

500+ Posts
Don't know any specifics, but I do know that when I ride by on my way to lunch each day I see them working out on the field. Lots of running and jumping and gasping for air :shout: :thud:. Haven't seen this before. Also hear from some of the kids that he is really working them. They say they will be better conditioned than ever. The older ones love it because they understand, the younger ones (Freshman) think it stinks, but that will change when they see the results! I think having won a lot so far like the Freshman group has, they don't appreciate the extra work like the older guys do who have not had success yet.


Staff member
What the freshman may not realize is success at that level doesn't automatically follow them to the varsity level. Lot of difference between the two.
Like Coach Faircloth said, work harder than anyone else and good things will happen. If the Indians can go to to toe with opponents, physical and strategy, that's when the PNG intangibles come into play and push us over the top!


Active Member
My son is a freshman and is loving the new coach. His friends are also. They are really enjoying the workouts. They are saying the workouts are very tough but they are enjoying doing something different. I think their exact words were "its cool".


Active Member
My son said off season was very tough. People are throwing up and working their butts off. It is continuous movement, your never not doing anything. It is not fun but it will be worth it next year.


Staff member
That's good news. The past few seasons there have been too many 'out of condition' players on the team.


Active Member
The biggest factor is how hard your players work during the summer.
If you aren't busting balls during the summer you lose everything you gained during the offseason.

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
I heard that on the first day, Coach Faircloth drug a trash can out to the field behind him. One of the guys said what's that for. Coach said if you have to puke, you puke in the garbage can....I don't want you puking on the new turf.


1,000+ Posts
Former NDNette said:
I heard that on the first day, Coach Faircloth drug a trash can out to the field behind him. One of the guys said what's that for. Coach said if you have to puke, you puke in the garbage can....I don't want you puking on the new turf.

Good head on his shoulders, but I can read the humor in it too.


Staff member
Former NDNette said:
I heard that on the first day, Coach Faircloth drug a trash can out to the field behind him. One of the guys said what's that for. Coach said if you have to puke, you puke in the garbage can....I don't want you puking on the new turf.

Thats a man who has the best interests of our tax/bond dollars at heart. Now if he could just run for president..... :unclesam:

After we win state a few times, of course.


100+ Posts
Sounds like he has had a few football players punk in the past. :ha: :helmet: Kind of like the saying, "Been there, done that." :thud:


100+ Posts
I really like Coach Faircloth. I listened to him talk to the kids the other day, and he was stressing good grades and conduct in school. That went along way with me. I think if a player thinks he can act however and make whatever grades, he will be in the stands watching and not part of the team. I love this concept. If you want to be part of this winning team, then it's going to start in the class room. Guys we are very fortunate to have him here, and I met several of the new coaches. They seem really nice and should fit in quickly. Hopefully welcomed with open arms. Anyways, Scalp'em in 09


Active Member
PNGfan said:
I really like Coach Faircloth. I listened to him talk to the kids the other day, and he was stressing good grades and conduct in school. That went along way with me. I think if a player thinks he can act however and make whatever grades, he will be in the stands watching and not part of the team. I love this concept. If you want to be part of this winning team, then it's going to start in the class room. Guys we are very fortunate to have him here, and I met several of the new coaches. They seem really nice and should fit in quickly. Hopefully welcomed with open arms. Anyways, Scalp'em in 09

I agree! We as a community need to get behind these new coaches and support them any way we can.


1,000+ Posts
Cozmo said:
PNGfan said:
I really like Coach Faircloth. I listened to him talk to the kids the other day, and he was stressing good grades and conduct in school. That went along way with me. I think if a player thinks he can act however and make whatever grades, he will be in the stands watching and not part of the team. I love this concept. If you want to be part of this winning team, then it's going to start in the class room. Guys we are very fortunate to have him here, and I met several of the new coaches. They seem really nice and should fit in quickly. Hopefully welcomed with open arms. Anyways, Scalp'em in 09

I agree! We as a community need to get behind these new coaches and support them any way we can.

Just tell us how!!

I look forward to seeing how long it takes the local coaches to itch the old mentality of playing against us. Id guess the first few teams we play will have a pretty rough time.


100+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
Cozmo said:
PNGfan said:
I really like Coach Faircloth. I listened to him talk to the kids the other day, and he was stressing good grades and conduct in school. That went along way with me. I think if a player thinks he can act however and make whatever grades, he will be in the stands watching and not part of the team. I love this concept. If you want to be part of this winning team, then it's going to start in the class room. Guys we are very fortunate to have him here, and I met several of the new coaches. They seem really nice and should fit in quickly. Hopefully welcomed with open arms. Anyways, Scalp'em in 09

I agree! We as a community need to get behind these new coaches and support them any way we can.

Just tell us how!!

I look forward to seeing how long it takes the local coaches to itch the old mentality of playing against us. Id guess the first few teams we play will have a pretty rough time.

I think a great start would be for everyone to show up for the Spring game (May 22nd) just like it was opening season. Maybe some tailgating and hopefully the band will also come.


100+ Posts
I agree. We should try to pack the stands for the spring game. I know that a few people that are going, including me. Hope to see everyone out there.

C O Wilson Bullpups

Active Member
kfdmcoop said:
I hear they will be starting the MOJO mat exercises people saw on the video this week.

PNG doesn't need ny traditions from MOJO, MOJO really did LCM good the last few years.

PNG has a proud tradition in football.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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