PN-G "fans" on the SETX message board


500+ Posts
I joined that site a while back to go and see what others in the district were saying as well as check on other scores. And yes I've made a couple of comments, but nothing like what I see over there from our fans. I don't know who is who because some of the ID's are different, but some (not all) of you guys look like total fools over there. :crazy: I've come to realize that I don't like to go over there much anymore because I'm embarrassed for you. Getting into the ridiculous arguments with those folks puts us at their level....and we're better than that. Let's show them by our actions. We have a tradition that others want and try to follow, so don't stoop to their level of BS.

Now then, before you start blasting me for my two cents, I'm on your team. And this is not directed at all of you posting over there. But you know who are.



500+ Posts
Very true, 15PNG. I don't like to see our fans sink to their level. I enjoy reading the comments on the site so much more.


500+ Posts
I can agree with your post. However, yes we do go overboard at times, I for one am guilty. Most of my post are geared towards alot of the people on there that I know personally. So its fun and games for me alot of the times. If you think what you read is bad try reading some of their emails they send me abour our NDN's. Now the BH long ars thread has gotten ridiculous. I posted on there several times but sometimes their comments and bashing of our team and coaches gets the best of ya at times and you want to come out of the corner fighting ! But all in all it should all be in good taste and support. Remember this site as well has had some very heated debates within our own community. Some outsiders pop in and out at times and stir the pot but most of all its locals. Go back to the MCM threads and read those. Lots of ned folks poking at us on there. Seems like envy is the underlying subject of all the PNG bashing on the other site. When you do carry your Pride, Honor and Tradition over there thats what it should be ! We have more to chat about and be happy about than most of the teams mentioned on there. They have to chat themselves up to feel good about their own teams knowing what they having coming to them when they get the chance to step on the field with the NDN's. You know one of the best things about some of those threads is that we can back up any statement and prove it !!! I've made alot of friends on that site as well and when we do get together the ribbing usually stops and then it starts back up again when were hiding behind a computer. I try and take it all in as fun and have fun giving and getting !


500+ Posts
Granted, some people are just trying to have fun on that site but sometimes it is hard to convey their feelings. With the written word, it is hard for most of us to project that we are just kidding. I know it is hard for me to exactly express what I am trying to say. But sometimes when someone makes a comment that obviously is trying to provoke others, I wish no one would answer thus robbing them of the satisfaction of stirring the pot.


Chief Touch The Clouds
Yes I have been guilty of some harsh statements at times.I don't care for the setx web site. I have really enjoyed this site and all of the info past and present.Just trying to soak up as much excitment as I can. Enjoy the ride and thanks for your post pngfan66.


1,000+ Posts
The title for this topic conveys an idea that the PNG "fans" over there are not true fans. The fact that quotation marks are put around the word "fans" invokes an idea that those that post over there are seemingly inferior in a way merely because they feel the need to support the NDNs at all costs.

I post over there often, but I try to instill logic and reason into my posts. The problem is that those responding to posts such as mine don't see it as logic and reason. They see it as cockiness or arrogance. So it is a natural tendency to respond to outlandish comments that they might make. Again, I try to respond with more logic but that never works, so I might try some sarcastic method of response, but I never let it get out of hand.

The "fans" that post over there love PNG just as much as those that solely stay on this board. For a "fan" that branches out and posts over there in defense of PNG, I commend you. Please don't inadvertently draw a line to distinguish a PNG "fan" from a PNG fan. We are all one and the same.


2,000+ Posts
15PNG said:
I joined that site a while back to go and see what others in the district were saying as well as check on other scores. And yes I've made a couple of comments, but nothing like what I see over there from our fans. I don't know who is who because some of the ID's are different, but some (not all) of you guys look like total fools over there. :crazy: I've come to realize that I don't like to go over there much anymore because I'm embarrassed for you. Getting into the ridiculous arguments with those folks puts us at their level....and we're better than that. Let's show them by our actions. We have a tradition that others want and try to follow, so don't stoop to their level of BS.

Now then, before you start blasting me for my two cents, I'm on your team. And this is not directed at all of you posting over there. But you know who are.


Amen!!!!!! Some of the comments are just embarrassing. I consider most of the PNG faithful as above average football people but there is some....................DANG!!!


500+ Posts
NDNTime said:
The title for this topic conveys an idea that the PNG "fans" over there are not true fans. The fact that quotation marks are put around the word "fans" invokes an idea that those that post over there are seemingly inferior in a way merely because they feel the need to support the NDNs at all costs.

I post over there often, but I try to instill logic and reason into my posts. The problem is that those responding to posts such as mine don't see it as logic and reason. They see it as cockiness or arrogance. So it is a natural tendency to respond to outlandish comments that they might make. Again, I try to respond with more logic but that never works, so I might try some sarcastic method of response, but I never let it get out of hand.

The "fans" that post over there love PNG just as much as those that solely stay on this board. For a "fan" that branches out and posts over there in defense of PNG, I commend you. Please don't inadvertently draw a line to distinguish a PNG "fan" from a PNG fan. We are all one and the same.

Geesh - Ok, my apologies for putting the title as "fans". You are a true fan and so am I. My intention was not to convey that those over there are not true fans. However, there are those over there who do not represent all of us, one and the same, appropriately.


500+ Posts
I have fun over there also and at times go overboard....BUT most of the guys pm with me behind the scenes and there is no animosity. I like to think of this board as the "normal" place to post for true NDN fans. A little bickering but all in all we have a common goal and all support our team.

The "other" board is more for letting loose. If you visit and read the posts it will fire you up sometimes, but that is the point of it. 99% of the time I am on the defensive like most other PNG fans and never go looking to instigate an argument. I have a hard time reading the crud that is talked and not saying something. But, that is my choice. I know what is over there and I still click it to read. If I did not like what I saw I would just stay away. Heck, we used to all get together and play flag football games between Jefferson and Orange counties. The last one we played at Nederlands stadium and had a great time.

To me it is really no harm no foul. All fans get involved and MOST laugh it off after the game is played and move on to the next opponent. No big deal to me.


500+ Posts
I agree with you akifan94, it's all in fun and the spirit of competition. You can't help sometimes jumping in to take up for our INDIANS, when something stupid or outlandish is said about our team.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Most of what I read on there from PNG Fans, I just ignore. I, too, am embarrassed by some of the PNG posters, but, hey, as long as they stay within the rules of the board, I leave them be. Some make PNG, the school/team look cocky and arrogant, but, then again, anyone who judges the entire school/team, by a few anonymous posters, is lacking a bit of gray matter.
I just wish people would make educated comments, instead of these off the wall, far fetched, wishful thinking posts.


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
Most of what I read on there from PNG Fans, I just ignore. I, too, am embarrassed by some of the PNG posters, but, hey, as long as they stay within the rules of the board, I leave them be. Some make PNG, the school/team look cocky and arrogant, but, then again, anyone who judges the entire school/team, by a few anonymous posters, is lacking a bit of gray matter.
I just wish people would make educated comments, instead of these off the wall, far fetched, wishful thinking posts.

I make a point to not make predictions over there. For the Central game my prediction was the first team to score 24 points will win. Guess what...looks like I was right on. ;D I try to argue my points with facts and stats. When people are blind to the obvious and turn to bashing our school, community and players I have tended to be harsh on them. I try not to be cocky or arrogant. Smart mouth sometimes? guilty. But it is all in fun.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I have never had a problem with anything you have posted on there. You're typically one of the more level headed ones that represent PNG well.


100+ Posts
I don't post on that site, but I do go over and read the comments. Sometimes I'm embarrassed by what our own say, but at least we're having such a season that we can back up most of it! I definately see where it would be hard not to jump on some of the harsh comments made about the indians... that's why I don't post over there ;)


Staff member
After 12+ years of frequenting HS football message boards, and creating one of the original, if not the first message board in this area, here are some words of advice...

1. Think before posting.
2. Remember, the thoughts you post are permanent. Avoid acting on emotions.
3. Many area fans will hate PN-G regardless of relevant facts, or what you do or say.
4. At least 50% of the population is certifiably ignorant, and are more than willing to prove it. ;D
5. Always remember where your home base is (here).

What I've always found to be intriguing is the regular PN-G posters on other boards who don't choose to participate here.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
IndianFan said:
What I've always found to be intriguing is the regular PN-G posters on other boards who don't choose to participate here.

Me also. I am also a bit surprised/disappointed that some would prefer to follow a Indian game thread anywhere but here.


500+ Posts
PNG NDN Fan said:
IndianFan said:
What I've always found to be intriguing is the regular PN-G posters on other boards who don't choose to participate here.

Me also. I am also a bit surprised/disappointed that some would prefer to follow a Indian game thread anywhere but here.

Agree! I usually check over there on Friday's to see what other teams did. My weakness is clicking on anything that mentions PN-G. I've made a promise to myself to resist the urge to peak. "Out of sight, out of mind" ;)


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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