Our great offensive strategy


Scalp Em Indians
1989NDN said:
PN-G fans can make a case for and against MB. He runs a clean program, teaches young men to be accountable on the field and in the classroom, he talks the talk and walks the walk when it comes to discipline and being an outstanding role model. He is an Indian from womb to tomb. The thing that bothers most Indian fans is his 5 (W) and 10 (L) vs. Nederland. Granted, most of the games between PN-G and Nederland have been close games during the past 15 years ... and a play here or a play there could have made a difference. For the first time in the history of the PN-G v. Nederland rivalry, Nederland will win a decade series (from 2000-2009). Even during the 1980s when Butch Troy fought the good fight for PN-G, the Indians won the decade series (mostly thanks to Coach Ethridge in '80-'83 and Coach Malone '89). Still, PN-G fans expect to beat Nederland 6 out of 10 years ... most fans do not accept a 5 (W) and 10 (L) ledger vs. our Mid-County neighbors. But, it happens.

I don't have a dog in the fight. I do not have kids in the PN-GISD, and I will not have any kids in PN-GISD. Personally, I like MB. Again, he runs a good program ... and, he was a good man and asst. coach at PN-G when I attended school at PN-G during 1986-1989. He cared about kids, got kids excited to play for PN-G, etc. I just wish he would beat Nederland at a better rate than .33333333. Then again, as I get older and fatter, I undestand that winning and losing is cyclical. MB, or any coach for that matter, can only work with the talent he has year in and year out. And, yes, I do wish PN-G would get rid of the old Plano Wildcatt 1970s and 1980s offense (balance the line of scrimmage and run the toss right, toss left, and 3-step drop passing game). I'm a fan of the spread or a pro-style offense ala SLC, Stephenville, Katy, North Shore, etc. Still, I can't see PN-G letting go of MB until MB is ready to go. In my opinion (not that it matters), MB has earned the right to call his own shot. He's paid his dues, he's been good to many kids in the PN-GISD, and he seems to still have a passion for coaching and teaching young men to play hard, have fun, and work as a team.

I'm 1989NDN and I approve this message. Back to your scheduled programming. Go Indians. There is a lot to play for in 2008. Play hard, have fun, and enjoy high school. Fans and alumni, it is time to rally around MB, the coaching staff, the players, and enjoy the 2008 season. The Nederland game is over. Move on and kick the snot out of everyone else in the district. MB is a good coach ... he will get the kids ready to rebound and play hard for a playoff spot.


Great Post!!!!


500+ Posts
NDNalways said:
I think you took care of the stupid comments. Indian fans SUPPORT their team. You want your voice heard so why can't I? You seem to the be the one that wants everyone to hear YOU. PS You should not use profanity. You can always apply at the PNG Adminstration building for a coaches application.

akifan94 said:
NDNalways said:
Burnett's salary was in the paper awhile back. Break down every hour that man works and I guarantee he is probably making about $1.00 per hour if that. Most of you get overtime. He does not nor does any of his coaches. Burnett and his coaches are judged on the actions of 15-17 year old kids. Think about that if your job was based on that and not on your work. Just remember, a coach is a coach and a teacher is a teacher because they have a passion for the game and their kids. It surely is not for the money they make. While you have 1-2 supervisors, these coaches have hundreds from administrators, parents, etc. When you criticize their kids you are criticizing them and vice verse. If you are concerned about your tax payers dollars then pick up a rack and broom and go to Bridge City and help out for a day and stop putting down these hard working individuals.

You are going off the deep end, but OK. There are only 8760 hours in a year. The man makes close to 80,000 a year. He would have to put in 75 hours a week YEAR round to even be under 20 bucks an hour. That does not happen. I work on salary myself so once again there is no sympathy there. Enough with those excuses. What the hell does Bridge City have to do with this and our taxes? Me taking a position not in tune with one of the coaches is not me knocking the kids. You are starting to push this issue a little too much and should probably step away from the board before you really make a stupid comment. This is a message board for Indian fans. Being pissed does not make me or anyone else less of a fan. Everyone is free to voice there concerns here. If you do not like it, fine, don't read it or voice your own opinion (like you have). Just don't expect to come on here and have everyone bow down to you and how you feel.

"Everyone is free to voice there concerns here. If you do not like it, fine, don't read it or voice your own opinion (like you have)."

Could that be any clearer?

Log off, count to ten, log back on. You will feel better.


Active Member
Because Indian Chief said since he was paying the coaches salaries with his tax dollars was the reason that his opinion counts. If he wants his tax payer dollars to count then go stand in line and vote. Everyone should lay off of these coaches and let them do their job. Which by the way, they are doing a fine job.

NDN4Life said:
NDNalways said:
Burnett's salary was in the paper awhile back. Break down every hour that man works and I guarantee he is probably making about $1.00 per hour if that. Most of you get overtime. He does not nor does any of his coaches. Burnett and his coaches are judged on the actions of 15-17 year old kids. Think about that if your job was based on that and not on your work. Just remember, a coach is a coach and a teacher is a teacher because they have a passion for the game and their kids. It surely is not for the money they make. While you have 1-2 supervisors, these coaches have hundreds from administrators, parents, etc. When you criticize their kids you are criticizing them and vice verse. If you are concerned about your tax payers dollars then pick up a rack and broom and go to Bridge City and help out for a day and stop putting down these hard working individuals.

Well since you like to talk about Burnett working all these long hours explain something to me then...Do you think when he went to go get his coaching degree that he was thinking that he was going to work 8 hour days? An I'm willing to bet that he get's paid a little better then $1 an hour. And please tell me what going to BC and working has anything to do with coaching or offensive strategy?


Active Member

pngbax20 said:
Well put most fans don't know what's going on with the prep time it takes to get each game ready.most fans don't know about the scout coachs that travel to every game to watch the next weeks opp.flat out most PNG fans don't even know who calls the play quick to judge without the facts.frankly I don't see I reason to change who the HC usually u have to have lossing seasons to get the boot not making it to state every year.if that was the case every year thousands of coachs would be fired.


500+ Posts
NDNalways said:
Because Indian Chief said since he was paying the coaches salaries with his tax dollars was the reason that his opinion counts. If he wants his tax payer dollars to count then go stand in line and vote. Everyone should lay off of these coaches and let them do their job. Which by the way, they are doing a fine job.

NDN4Life said:
NDNalways said:
Burnett's salary was in the paper awhile back. Break down every hour that man works and I guarantee he is probably making about $1.00 per hour if that. Most of you get overtime. He does not nor does any of his coaches. Burnett and his coaches are judged on the actions of 15-17 year old kids. Think about that if your job was based on that and not on your work. Just remember, a coach is a coach and a teacher is a teacher because they have a passion for the game and their kids. It surely is not for the money they make. While you have 1-2 supervisors, these coaches have hundreds from administrators, parents, etc. When you criticize their kids you are criticizing them and vice verse. If you are concerned about your tax payers dollars then pick up a rack and broom and go to Bridge City and help out for a day and stop putting down these hard working individuals.

Well since you like to talk about Burnett working all these long hours explain something to me then...Do you think when he went to go get his coaching degree that he was thinking that he was going to work 8 hour days? An I'm willing to bet that he get's paid a little better then $1 an hour. And please tell me what going to BC and working has anything to do with coaching or offensive strategy?

:huh: :whiteflag: I give up. We are all NDN fans. Some of us agree with everything the coaches do, some don't. Still have no idea where BC comes into this this.


Active Member
Meaning, stop sitting here complaining about about a GAME and go out and help your community. It is a GAME. Having worked in Bridge City all weekend I can assure you they do not care about PNG/Ned football. I'm a taxpayer and when he said that as a taxpayer he pays the coaches salaries therefore his opinion counts....I meant then go to Bridge City and make sure your tax dollars are helping these poor people get their life back. Sure coaches make mistakes we all do. Its just theirs are in front of thousands of people at a time. Most PNG fans will always defend their own. Those kids walk out on the field and they are proud!!! How awesome for what that says about our schools and their leaders.

akifan94 said:
NDNalways said:
Because Indian Chief said since he was paying the coaches salaries with his tax dollars was the reason that his opinion counts. If he wants his tax payer dollars to count then go stand in line and vote. Everyone should lay off of these coaches and let them do their job. Which by the way, they are doing a fine job.

NDN4Life said:
NDNalways said:
Burnett's salary was in the paper awhile back. Break down every hour that man works and I guarantee he is probably making about $1.00 per hour if that. Most of you get overtime. He does not nor does any of his coaches. Burnett and his coaches are judged on the actions of 15-17 year old kids. Think about that if your job was based on that and not on your work. Just remember, a coach is a coach and a teacher is a teacher because they have a passion for the game and their kids. It surely is not for the money they make. While you have 1-2 supervisors, these coaches have hundreds from administrators, parents, etc. When you criticize their kids you are criticizing them and vice verse. If you are concerned about your tax payers dollars then pick up a rack and broom and go to Bridge City and help out for a day and stop putting down these hard working individuals.

Well since you like to talk about Burnett working all these long hours explain something to me then...Do you think when he went to go get his coaching degree that he was thinking that he was going to work 8 hour days? An I'm willing to bet that he get's paid a little better then $1 an hour. And please tell me what going to BC and working has anything to do with coaching or offensive strategy?

:huh: :whiteflag: I give up. We are all NDN fans. Some of us agree with everything the coaches do, some don't. Still have no idea where BC comes into this this.


1,000+ Posts
I agree with you, akifan94. PNG fans CAN support their school and the students AND have a difference of opinion. Matt is a fine, christian man but that does not mean there are not problems with the program. As head of the program, it is his responsibility to make changes and make the program work the way it was designed. Just because you are a PNG fan, it does NOT mean you must agree with these "pollyannas" who may or may not know what they are talking about. As for BC, they need help. BUT there are also elderly and infirm people living right here that could use help. Also, others in Jefferson County like Fannett, Hamshire, Winnie, and even Beaumont could use help, too. This might sound hard, but whoever said "its not whether you win or lose, its about how you play the game" must have been a loser. A game is played to be won. No, we can't win all the time, but it should be a goal. Wins should be a measure of one's competence. Go, Indians, play hard, win games and learn to be men who have a wide world of competition awaiting them when they go out into the real world. I want them all to be successful.


Active Member
You are so right. If every school's programs were 100% then we would all be winning. MB is a great guy that has instilled pride, hard work, and accountability in his players. He is not only the head of football but all athletics year round at school. Yes you are right on BC. However, Mid-County has made the first move with Mid-County Kindness to go across the bridge and help their neighbor. Hopefully, all communities from Port Arthur, Beaumont, Vidor, etc. will step up to the plate and follow the leader. Obviously you did not get the point when Grantland Rice, the American sportswriter wrote “For when the One Great Scorer comes, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game. Vince Lombardi put it well when he said that he was brought up to be gracious in defeat and polite in victory. When he wins a game, or even wins a string of games, He is almost embarassed to say so, online, in-person, or elsewhere. To do otherwise would be "gloating", "vanity", "poor sportsmanship" or other such bad things. I have seen over and over PNG play teams (football, soccer, baseball, basketball) that are dirty and have very poor sportsmanship. However, MB and his coaches instill in their players to rise above that and to set their goals higher and to play with dignity. We never taught our children that they had to win. We taught them to do their very best and that life has disappointments. That is life. People that always have to win are ones that step on every toe, hand, head to get their way to the top and leave a path of destruction behind. In today's world our teachers and coaches are "raising our children" because so many parents are failing to do so, they should be greatful that PNG has the coaches and teachers that rise to the occassion. GO INDIANS!!!!!!!

squaw said:
I agree with you, akifan94. PNG fans CAN support their school and the students AND have a difference of opinion. Matt is a fine, christian man but that does not mean there are not problems with the program. As head of the program, it is his responsibility to make changes and make the program work the way it was designed. Just because you are a PNG fan, it does NOT mean you must agree with these "pollyannas" who may or may not know what they are talking about. As for BC, they need help. BUT there are also elderly and infirm people living right here that could use help. Also, others in Jefferson County like Fannett, Hamshire, Winnie, and even Beaumont could use help, too. This might sound hard, but whoever said "its not whether you win or lose, its about how you play the game" must have been a loser. A game is played to be won. No, we can't win all the time, but it should be a goal. Wins should be a measure of one's competence. Go, Indians, play hard, win games and learn to be men who have a wide world of competition awaiting them when they go out into the real world. I want them all to be successful.


500+ Posts
Just like all of us working people, coaches chose their careers willingly..no one forced them into it. They know what is expected of them, they know what they are up against before they start working. They know their jobs will involve long hard hours. Some comments on here suggest that they mkae a very low "per hour" wage. They knew that before they took the position. If they don't like the hours/pay then find another profession where the hours are shorter and the pay is higher. Don't mean to sound uncaring, but no one forced them to become coaches having to deal with teenagers for a living..ANd just like all other professions, some days will bring more success than others. ALl of us have days in our jobs where things go as planned...as well as days where everything gets out of whack. It's part of life..we all have to deal with it...including coaches.


Active Member
At what point in any of these conversations did any coach, teacher say or imply that they do not like/love thier jobs? They love their jobs, it is in their blood. The point of all of this nonsense that people sit for 2 hours a week (which last week they played 2 games in 1 week) and are critical if a play was called wrong or a game did not end the way they liked. What about the refs in this game? Let me bring 8,000 people to stand behind you at your job and see if you make a mistake. Also, people need to remember that the coaches, players, indianettes, cheerleaders, indian spirit and other clubs have parents, coaches wives, coaches children, aunts and uncles sitting in the stands during these games. People are cruel and yell at them during the games. They make fun of a player, coach or a cheerleader. People need to rise up and shut these people up. I do not hear any teachers, coaches, players, etc. complaining on this message board. It is all the idiots that think they can do better in one of these positions. I am a fan of PNG ISD from the custodian to the super. Everyone should support their school and use constructive criticizm and not tearing these folks down.

yankeedawg said:
Just like all of us working people, coaches chose their careers willingly..no one forced them into it. They know what is expected of them, they know what they are up against before they start working. They know their jobs will involve long hard hours. Some comments on here suggest that they mkae a very low "per hour" wage. They knew that before they took the position. If they don't like the hours/pay then find another profession where the hours are shorter and the pay is higher. Don't mean to sound uncaring, but no one forced them to become coaches having to deal with teenagers for a living..ANd just like all other professions, some days will bring more success than others. ALl of us have days in our jobs where things go as planned...as well as days where everything gets out of whack. It's part of life..we all have to deal with it...including coaches.


500+ Posts
NDNalways said:
At what point in any of these conversations did any coach, teacher say or imply that they do not like/love thier jobs? They love their jobs, it is in their blood. The point of all of this nonsense that people sit for 2 hours a week (which last week they played 2 games in 1 week) and are critical if a play was called wrong or a game did not end the way they liked. What about the refs in this game? Let me bring 8,000 people to stand behind you at your job and see if you make a mistake. Also, people need to remember that the coaches, players, indianettes, cheerleaders, indian spirit and other clubs have parents, coaches wives, coaches children, aunts and uncles sitting in the stands during these games. People are cruel and yell at them during the games. They make fun of a player, coach or a cheerleader. People need to rise up and shut these people up. I do not hear any teachers, coaches, players, etc. complaining on this message board. It is all the idiots that think they can do better in one of these positions. I am a fan of PNG ISD from the custodian to the super. Everyone should support their school and use constructive criticizm and not tearing these folks down.

yankeedawg said:
Just like all of us working people, coaches chose their careers willingly..no one forced them into it. They know what is expected of them, they know what they are up against before they start working. They know their jobs will involve long hard hours. Some comments on here suggest that they mkae a very low "per hour" wage. They knew that before they took the position. If they don't like the hours/pay then find another profession where the hours are shorter and the pay is higher. Don't mean to sound uncaring, but no one forced them to become coaches having to deal with teenagers for a living..ANd just like all other professions, some days will bring more success than others. ALl of us have days in our jobs where things go as planned...as well as days where everything gets out of whack. It's part of life..we all have to deal with it...including coaches.

Uuuuhhhh...I didn't say that coaches or teachers do not love their jobs. If they didn't love or at least strongly like their jobs they should find a different one....common sense tells you that. However some of the posts seem to indicate that the coaches are under so much more pressure and get paid relatively little for what they do, as compared to other fields. I would venture to guess that most working class folks feel they are underpaid/overworked as well. I certainly do not have nor ever did have the desire of being a coach or a teacher...hence I'm not.


500+ Posts
NDNalways said:
At what point in any of these conversations did any coach, teacher say or imply that they do not like/love thier jobs? They love their jobs, it is in their blood. The point of all of this nonsense that people sit for 2 hours a week (which last week they played 2 games in 1 week) and are critical if a play was called wrong or a game did not end the way they liked. What about the refs in this game? Let me bring 8,000 people to stand behind you at your job and see if you make a mistake. Also, people need to remember that the coaches, players, indianettes, cheerleaders, indian spirit and other clubs have parents, coaches wives, coaches children, aunts and uncles sitting in the stands during these games. People are cruel and yell at them during the games. They make fun of a player, coach or a cheerleader. People need to rise up and shut these people up. I do not hear any teachers, coaches, players, etc. complaining on this message board. It is all the idiots that think they can do better in one of these positions. I am a fan of PNG ISD from the custodian to the super. Everyone should support their school and use constructive criticizm and not tearing these folks down.

Is that you Coach Welch? ;D


Active Member
I would hope that coaches and teachers would never read all of the crap on here on these message boards. You can dish it but you cannot take it. People like you are sad!!! This does not just affect the coaches. This crap on here affects the kids, their parents, the teachers, etc. I would love to have a message board to review your job performance. I was starting to think you might be Obama!!!!!

badndn said:
NDNalways said:
At what point in any of these conversations did any coach, teacher say or imply that they do not like/love thier jobs? They love their jobs, it is in their blood. The point of all of this nonsense that people sit for 2 hours a week (which last week they played 2 games in 1 week) and are critical if a play was called wrong or a game did not end the way they liked. What about the refs in this game? Let me bring 8,000 people to stand behind you at your job and see if you make a mistake. Also, people need to remember that the coaches, players, indianettes, cheerleaders, indian spirit and other clubs have parents, coaches wives, coaches children, aunts and uncles sitting in the stands during these games. People are cruel and yell at them during the games. They make fun of a player, coach or a cheerleader. People need to rise up and shut these people up. I do not hear any teachers, coaches, players, etc. complaining on this message board. It is all the idiots that think they can do better in one of these positions. I am a fan of PNG ISD from the custodian to the super. Everyone should support their school and use constructive criticizm and not tearing these folks down.

Is that you Coach Welch? ;D


500+ Posts
NDNalways said:
You can dish it but you cannot take it. People like you are sad!!! This does not just affect the coaches.

I think we all can see who the thin skinned one is on the board!

Folks, coaches are going to be second guessed, that's just part of the job. They all know it and they all accept it. Those that can't accept it get out of the profession. I guarantee that Dan and Matt don't really care about what is written on this board in relation to them as coaches. I know Dan, he is a funny easy go lucky guy that can take a ribbing and give one as well. Trust me, when I say that to attack his playcalling is not attacking him as a person and he knows it. Know if someone was to attack Dan or Matt as a person and role model I would be the first to take offense.


Active Member
Once again you are talking in circles Obama O0 . Who said the coaches can't accept it? I really do not think they get on these message boards nor really care what our opinions are. This week was the first time I ever came across this website. I was shocked when I saw what was on here. I could not believe that people make negative comments on the band, indianettes, cheerleaders, etc. These kids are in high school. I surely would not like to of seen the message board when we were in school. You need to go back to the beginning of this subject and read some of the initial remarks. Thank goodness we do not have children in school anymore. GO INDIANS!!!

badndn said:
NDNalways said:
You can dish it but you cannot take it. People like you are sad!!! This does not just affect the coaches.

I think we all can see who the thin skinned one is on the board!

Folks, coaches are going to be second guessed, that's just part of the job. They all know it and they all accept it. Those that can't accept it get out of the profession. I guarantee that Dan and Matt don't really care about what is written on this board in relation to them as coaches. I know Dan, he is a funny easy go lucky guy that can take a ribbing and give one as well. Trust me, when I say that to attack his playcalling is not attacking him as a person and he knows it. Know if someone was to attack Dan or Matt as a person and role model I would be the first to take offense.


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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