PNG coaching staff


Port Neches, TEXAS
There seems to be two threads talking about the same subject so heres my attempt to consolidate. ;)

Ive stated my thoughts but here they are again. Guys get into the coaching profession know exactally what they are getting into when they sign up, and having to move to other jobs is always a possibility. The guys locally here at PNG and even Nederland were both in unique situations where the HC has been in place for a long time and the assistants were secure as long as they wanted to be. At most schools the asst. coaches move on to other happens. I have a friend thats coached at 6 jobs in the 12 or so years he was in coaching.

The bottom line is the school board and many folks in the community wanted change and thats whats happening. You really didnt expect Coach Faircloth to come in and keep everything in tact? Hes bringing in his staff and implementing his system. If PNG was going to stay the same they should have let Coach Burnett finish out his time. For a poster on here to say he/she will not renew their season tickets over this is very very silly IMO.

I know a handful of the existing coaching staff and mean NOTHING negative in the post. I hate what some of them are having to go through, it sucks. They're travelling a path that many before them have had to endure. I hope they all land on their feet soon and it works out for everyone because they are all great guys.


500+ Posts
One thing to remember also is that for many of these coaches that have been with PNG, they got their jobs because someone else lost his! Not all because some moved on to other positions. It is part of the profession.


2,000+ Posts
Looks like they have the jobs posted.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
That indicates only 1 HS coaching position.

I'm just guessing, but I presume its because Faircloth already knows who he wants. No need to advertise a position if you already have someone to fill that void.


Port Neches, TEXAS
cak said:
Most of the time positions are filled because they choose to leave. It thoroughly makes my skin crawl when people say they knew what they were getting into. Usually you hear of an HC bringing an OC and DC, not six in the first year. It was stated many times he wanted three and out popped six. There seems to be a lot of experts about the whole "change". Didn't know there were so many coaches in town.

The key word is "usually" and yes PNG was a unique situation where asst coaches leaving didnt often happen unless the decision to leave was theirs. I agree that the amount of turnover here was very suprising but plenty of my friends that are currently or have been in the coaching profession have all had jobs at multiple schools during their careers.

Also, could you explain these 6 positions for me? Are you including the 2 positions at the middle school in the 6? I attended the last school board meeting where they approved the hiring of 4 new varsity coaches and 2 middle school positions but I was under the impression the 2 middle school spots would be filled by the reassignments of 2 former varsity coaches. I honestly dont know, is this true?


500+ Posts
From what I have read here and other places only two coaches were "let go". Two retired, and two were reassigned.


500+ Posts
cak said:
As far as I know, they lost their jobs at the varsity level. Heard all over town that no one was supposed to loose their jobs.

It happens. Faircloth has two years to prove himself. If I was him I would be surrounding myself with people I know and trust.


500+ Posts
akifan94 said:
cak said:
As far as I know, they lost their jobs at the varsity level. Heard all over town that no one was supposed to loose their jobs.

It happens. Faircloth has two years to prove himself. If I was him I would be surrounding myself with people I know and trust.
cak said:
Usually you hear of an HC bringing an OC and DC, not six in the first year. It was stated many times he wanted three and out popped six.
So what's your point?
He is bringing in an OC and a DC and those are the only two coaches at PNG that will involuntarily not be working for the district next year! Two retired! Two were reassigned!


Port Neches, TEXAS
cak said:
As far as I know, they lost their jobs at the varsity level. Heard all over town that no one was supposed to loose their jobs.

they didnt lose their job, they are both still employeed and coaching within PNGISD if they choose to. Also, its heavily rumored this is the situation with the current coaches:

Cobb/Riley Burnett= retired
Smith/Wallace= reassigned (didnt lose their job with PNGISD)
Welch/Broussard= let go.

The school board approved 4 positions for the varsity staff, they'll teach & coach at the HS, and 2 positions were created at GMS & PNMS which will be filled by current varsity coaches. Faircloth is only bringing in 4 new coaches.


Port Neches, TEXAS
cak said:
Four new coaches at this time! That leaves two spots open. 6 spots-4 spots =2 spots still not filled!

No one said lost their job. If you read correctly, it said lost their job AT THE VARSITY LEVEL!

once again, He was approved to bring in 4 coaches, not 6. However he decides to distribute the workload is his decision. He may want to call plays himself which would eliminate one of the positions. I dont know but the bottom line is the PNGISD school board only approved him bringing in 4 coaches at the meeting I attended.


100+ Posts
I know that alot of times the Offensive Coordinator is also the quarterbacks coach. So if he decides to run the offense then maybe he will do both or maybe one of the coaches coming in will do both. Welch was the OC, and Wallace was the QB coach, so that would cancel one job. I look for him to bring in 2 offensive and 2 defensive coaches. I see it going from 6 jobs to 4 since the coach will prob be taking 2 jobs or one of the new ones will be


500+ Posts
cak said:
Hopefully, we will have a great season all through the district! Looks like a lot of hard work and thought has gone into this!
Then why so darn negative?

The guy got the approval for two additional PNGISD employees. Which means that there will be one additional coach/teacher next year at each middle school. I got a kid in MS and I have no issues with thinning out the classes a little!

He also got approval to replace four varsity positions that are currently not filled. So not new positions. No additional salaries for those positions. Because he reassigned to Varsity coaches to the MS's to fill those 2 New Approved positions, then he will be able to bring in additional Varsity coaches to fill their spots at no additional cost over what has already been approved.

When will you people quit all the complaining? All I have heard are great things about Faircloth so far, from both the kids and the parents of said kids. The buzz is back in the air at PNG!


Active Member
badndn said:
cak said:
Hopefully, we will have a great season all through the district! Looks like a lot of hard work and thought has gone into this!
Then why so darn negative?

The guy got the approval for two additional PNGISD employees. Which means that there will be one additional coach/teacher next year at each middle school. I got a kid in MS and I have no issues with thinning out the classes a little!

He also got approval to replace four varsity positions that are currently not filled. So not new positions. No additional salaries for those positions. Because he reassigned to Varsity coaches to the MS's to fill those 2 New Approved positions, then he will be able to bring in additional Varsity coaches to fill their spots at no additional cost over what has already been approved.

When will you people quit all the complaining? All I have heard are great things about Faircloth so far, from both the kids and the parents of said kids. The buzz is back in the air at PNG!

I agree! Good Point! :clap: :clap: :clap:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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