Official Game Thread: Indians vs. Raiders : PN-G 42 Lumberton 14 FINAL


1,000+ Posts
Good win guys. Needed to win this game tonight. NDNs came out with a new attitude and played extremely aggressive. Good job.


Staff member
It's not how you start the season, it's how you end it. Lot of good football ahead. :thumbsup:
It was great to see good plays on both sides of the ball. And most of the fans stayed in the game too.....but I got a big question. What happened to the band? There was one time in the first quarter, and two in the second when they didn't play Cherokee after first downs. Then it happened several times in the second half. Come on Bandkid, I know you will have the answer for me. Everyone around us was asking the same question. We need the band to help keep the spirit up.


Staff member
61ndn said:
It was great to see good plays on both sides of the ball. And most of the fans stayed in the game too.....but I got a big question. What happened to the band? There was one time in the first quarter, and two in the second when they didn't play Cherokee after first downs. Then it happened several times in the second half. Come on Bandkid, I know you will have the answer for me. Everyone around us was asking the same question. We need the band to help keep the spirit up.

Typically, when we miss first downs, it's because we're playing pop tunes. This normally only happens in the fourth quarter because that's considered "pop tune time" and we also tend to miss some in the third quarter because that's the break we get after halftime - we still pay attention to the game and play Cherokee, but we'll miss it every now and then.

What was odd about this game is that we played several pop tunes in the first half. Why? Put simply, band-style smack talk. Lumberton played a few, and then we played a few, and on it went.

On another note, the defense really stepped up to the plate tonight. I was happy to see the team firing on all cylinders again. I think we're back on the trails of victory.


Active Member
Sorry bandkid but I saw more goofing off and not paying attention then playing pop tunes by the drum majors.


Active Member
NDNgirl87 said:
Sorry bandkid but I saw more goofing off and not paying attention then playing pop tunes by the drum majors.

TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY AGREE. What happened to playing Cherokee so much it would almost drive a first timer crazy? I'd rather Cherokee ANYTiME over "pop tunes".


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
A good performance by the team, and the band growing in size year over year and sounding better. Can all in the Indian Nation at least enjoy a successful evening before getting critical again?
Not being critical, just asking a question, that's all. But looks like from other posts, most folks too would prefer Cherokee other pop tunes. Other bands can play pop tunes, only the Indian band can play Cherokee. Just my opinion, that's all.


100+ Posts
Only heard that dang train horn about a half a dozen times. L train got knocked off their track and we sent them back home in the caboose. Much better fan participation. Not many folks leaving early either. Great game by the offense and defense. Gotta give a shout out to D. J. # 33 - I wish you could have scored 6. Saw some of the new guys brought up from JV making a name for themselves. No complaints from this fan tonight.


Staff member
It was just a little friendly competition between two competitive bands. Did we miss a few Cherokee cues? Sure. We miss some every now and then. Nobody's perfect.

61ndn said:
Well, you answered my question. I just like Cherokee more than the other stuff but yes, the game was great, as was the band and Indianettes.

Thank you.

NDNgirl87 said:
Sorry bandkid but I saw more goofing off and not paying attention then playing pop tunes by the drum majors.

You're talking about a group of 183 teenagers at a football game. There's going to be some goofing off. At least we don't bail out and leave the stands altogether during the third quarter like most bands do.


100+ Posts
bandkid said:
It was just a little friendly competition between two competitive bands. Did we miss a few Cherokee cues? Sure. We miss some every now and then. Nobody's perfect.

NDNgirl87 said:
Sorry bandkid but I saw more goofing off and not paying attention then playing pop tunes by the drum majors.

You're talking about a group of 183 teenagers at a football game. There's going to be some goofing off. At least we don't bail out and leave the stands altogether during the third quarter like most bands do.
Nobody hurt over this one bandkid. I think we just noticed it was different when you guys didn't strike up Cherokee after a few 1st. downs. I/we didn't realize the band was in a little competition of their own with the visitors band and the pop tunes.


500+ Posts
Great game ! Great WIN ! Feels good for the boys ! The band was great tonight as well. Ya'll sound great and seem to be playing alittle louder. The goofing off ? oh well they are teenagers and yes they did miss Cherokee a couple of times. Great half time performance.

I am so happy to finally see our D step up their play ! DJ is a great fit at middle linebacker. I love the monster position for him. Free roam of the line and field. I thought he was gonna knock Lumberton's QB out of the game with some of those hits. Great job on the D line as well, those sacks were awesome ! Way to go guys ! The O was firing great as well, good game for all ! Bertram is really starting to mature more and more each game as a running back at the Varsity level. I can't wait to watch this game again if possible on the net !

I knew that those dang pooch kicks were gonna hurt us one day and last night it happened. That drives me crazy when they do that. Gives the other team to many yards to start on. Ok, my other rant is still the same, the zone pass coverage is still hurting us on the 5-10 yard dumps. I know we got a couple of interceptions, but you can't keep giving up that much yardage. I hope they adjust that for the coming games because most of the teams besides Vidor are passing teams.

Either way The boys won, and did it soundly and showed what PNG football is about. Take it to em and don't let up ! I am proud for the team and their hard work is paying off ! The coaches made good play calling and the fans were there as well. It felt good to be back in the true NDN atmosphere last night !


500+ Posts
Bandkid--I think you guys are GREAT! Have fun while you are young--you deserve it. I think the band should enjoy their time at the games and have fun.Again, GREAT job and keep up the good work, and please keep having fun and IGNORE the so-called critics! ;D


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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