Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions & LIVE UPDATES


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Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

Maybe, just maybe, we may actually win this one, although it will probably be close. After all, Ozen is the worse team in the district and currently in the cellar. I do predict that IF we win this one it will be the last one this season. Anyone wanna bet??? :(


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

We might win, but it will be difficult because the mindset for winning is just not there after so many losses. :-[


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

BS ... we will not be out-coached ... MB was, and still is, a good coach, motivator, teacher, role model, and leader. We have had a down season, but the man knows how to coach and teach young men to play football. The man runs a clean program. He has control of his players, and most of the kids who play for him learn to be successful on and off the field. This season has not been what everyone expected or wanted, but, the results are due to many factors. Turnovers, disruption due to a hurricane, disruption due to stadium construction, players not making plays, and yes, coaching factors in too. However, MB is known throughout Texas -- he has many friends and supporters in the THSCA. He has served his colleagues in the THSCA well. He has served PN-GISD well.

Maybe MB will make some changes after the season? Maybe there will be a reassignment of coaching responsibilities or duties? Maybe, or maybe not, MB will find a new OC? Who knows? Give MB a chance AFTER the season to assess this past season and to evaluate what changes are needed going forward. He has not, suddenly, forgotten how to coach, teach, motivate, or lead young men. I live 100 miles west of PN-G, and I only see 2 or 3 games per year (maybe a few more when the Indians play in the Houston area during post-season), but, to me, MB still has a passion for coaching. Let us not forget that his past coaching staffs have been cherry-picked by other schools. We lost Mike Long to Kelly, Creduer (spelling?) to Lumberton, and a few other coaches too. On top of all that, the enrollment numbers, i.e., numbers in the talent pool, are shrinking. We used to have 1,600+ kids, now, we have less than 1,450. 4A enrollment numbers will grow to include schools with over 2,000 students. PAM will soon be a district opponent. Rash changes are not needed. Do I want to win more? Yes. I know fans are upset with a 5-10 record vs. Nederland. But, before everyone burns MB in effigy in downtown Port Neches or Groves, wait until after the season and give the man a chance to assess and evaluate what can be done going forward. I know, 3rd and 12 and we run up the middle or the toss sweep. I know, we need to diversify the offense and go to a pro-set or spread, or combine the PN-G power game with a more diverse passing attack. But, changes can't be made overnight. It might take a few offseason workouts or a few seasons to survive some growing pains. But, give MB a chance to call his own shot. I think he's earned that right.

Fire away ... I'm old and fat ... and I can take criticism regarding my opinions and thoughts. And, if anyone has a different opinion, I'm fine with that ... I will not say that you're not a real or true Indian alumnus (alumna) or fan if your opinion differs from mine. We're all Indians. There is enough room on the Reservation for everyone.

PN-G 20
Ozen 16

Go Indians. Keep working hard, play hard, give great effort, and enjoy high school at PN-G.



100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

1989NDN said:
BS ... we will not be out-coached ... MB was, and still is, a good coach, motivator, teacher, role model, and leader. We have had a down season, but the man knows how to coach and teach young men to play football. The man runs a clean program. He has control of his players, and most of the kids who play for him learn to be successful on and off the field. This season has not been what everyone expected or wanted, but, the results are due to many factors. Turnovers, disruption due to a hurricane, disruption due to stadium construction, players not making plays, and yes, coaching factors in too. However, MB is known throughout Texas -- he has many friends and supporters in the THSCA. He has served his colleagues in the THSCA well. He has served PN-GISD well.

Maybe MB will make some changes after the season? Maybe there will be a reassignment of coaching responsibilities or duties? Maybe, or maybe not, MB will find a new OC? Who knows? Give MB a chance AFTER the season to assess this past season and to evaluate what changes are needed going forward. He has not, suddenly, forgotten how to coach, teach, motivate, or lead young men. I live 100 miles west of PN-G, and I only see 2 or 3 games per year (maybe a few more when the Indians play in the Houston area during post-season), but, to me, MB still has a passion for coaching. Let us not forget that his past coaching staffs have been cherry-picked by other schools. We lost Mike Long to Kelly, Creduer (spelling?) to Lumberton, and a few other coaches too. On top of all that, the enrollment numbers, i.e., numbers in the talent pool, are shrinking. We used to have 1,600+ kids, now, we have less than 1,450. 4A enrollment numbers will grow to include schools with over 2,000 students. PAM will soon be a district opponent. Rash changes are not needed. Do I want to win more? Yes. I know fans are upset with a 5-10 record vs. Nederland. But, before everyone burns MB in effigy in downtown Port Neches or Groves, wait until after the season and give the man a chance to assess and evaluate what can be done going forward. I know, 3rd and 12 and we run up the middle or the toss sweep. I know, we need to diversify the offense and go to a pro-set or spread, or combine the PN-G power game with a more diverse passing attack. But, changes can't be made overnight. It might take a few offseason workouts or a few seasons to survive some growing pains. But, give MB a chance to call his own shot. I think he's earned that right.

Fire away ... I'm old and fat ... and I can take criticism regarding my opinions and thoughts. And, if anyone has a different opinion, I'm fine with that ... I will not say that you're not a real or true Indian alumnus (alumna) or fan if your opinion differs from mine. We're all Indians. There is enough room on the Reservation for everyone.

PN-G 20
Ozen 16

Go Indians. Keep working hard, play hard, give great effort, and enjoy high school at PN-G.


We are going to disagree on a couple of things - we have had several years to "change a few things" and yet still running on 3rd and long - been that way for several seasons now. Several players over the last couple of years will disagree on MB coaching ability, motivational skills and decision making. Now, it may have been better when you were in school, but like I said the last couple of years, the kids, for whatever reason, have lost respect for the man. I know him and his family and I love them all, they are great!!!

If I had to try and pin point thing that has changed - I would have to say that he and his coaching staff need to refrain from screaming at each other on the sidelines - you have to wonder if it happens on a daily basis at school and practise. I don't know I don't have a kid on the team.

To the kids -

Boys keep your head high, your fans will support you win or lose because we love our Indians. We still drive around with our PNG stickers on our vehicles and have 45 million purple shirts and anything that is produced with PNG on it or Indians on it. Play your game and play your best and no one can ask anymore of you. Love you guys!!!


Staff member
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

It's been said over and over that Burnett has a lot of positive points. That the defense has been productive year in and year out. And that improving the offensive direction is the primary concern. Now that concern includes the offensive line production which has traditionally been the anchor of PN-G teams. What does all that mean in terms of coaching staff? That's up to Coach Burnett to analyze and correct and what the people are demanding. And a tough reality to face considering that if may affect the lives of good men who are coaching. It comes down to the choice of doing what it takes to run a successful, winning program. Or face the wrath of PN-G fans who expect to win. Even considering that fan opinion is not respected much, you're still left with running a program that allows the kids to achieve their fullest potential. Is that program in place now? If not what will it take?


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

IndianFan said:
It's been said over and over that Burnett has a lot of positive points. That the defense has been productive year in and year out. And that improving the offensive direction is the primary concern. Now that concern includes the offensive line production which has traditionally been the anchor of PN-G teams. What does all that mean in terms of coaching staff? That's up to Coach Burnett to analyze and correct and what the people are demanding. And a tough reality to face considering that if may affect the lives of good men who are coaching. It comes down to the choice of doing what it takes to run a successful, winning program. Or face the wrath of PN-G fans who expect to win. Even considering that fan opinion is not respected much, you're still left with running a program that allows the kids to achieve their fullest potential. Is that program in place now? If not what will it take?

Good post IndianFan...I applauded you but it won't let me do it more than once every hour, so I will keep trying to get you back in the positive numbers...just so you know, it was not me that put you in the negative...


Active Member
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

IndianFan said:
It's been said over and over that Burnett has a lot of positive points. That the defense has been productive year in and year out. And that improving the offensive direction is the primary concern. Now that concern includes the offensive line production which has traditionally been the anchor of PN-G teams. What does all that mean in terms of coaching staff? That's up to Coach Burnett to analyze and correct and what the people are demanding. And a tough reality to face considering that if may affect the lives of good men who are coaching. It comes down to the choice of doing what it takes to run a successful, winning program. Or face the wrath of PN-G fans who expect to win. Even considering that fan opinion is not respected much, you're still left with running a program that allows the kids to achieve their fullest potential. Is that program in place now? If not what will it take?

I must disagree with the comment regarding the defense, our defense this year has not played up to previous years. An example of that is last night, our defense was on the filed for what 35 minutes and almost the entire 3rd quarter with the exception of a 3 and out with like 5 minutes left in the quarter. I think that MB was coaching hard prior to and when his son was there. But, I think now he is ready to hang up his cleats and just going with the flow of his coaches and does not have head coach control over them.


500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

I disagree, I don't think Coach Burnett has stopped "coaching hard" just because his son has graduated. Anyone who has played under Burnett knows that he is a very motivational coach who expects the best out of his players, year end and year out. He is a man who will coach to the best of his abilities until he either calls it quits or they run him out of town. PNG football is in his blood, there's no doubt. He is an exceptional role model to the players and has upheld a clean program throughout his career. Kudos to him for never quitting on us and "coaching hard" until he hangs 'em up.


100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

well it depends on which PNG team shows up the one that played ned,livingston,vidor or the one that played lumberton.I know we didnt when against lumberton but we didnt get beat by 20+ If we can not force passes and hold on to the ball we can beat ozen.


1,000+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

Indian99 said:
I disagree, I don't think Coach Burnett has stopped "coaching hard" just because his son has graduated. Anyone who has played under Burnett knows that he is a very motivational coach who expects the best out of his players, year end and year out. He is a man who will coach to the best of his abilities until he either calls it quits or they run him out of town. PNG football is in his blood, there's no doubt. He is an exceptional role model to the players and has upheld a clean program throughout his career. Kudos to him for never quitting on us and "coaching hard" until he hangs 'em up.
Spoken like a true son---you are his son, are you not????


500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

Indian99 said:
I disagree, I don't think Coach Burnett has stopped "coaching hard" just because his son has graduated. Anyone who has played under Burnett knows that he is a very motivational coach who expects the best out of his players, year end and year out. He is a man who will coach to the best of his abilities until he either calls it quits or they run him out of town. PNG football is in his blood, there's no doubt. He is an exceptional role model to the players and has upheld a clean program throughout his career. Kudos to him for never quitting on us and "coaching hard" until he hangs 'em up.



500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

Indians 35 Panthers 10


lu cards

100+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

i personally dont think we need to gut our whole staff.i do think mb needs to reevalute the entire program from middle school on up.we have many fine coaches but there are changes needing to be made.obviously we need an offensive coord,i think we all agree there.we also need more young coaches that are willing to do the extras and get the kids fired up.i look forward to the off-season and to what it brings. png 20 ozen 13.


Active Member
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

I know because if the team that showed up last Friday nigh against the Raiders we will be in for a long night.


1,000+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

14PNG said:
I know because if the team that showed up last Friday nigh against the Raiders we will be in for a long night.

The team that showed up last Friday against the Raiders brought the probable district champions to overtime. Lumberton has already beaten the other two teams tied for first place. I don't see how "that team" showing up would have anything to do with losing to a team that is at the bottom of the district.


500+ Posts
Re: Port Neches-Groves Indians vs. Ozen Panthers Predictions

I think our boys will come ready to play some ball. Good Lucky INDIANS!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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