PNG - College Football



I would like to see some of the PNG senoirs playh for Lamar next year! Dunbar, Harmon, and others. With the local talent we have it would be great to have the local kids play there and bring in the fans that watch them in HIGH SCHOOL. But i would not turn downa a scholarship to a Texas Longhorn or any other program to go to LAMAR.

PNG Proud

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IMO, that would be an ideal way to get the locals out to the games. Put alot of local players on the team! I'd enjoy watching them play at the next level.


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PNG82 said:
I would like to see some of the PNG senoirs playh for Lamar next year! Dunbar, Harmon, and others. With the local talent we have it would be great to have the local kids play there and bring in the fans that watch them in HIGH SCHOOL. But i would not turn downa a scholarship to a Texas Longhorn or any other program to go to LAMAR.

:thumbsup: I Agree :clap:


100+ Posts
For me it would make it worth the (almost) $200 in fees I get to pay to Lamar every semester so that they can have this football team! ::) I would definately go out to support the players I know and love! :woot:


500+ Posts
I could see a few guys at the next level, but no one has major D1 (Big 12 or SEC) talent.

Harmon will get a shot somewhere, hopefully LU.
DeRon has good height and could add 20 or so pounds to be an H-back type in the Southland.
Dallas Davis has the size to play in the Sunbelt, CUSA or even MWC.
Dunbar will play at the next level. I would hope LU could snag him up.
Reasons is big, but???? 6'5" 290+ is hard to ignore. Just not sure about his grades and desire.


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I am a huge supporter of the local Southeast Texas talent playing at Lamar, but you have to put yourselves in the coaches shoes. Me and my Dad have talked for years about how Lamar would go way out of State to recruit players. We used to always complain about how no players locally would get any scholarships. I recall looking at the game programs back in the day and seeing kids from California and The Bronx, NY on the roster. I remember my senior year in 1988 that only 3 players got football scholarships to play locally at Lamar. One from Thomas Jefferson, one from Orangefield, and I forget the other one. Now, on the other hand, these coaches have to put together teams that can win and that will give them job security. I remember Lamar playing Texas Tech just before they squashed their program back in 1989. As much as I want to see local players play at Lamar, not all are cut out to play Division 1 football. We seem to forget that Lamar, yes Lamar, is a D1 program. They could go out and play the Texas Longhorns if they wanted. Just something to keep in mind before everyone tries to turn Lamar University into Jefferson County High School.


100+ Posts
I agree, but there are enough kids that can play roles on special teams etc. Once coach Gilligan started recruiting more local kids the attendance at the baseball games went way up.

80 + NFL players from the Golden Triangle over the last 30 years tells me we have a little talent Lamar could use. I think if coach Woodard uses his head he can accommodate both. I sure hope the local Refineries and Chemical plants along with other people from the area step up and buy up blocks of tickets.

Mr. Humphrey and several others have done their part, there is a lot of old & new money in the area and it's time they step up and help out as well!


Staff member
I would not be surprised if Harmon is offered a scholarship at a major college. Behind a good line he can decimate a defense. He's got the balance, quickness, strength and vision to do well at the next level.


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You are right. The key is to get people in the stands. That's why the program folded in 1989. They are in a tough spot at Lamar trying to find that balance of recruiting locally, getting good players nationally, and putting the people on the field that fans will want to come and see. We just experienced the same issue in Northeast Tennessee a few years back. They got rid of the football program at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN. People were driving to Knoxville to watch the Volunteers and not staying at home to watch the local school.


1,000+ Posts
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PNG Proud said:
D1? REALLY? Lamar???

They are D1 FCS (Football Championship Subdivision) which used to be known a I-AA

Former I-A schools are D1 FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision).


500+ Posts
As great a runner as Caleb Harmon was for PNG the last two years, he does not have the measurables to get him a major D1 scholarship. If Mosley from Nederland's best offer was UNT a few years back with his size (6'1" 210 lbs out of HS) and speed combo and the numbers he put up over three years at Ned, how is it that you can expect the bigger schools to call on Caleb at 5'8" 195. Remember the big schools don't measure heart!!! All they look at is speed and size.

I think he will get some offers from the Sunbelt and will for sure get offers from the Southland (which I think he could excel in). I would love to see him at LU not just because of his on field abilities, but also as an ambassador for LU football. Great to keep solid citizens in the GT!


100+ Posts
I don't think most people truly know what kind of talent it takes to play big time college football. Those players are few and far between.


Staff member
I've heard that some big schools may be looking at Harmon because of his proven ability, work ethic, and academics.

He's got some very positive attributes that make him worthy of a long look. He's patient, knows how to follow blockers and pick the opening. And he's got a good burst when he makes his move. And obviously he's got plenty of strength (500+ pound squat and dead lift along with a 385+ pound bench press.) in a 5-9 195 pound frame. A lot of times a team will take a smart, talented, hard working role model player over a 'gifted' athlete.

Mosley has not been impressive at UNT gaining only 6 yards in 10 games in 2009.


500+ Posts
Mosley has been hurt all year. He has missed more games than he has played and when he has suited up he was not really healthy and hasn't played much, but my point about him was that he was bigger, faster and had better numbers (amaizing considering how great a season Caleb had) than Caleb had. Also don't forget that Mosley was a stud in the passing game (he was a very good receiver when split out) and Caleb didn't really catch the ball much. And all this and Mosley's best offer to play RB was UNT (Sunbelt).

Name those MAJOR colleges that are looking at Caleb.

I stand by my statement that Caleb will get some real interest and some offers from Sunbelt and maybe even a WAC or CUSA team, but nothing from any Big 12 or SEC teams. There are just too many RB's out there each year with the size and speed that Caleb don't have. They may not be better than Caleb, but they project better and that's what attracts the big dogs.


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badndn said:
Mosley has been hurt all year. He has missed more games than he has played and when he has suited up he was not really healthy and hasn't played much, but my point about him was that he was bigger, faster and had better numbers (amaizing considering how great a season Caleb had) than Caleb had. Also don't forget that Mosley was a stud in the passing game (he was a very good receiver when split out) and Caleb didn't really catch the ball much. And all this and Mosley's best offer to play RB was UNT (Sunbelt).

Name those MAJOR colleges that are looking at Caleb.

I stand by my statement that Caleb will get some real interest and some offers from Sunbelt and maybe even a WAC or CUSA team, but nothing from any Big 12 or SEC teams. There are just too many RB's out there each year with the size and speed that Caleb don't have. They may not be better than Caleb, but they project better and that's what attracts the big dogs.
Hmmmm ---Sounds like a relative , or a DOG in Indian Clothing...way to support you teams players ? Bad-ndn


100+ Posts
In defense of badndn.. he is just telling the truth. I loved what Caleb did this season and think the world of him. The cold, hard truth is that most of these big time schools don't care about intangibles.They want cold,hard facts..height,weight, 40 times,etc. The major conference schools only have so many scholarships and if they make a mistake on a kid, they want to make it with a prototypical type player.They don't like sticking their necks out for anyone.What they will do is offer Caleb a guaranteed or preferred walk-on, but why would he do that if he can get a ride at a smaller school? This is the same thing that hurt Dustin Long in the NFL. He wasn't the right height and weight, but look at some of the back-ups in the NFL today..DL is a lot better than a bunch of em. Also, PNG for over a decade has not been proactive in helping kids go play college ball, so we are not a household name anymore. Hopefully these coaches will have the contacts with schools and work to help them get a chance to play on Saturdays. Once again, this is not a negative towards Caleb, just stating the mindset of these schools. Most of these schools have already offered scholarships and have commitments. they do this early because they are trying to lock up kids on top 100 and 200 lists nationally. Good luck Caleb!I hope you get a full ride and more importantly, I hope you end up in the program that is right for you.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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