PNG @ Bridge City Feb 22, 2011


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Varsity wins 5-1. Austin Stone pitches 6 innings, allowed 2 hits and got several K's. Indians got 4 hits. Errors: PNG 2, BC 4.


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Freshman played well except one inning gave up a 4 run lead and lost 6-4. All in all a good game with only a couple of errors. All at same position.

png tribe

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Considering the freshman don't get any fielding practice I'm surprised all that we had was a couple of mistakes. A throw from the catcher to the pitcher got lost in the sun and then an errant throw from 1st base to home. I really don't know how the JV or Freshman are going to get better fielding when they DON'T GET ANY fielding practice. They get plenty of hitting in the cages on a tee and soft-toss but that has not translated into much hitting. We had maybe 4 hit's.


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Have to sure up some defensive positions to get better also. Pitcher conditioning will solve the walks in the long run. Hitting will come around with more game experience.


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png tribe said:
Defensively we have guy's playing in new position's and not where they have normally played in the past. The SS,1B,C, and LF are all playing different position's than where they have played most in the past. It's kind of hard on the coaches when they haven't seen a lot of these guy's since they were 7-8 year's old as we have. And then you have some in the lineup more for their hitting than fielding. Personally, Brevell need's to figure out a way to give the JV and Freshman team's time on the field as other school's do. I have not talked to anyone around whose team's don't practice fielding. Our pitcher's and catcher's should be throwing bullpen's during the 2 hour's they are there a day. It's dark when they leave, so when are they suppose to throw and catch. It make's it pretty tough on the pitcher and catcher when they never practice with each other. We have OF's throwing ball's completely over the cutoff man and runner's advancing because they don't get any practice. Some kid's go for hitting lesson's after practice but not many. The JV and Freshman coaches are doing what they're told. I know a lot of work has to be done outside of school practice but Brevell need's to see to it that the underclassmen get's some fielding practice. They are his future.

Will agree with the fielding practice, but we are in High School baseball there is an element of the game that should be second nature. The SS and 1st baseman have been playing infield since they were young. The outfield should be able to play any outfield position and the over throw of the cutoff man is not just LF that goes for any outfielder(from LL to the majors). The catcher tried out for catcher and I assume that is his normal position, since I have not seen him play before, I do not know. The hitting will come around with more live pitching experience. We have to get the pitchers some conditioning. If they only throw one inning a game the conditioning will only be for one inning and that showed last night. All in all I think we are fine. Was told by a BC parent that our pitching was the best they had seen over the pre-season games they have played and I know they have played Ned. and some other local teams. We will get another shot at them on Thursday at the Ned tournament.

png tribe

100+ Posts
My only point is that they need fielding practice and it take's a lot of it to be good. Kind of like with anything else you do. I don't characterize being able to throw hard as being good. We had about 12 BB's last night. Without a doubt we have a lot of pitching depth. We are missing the 2 best pitcher's to the JV.


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I agree the repitition of every day infield/outfield will go a long way in the long run. The part I do not agree with is the players out of position. When I was playing HS baseball in the last century most every kid could play two positions (one infield/ one outfield). I know many of the kids on the Soph team and that is the case with most. The infield positions are interchangeable (SS & 2ND- 1st & 3rd) and the outfield should be also with the exception of center( for speed reasons only) so that excuse holds no water with me about kids playing out of position. Practice makes perfect is the rule I played/coached by my whole career (25+ years of baseball)


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png tribe said:
I disagree about some of the infield position's are interchangeable. A lot of time's a kid is at 2nd because is arm is not as strong or may not be as quick as a SS. A 3rd baseman normally has a strong arm. The SS and C are probally playing out of position regardless of where they tried out. Our SS has a very good glove but is more suited to play 2nd or 3rd due to arm strength and quickness. We have so many kid's that have played the same position's that some of them have to move and do the best where they are put. From what I hear the C pretty much just started catching this past summer, he was a 2nd and 3rd baseman. But all I am saying is it don't really matter where there at but give them some practice and they can only get better. I'm sure the coaches will do what they think is best and we will have to live with it.
I do not disagree with needing more fielding practice. The reason I say the out of position is wrong was in response to the reason we lost last night. There were no errors on the position players except the throwing error on LF and pass balls. We have to stop those errors, but practice will help. I think we are fine this ealy in the year.


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It's hard to accept change when you have lived on the LL mountain for your whole baseball career. I saw some positive change from Tuesday to Saturday on the Soph team. I do know our SS made a web gem to save a run late in the game on Saturday. But he is out of position due to quickness and arm (not). Pitching is still our albatross, this will change if we start running and throwing bullpens. I think we have the tools to be a good team we need to sure up a few areas and it is early in the year.


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SS is not my son but a friend of my son's. He has played with him for years and SS is his normal position as long as we have played together. He has played every position on the infield at one time or another. A very versatile player and passionate about the game. There are always problems when you put a group of new players together that have not played together before. There are as many kids on this team that played LL as have played select. Some are playing nervous due to parental control and others just have no business being here JMO. I do believe there are players that no matter how much practice they get they are not HS baseball material. The other big concern is no conditioning on the the part of the pitchers. The pitchers have not run one time during practice and have not thrown a bullpen yet. Until these two things happen there will be a problem with the walks due to no stamina on the pitching staff. As for the catcher he is coming along but there is a long way to go. Hopefully by district this team will gel and be a unit.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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