PNG @ Bridge City Feb 22, 2011


Active Member
This will be the only post I will put on this message board.
my son is the SS (for now) on the Sophomore team. I have been reading the post on this site since he started playing Football in the Fall of this school year. It is apparent to me that several parents use this board to either air dirty laundry about coaches or to berate the players. My son has been playing baseball and basketball since he was 5 years old. He is not the best or the worst on any of the teams he has played on and if he was I would not come here to say it. We have had the good fortune of having some wonderful coaching over the years in baseball and basketball. He has given his all on most every occasion and that is all I can ask for. He has had coaches from me (early in his career) to HS caliber coaches in baseball and basketball. He has been taught over the years to do what he can to help the team and that is what he has done. You will not see nor hear him making derogatory statements to other players or about the coaches no matter what the situation. I will not come on here and make any comments about kids, coaches or other parents. You can rest assured that if I have a problem with someone I will speak to them about it. I have known Coach Smith for over 20 years and I will not hesitate to talk to him about anything. I feel like he is a very capable coach and that he is feeling out the kids for the proper fit on the team. We have had only four games (including a three game tourney) so it is a little early to start throwing stones. I think it is childish and immature for people to come on this board and say things about kids and coaches while sitting in the privacy of a house or office without owning up to who you are. I understand that some people get frustrated with the way things are going and they feel this is the only outlet to get their frustration out, but please do not do that at the expense of a coach or a kid. We are talking about young people who have their whole life in front of them and do not need some armchair quarterback second guessing their coach and critiquing them. After some of the comments on here I would expect there to be several people applying for the Baseball Coaches job next year. I am amazed that with all of the experience on this message board that the local leagues are not overflowing with coaches trying to help the young boys and girls playing baseball and other sports. This has been my first post and hopefully my last post. Now I will get back to enjoying my son play HS sports. Everyone have a great day.


500+ Posts
Hey tj2png I give your post a +10. Wish more were like you. However please post more as I feel they would be positive posts and we always can use more of them.


500+ Posts
tj2png said:
This will be the only post I will put on this message board.
my son is the SS (for now) on the Sophomore team. I have been reading the post on this site since he started playing Football in the Fall of this school year. It is apparent to me that several parents use this board to either air dirty laundry about coaches or to berate the players. My son has been playing baseball and basketball since he was 5 years old. He is not the best or the worst on any of the teams he has played on and if he was I would not come here to say it. We have had the good fortune of having some wonderful coaching over the years in baseball and basketball. He has given his all on most every occasion and that is all I can ask for. He has had coaches from me (early in his career) to HS caliber coaches in baseball and basketball. He has been taught over the years to do what he can to help the team and that is what he has done. You will not see nor hear him making derogatory statements to other players or about the coaches no matter what the situation. I will not come on here and make any comments about kids, coaches or other parents. You can rest assured that if I have a problem with someone I will speak to them about it. I have known Coach Smith for over 20 years and I will not hesitate to talk to him about anything. I feel like he is a very capable coach and that he is feeling out the kids for the proper fit on the team. We have had only four games (including a three game tourney) so it is a little early to start throwing stones. I think it is childish and immature for people to come on this board and say things about kids and coaches while sitting in the privacy of a house or office without owning up to who you are. I understand that some people get frustrated with the way things are going and they feel this is the only outlet to get their frustration out, but please do not do that at the expense of a coach or a kid. We are talking about young people who have their whole life in front of them and do not need some armchair quarterback second guessing their coach and critiquing them. After some of the comments on here I would expect there to be several people applying for the Baseball Coaches job next year. I am amazed that with all of the experience on this message board that the local leagues are not overflowing with coaches trying to help the young boys and girls playing baseball and other sports. This has been my first post and hopefully my last post. Now I will get back to enjoying my son play HS sports. Everyone have a great day.

Great post.


500+ Posts
tj2png said:
This will be the only post I will put on this message board.
my son is the SS (for now) on the Sophomore team. I have been reading the post on this site since he started playing Football in the Fall of this school year. It is apparent to me that several parents use this board to either air dirty laundry about coaches or to berate the players. My son has been playing baseball and basketball since he was 5 years old. He is not the best or the worst on any of the teams he has played on and if he was I would not come here to say it. We have had the good fortune of having some wonderful coaching over the years in baseball and basketball. He has given his all on most every occasion and that is all I can ask for. He has had coaches from me (early in his career) to HS caliber coaches in baseball and basketball. He has been taught over the years to do what he can to help the team and that is what he has done. You will not see nor hear him making derogatory statements to other players or about the coaches no matter what the situation. I will not come on here and make any comments about kids, coaches or other parents. You can rest assured that if I have a problem with someone I will speak to them about it. I have known Coach Smith for over 20 years and I will not hesitate to talk to him about anything. I feel like he is a very capable coach and that he is feeling out the kids for the proper fit on the team. We have had only four games (including a three game tourney) so it is a little early to start throwing stones. I think it is childish and immature for people to come on this board and say things about kids and coaches while sitting in the privacy of a house or office without owning up to who you are. I understand that some people get frustrated with the way things are going and they feel this is the only outlet to get their frustration out, but please do not do that at the expense of a coach or a kid. We are talking about young people who have their whole life in front of them and do not need some armchair quarterback second guessing their coach and critiquing them. After some of the comments on here I would expect there to be several people applying for the Baseball Coaches job next year. I am amazed that with all of the experience on this message board that the local leagues are not overflowing with coaches trying to help the young boys and girls playing baseball and other sports. This has been my first post and hopefully my last post. Now I will get back to enjoying my son play HS sports. Everyone have a great day.

png tribe

100+ Posts
That's a good try tj2png but we know that you are also Baller. That's a good coverup once someone figured out who you are.


Staff member
tj2png, if you're interested in PNG baseball please stick around and help keep the rest of 'out of towners' updated. This is just a virtual space for different folks to share thoughts and opinions. There will always be a wide array of opinions.

Best of luck to your son and continue to support him 100% and with pride.


Active Member
Thanks for the positive replys on the post but I will refrain from posting again on this board. PNG Tribe you know who you are and I know who I am and we can leave it at that.


100+ Posts
Well I understand that 3 teams practiced on the field together today and the younger boys got some pointers from varsity players. Things have to be looking up.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
tj2png, if you're interested in PNG baseball please stick around and help keep the rest of 'out of towners' updated. This is just a virtual space for different folks to share thoughts and opinions. There will always be a wide array of opinions.

Best of luck to your son and continue to support him 100% and with pride.
I agree, please continue to post as your insight is appreciated. Hope the team and your son have a great season. My family has/will be there to watch Austin and hopefully see him continue to be successful at Baylor!!!

png tribe

100+ Posts
Put it to sleep, I could care less if you know me. You can PM me and I will tell you who I am. I don't have anything to hide. I get on here and state my opinion and that's it. And yes I know who you are. You make thing's pretty obvious. There is only a couple of freshman basketball player's whose dad was a coach. Big deal if I know who you are, you also have an opinion. That was a nice little post you made to try and convince people it wasn't you.


500+ Posts
Justafan said:
Move one, these are kids we're talking about.

Exactly. And the coaches are doing all they can. From my understanding there is around 60 - 80 kids in the baseball program, 4 coaches and one field. Varsity is top priorty. I am not sure how any parent could think it would be any different.


500+ Posts
Maybe they should utilize the Pony field. Doesn't the school district own that land? That may help with lack of fields


500+ Posts
EVERYBODY knows who I am. That has been my choice though. The anonymity the internet provides is not always a good thing. It is the thing I dislike most about this site and other forums. I certainly can't change it though. I think I may create a new ID once my kids are gone so I can live on the edge without repurcussions like many folks seem to do.

Back to baseball, Of all the sports played at the high school level It is my opinion that baseball is the most challenging from a parent's seat! ;)

png tribe

100+ Posts
I don't think there are any parent's that think that the Varsity shouldn't come first. They have other place's to field on beside's the baseball field which they have started using. Akifan, you are way late to this conversation. As we have had 2 fielding practices in the last few days. Other school's have the same problem as us but find way's to make it work as our coaches have started doing. The only point that had been made was that our player's were not getting any fielding practice at all.


100+ Posts
I understand fielding practice went well yesterday as the varsity players gave the Sophomore kids some pointers and some "show and tell" help. I also understand there was some "one on one" practice with Brevell which is great to hear. He has a lot of knowledge he can pass on to the kids. Anyone know about Bullpens or running for the pitchers?

png tribe

100+ Posts
Some people seem to think that if everything that we say is not praising our school or coaches than were just wrong. Everything will never be perfect for everyone. Most of us have opinion's. Carzan had an opinion during basketball about the coaching and was attacked by I assume the coaches wife. If you can't voice your opinion on here than why even come to this site? Some people like to hear what's going on regardless if it is good or bad. Most people come on here when they are bored at work and try to make the day go by.

png tribe

100+ Posts
Brevell, Bean, and Smith all have a lot of knowledge to pass on. All 3 of them have been head coaches in the past.


500+ Posts
png tribe said:
I don't think there are any parent's that think that the Varsity shouldn't come first. They have other place's to field on beside's the baseball field which they have started using. Akifan, you are way late to this conversation. As we have had 2 fielding practices in the last few days. Other school's have the same problem as us but find way's to make it work as our coaches have started doing. The only point that had been made was that our player's were not getting any fielding practice at all.

I don't have a dog in the fight. I came on here to read how the team was doing and saw some kids parents complaining when the season had just started. It is a new season with a new staff. I am sure the coaches have all the kids best interest at heart just like their parents. I speak to a varsity baseball coach on a regular basis and I can assure you they will do all they can to accommodate the large number of kids they have.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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