Other High School Renovations


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
lu cards said:
the housing by divots is supposed to be upscale.best option is to buy an existing home an tear it down.the high prices of land is good for png.theres another tract on merriam that is being developed that is in he 40k range.

I thought I heard somewhere that Divots was going to be the site of the new Carver Terrace, but that could be completely off the mark. Regardless, I checked the school district zone map and Divots is in PAISD, not PNGISD.

It's interesting to see new homes going up in the middle of old ones in PNGISD, like a house by house gentrification.


Staff member
That's a definite indication that a lot of people still believe in the quality of life and education in PNGISD!


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Well, there is one apartment complex PA (Central Mall Area) that I know very well that has nice amenities, it is the nicest in PA. Most of the tenants there are US Coast Guard, so I'm not sure if the government covers all or part of their rent. They make great neighbors though.

The others are single professionals like engineers, nurses, and even doctors that are just starting out in the area (or perhaps work here during the week and maintain a residence elsewhere.) Some are retired people that don't want to bother with the upkeep of a home. There are not many families with school age kids there, and the ones that I am aware of send their kids to private school.

As far as renting upscale single family homes, I don't see that happening in PAISD, but there may be some exceptions.


500+ Posts
PNG NDN Fan said:
Well, there is one apartment complex PA (Central Mall Area) that I know very well that has nice amenities, it is the nicest in PA. Most of the tenants there are US Coast Guard, so I'm not sure if the government covers all or part of their rent. They make great neighbors though.

The others are single professionals like engineers, nurses, and even doctors that are just starting out in the area (or perhaps work here during the week and maintain a residence elsewhere.) Some are retired people that don't want to bother with the upkeep of a home. There are not many families with school age kids there, and the ones that I am aware of send their kids to private school.

As far as renting upscale single family homes, I don't see that happening in PAISD, but there may be some exceptions.

Makes sense.


500+ Posts
I talked to someone at Divots and it will be closed so the Gulf Breeze apartment complex from Gulfway drive can be rebuilt on the site. I asked the owner if he was going to start up somewhere else and he said he was ran off the land and was moving on to something else. I assume he leased the land.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Hmmm... I thought he owned that land, but I heard that indirectly through a regular there.

In other news related to real estate, I *think* the townhome development that was scheduled for the intersection of 73 and 25th (therefore in PNGISD) is on hold. The original developer must have pulled out since the property is being advertised on loopnet. The ad mentions that townhome plans are available.


I could be wrong though.


500+ Posts
When I went in I asked about it and the guy sitting down just said he was being ran off. I asked if he planned on opening up somewhere else and he said no, that he was going to have to figure out something else to do. He did not sound too happy. He really seemed to blow me off as if he was mad that I even asked.


1,000+ Posts
I'm assuming that, since we're discussing it here, Divots is in PNGISD? Can we be lucky enough for it to be in PAISD?


500+ Posts
92' ... You going to the UT spring game Saturday? I am headed to Austin on friday, spring game on sat. and golf at The UT Golf Club on sun.


100+ Posts
....And like a highway is going to stop the good from the bad?!?! ::) It will carry over to the PNGISD. Carver Terrance housing....Now that is some fine outstanding, tax paying citizens!!! ??? I wonder how many are going to put in for school transfers??? :mad:....and that is the future we are building the new school and stadium for. I can see it now. Nice today.....full of gangs and gang grafitti tomorrow.


Active Member
Please pardon my ignorance, but what is Divots? Living out here I don't have a clue what you all are talking about.


1,000+ Posts
I just talked to a school board member while I was at the stadium taking pictures. The "old" gym will be renovated. This is not a bad thing. They have overcome the deficit, and are sitting even again. The contractor has assured them that he can accomplish his task while preserving the art work. I'm not sure that it will remain where it is, but it will be preserved. Also the gym will be air conditioned so that events can be held in with enough room to seat everyone.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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