# 15 Smith is out back up Qb and he is like 6 5 and huge he can throw the ball and knows the playbook really well i dont think we have a worry at qb


Active Member
PNGfan said:
Add Womack in there also. He's a shifty and speedy back. I liked all 3 RB's. The ball wasn't spread around a whole lot like I expected. Lacour had some catches, Bertrand, and Nelson. The third WR didn't have any thrown his way from what I remember. Also, Hopefully the backup QB is decent because you run risk of injury when you start running your QB from the backfield. I like the play calling, just gets a little scary when I don't know what we have after Miller. The defense was awesome. The only thing was late in the game GP started connecting on some passes, but that's going to happen in any game. Good overall team game!

#4 Jayce scored 2 TDs, #10 Lacour scored 1 TD and #28 Alan Hanks scored 1 TD. I thought distribution was pretty good. #11 Chipman was only thrown to a couple times, but no drops in your first varsity outing should be considered a win in itself. Jayce had his guy beat every time and Travis, being a new starting quarterback, just felt more confident throwing it to him more. I see him being more comfortable and scanning the field better in the future.


500+ Posts
I thinks its awesome we have a QB that can tuck and run as well as he does. That in itself is a very big threat to any defense.


Active Member
From a GP perspective:

PNG looks pretty darn good. You guys executed well, and seemed very well organized. QB did throw a few "flutterballs" but its hard to throw on the run. I'm sure he will improve. I think GP regrouped well at the half, and made a respectable showing at least. Would have been nice to score at least 1 TD! We obviously have a ways to go on getting the new offense down pat, but we will. Having a top quality opponent in pre-district can only help us in district play. But it would have been nice to have played a weak team for a confidence builder! We don't get much of a reprieve this week, as we face calallen at calallen.

As for the GP band, I was embarrassed that they did not perform. the football teams both performed, and the Indian Band performed, so it seemed odd to me that it was too hot for our band. If they had some sick kids they should have just said that, not that it was too hot, especially since your band had just performed!

Proud parent of Wildcat #28, (and a former Nederland resident)


100+ Posts
PNGndn07 said:
PNGfan said:
Add Womack in there also. He's a shifty and speedy back. I liked all 3 RB's. The ball wasn't spread around a whole lot like I expected. Lacour had some catches, Bertrand, and Nelson. The third WR didn't have any thrown his way from what I remember. Also, Hopefully the backup QB is decent because you run risk of injury when you start running your QB from the backfield. I like the play calling, just gets a little scary when I don't know what we have after Miller. The defense was awesome. The only thing was late in the game GP started connecting on some passes, but that's going to happen in any game. Good overall team game!

#4 Jayce scored 2 TDs, #10 Lacour scored 1 TD and #28 Alan Hanks scored 1 TD. I thought distribution was pretty good. #11 Chipman was only thrown to a couple times, but no drops in your first varsity outing should be considered a win in itself. Jayce had his guy beat every time and Travis, being a new starting quarterback, just felt more confident throwing it to him more. I see him being more comfortable and scanning the field better in the future.

True, I agree


100+ Posts
wacape said:
Ok...my take on the game..... the team looked like they were in mid-season form!

Offense....blocking was crisp. Gave Travis good time to pick out receivers and opened holes for Chase. Chase ran well but looked tentative...must have been first game jitters. Jace was his usual acrobatic and sure handed self except for the dropped TD pass in the end zone. I'm seeing some future big time headaches for opposing defenses in the future IF Faircloth will develop them. One is the fact that for the first time since probably Richie Etheridge, we have a running,mobile QB. Travis' ability to tuck the ball and run adds more pressure on a defense. The only problem I see with Travis' mobility is that he can't seem to throw a long ball on the move....especially down the sidelines. It looks like he can't judge the amount of air he needs under the ball and it flutters like a dying quail. It happened alot last week against Memorial and he got picked off on a "quail" last night. Hopefully, this flaw will be ironed out before the Crosby game. Another potential headache I see for defenses is the "coming out " of Antonio Arvie. Now we have a speedy running back we haven't had since "Jet" Bergeron. Would like to see Chase and Antonio in the same backfield with Chase being the power runner between the tackles and Antonio being a threat at the corners. With all the misdirection Brandon uses and having Travis, Antonio and Chase in the same backfield...I just wouldn't want to be an opposing defensive co-ordinator and deal with this mess...LOL. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Defense....how can one complain when our defense pitched a shutout? Loved the "pops" our guys put on the G-P running backs. Also loved the one time in the 4th quarter when the G-P QB was buried in a sea of purple for a fumble. Only real complaint was that the secondary was burned for a few long passes but no harm, no foul on that. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Great game, guys....y'all play like this all season and y'all have a district championship.
No disrespect to any of the current players, but how about Ron McGill (all-state RB in 1989). Ron could FLY.


100+ Posts
GP....nothing to be embarrassed about from your band. Your band director only played it safe. I'd much rather not see a band perform in such heat than to see a kid carried off on a stretcher. I'm sure our director would have done the same thing if there were sick kids in the stands. Hookem....you're right....forgot about McGill...good pick.


1,000+ Posts
Mark Buchanan 3 year starter, all state, #1 running back on the 75 State Championship team! aside for Jeff my #1 pick in that he did what was needed every time!

Remember we really spread it around then, now days it's usually one featured back.

There is no way to compare from different eras, for instance I believe Richey Ethridge it second only to Long in PNG QB's.

Name any other QB that went to the State game (Richey won it) AND received D1 scholarships, Texas Tech and A&M -bottom line They exceeded all others via talent - recognized by real scouts -not fans - and went to the big dance.

Again, it's all opinions, and that's mine.


Active Member
it was a good tune up game...no offense to GP..but port neches wont truly be tested until we face Texas City...GP has quite a few things to work on...but overall travis looked good...nelson and the other wr's looked good...our #1 RB Bertrand did fine...he didnt have to do much...but it was a great game


Active Member
The O-Line did a GREAT JOB.....The only returning starter Is Kyler Nicotre....Chris Mangini,Justin Reasons,Trent Lee & Nick Stasinos make up the other 4 starting positions.
Nick had a little playing time last year. GREAT job for a 1st game.......I believe #70 Nicotre came out of the TeePee first & got the crowd pumped up.....Seems to me he is one of the leaders........GREAT job O-Line.........Let's kick some Crosby ass tonight.


Active Member
oldindian69 said:
The O-Line did a GREAT JOB.....The only returning starter Is Kyler Nicotre....Chris Mangini,Justin Reasons,Trent Lee & Nick Stasinos make up the other 4 starting positions.
Nick had a little playing time last year. GREAT job for a 1st game.......I believe #70 Nicotre came out of the TeePee first & got the crowd pumped up.....Seems to me he is one of the leaders........GREAT job O-Line.........Let's kick some Crosby ass tonight.
Kyler Nicotre #70 did come out of the TeePee first and got the crowd pumped up. I would definitely consider him a leader. Ready for another BIG WIN tonight. Go Indians!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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