
Active Member
There has been some negativity about friday nights game from some people so I wanted to point out A LOT of positive things from friday and since Coach Faircloth has gotten here. So if you have something negative to say and can't ever see the light at the end of the tunnel, go post somewhere else. But if you have something positive you want to say because I know for a fact players look at this, post here ;D.

Friday Night:

- First the uniforms and new helmets looked amazing!! We looked professional and like the top-notch program that we are.
- The defense was outstanding. In the scrimmage against Memorial and in fridays game they have forced a lot of turnovers. Reminds me of the Ravens in the NFL. Always getting the ball back for the offense. Something we haven't seen in a while.
- Has anyone noticed that the defense is really really really good at causing fumbles? They go for the ball every time they are tackling someone! They go over that in practice everyday. Thats exciting!
- Also, I noticed that when are guys tackled someone or knocked the mess out of someone, they would help them back up. A great show of sportsmanship that has been missing.
- Our guys were disciplined and played with heart. Enough said.
- When BH came back in the second half our offense responded. When we needed to stop them four downs in a row in the fourth quarter our defense responded. Even though it was a sloppy game, our kids didn't give up and responded when they needed too. I was very very impressed.
- The offense got it going in the second half and bounced back after making mistakes in the first half. It takes character and faith in yourselves and your coaching staff to keep pushing forward and they did.
- We had more return yards on special teams than we have had in a long time! We almost took one back for a touchdown!! Every return was 20+ yards and we have some speed. Should be exciting!
- Our special teams was solid overall minus one long return, which the kicker did exactly what he was supposed to in stopping the guy. Very good coaching and execution there.
- Even though our defense was exhausted in the second half and missing one of the key players, they didn't quit. Yeah they gave up some points, but they kept at it and made key stops when they needed to.
- We made half-time adjustments!! There is something new for us. Also, letting the QB kick that punt to pin them within the 10 late in the 4th was a very wise coaching move. Everyone thought they were going for it. Brilliant.
- Coach Faircloth prayed with our guys after the game was over. VERY VERY impressed. That's more important than anything.

Now i know i have forgotten some things. I had a huge list in my head but I'm sure i have left some out. Also, people the first game doesn't mean jack. It's like preseason football in the NFL. Yeah you want to win, but thats not your biggest concern. Please add positive things that you saw from friday night that your excited about that maybe other people didn't notice. It encourages everyone and even the players that get on here. This will be a special season, so get your popcorn ready :popcorn:

png ndn fans

Good post ndnmojo14 I would have to agree with that post we really did look amazing out there I think this will be the beginning of a new era in PNG history.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Personally, I think our players looked more intense and more focused when they entered in the stadium. The players were strongly in the game from the moment it started.

They responded to everything quickly and got over their initial nerves and got into the game.

Their sportsmanship was evident in the courtesy they showed the other team after they brought them down. It is different from what I observed last year.

Good point about the QB kicking the punt. Interesting play.

Good going N-D-N's !!!!!


Active Member
I absolutely love everything about the new program, from the Head Coach to the new offense... the uniforms are sharp. It's all great!
Everything will take time. Maybe even a couple of years...that's ok with me.
#8 is a superstar.


500+ Posts
Football season is here.
The uniforms. I was leary after the pics that were posted, but they looked great in person.
The overall excitement.
A win.
Forcing so many turnovers.
Special teams play.
Knowing the offense will dial it up and gel as the season moves forward.
The stadium.


100+ Posts
Great post ndnmojo14!
More positives:
Tackling - There were more and better open field tackling than I've seen in a while. The whole defense pursued the ball and gang tackled.
Defensive Secondary - Looked better than I've seen in years. Dre Dunbar was Superman!
Turnovers - we were forcing them instead of giving them away.
Offense - Good mix of playcalling. Best promise of a passing game since Dustin Long.
Heck, I think the band and cheerleaders are better than in the last couple years.
Gonna be a good season!


500+ Posts
I agree about the part, knock'em down, then help him up. After the game when the teams met at mid field, they had praise and respect for the other team. Even one on the BH team later reflected, that's the classiest team we've ever played.

Give Barber's Hill credit, that's a good team. I love what we are doing.


500+ Posts
Awesome post ndnmojo14! This is the kind of posts we all need to make. Lets share our enthusiasm and excitement for the Indians all season long. I think GREAT things are in store for the Purple Nation this season as we have seen already!


1,000+ Posts
I totally agree with everything you said about the Indians! Heck, they always give 110%--that's nothing new. The only negatives have been about people not watching their children and letting them run wild, the concessions, and the band director not playing Cherokee correctly and loud. I still agree with those things, also, but I NEVER heard one negative about the players. Who can argue about people who don't sit by the band wanting to hear them?


1,000+ Posts
I can't believe we have negative stuff in a post concerned with positives.

My positives to add:
1. The RBs are carrying the ball far better than last year. Watch them as they run with the ball. The coaches are coaching the fundamentals!
2. Faircloth's positive attitude with the players. For those that haven't seen the Channel 6 clip of Faircloth miked up during the scrimmage, go see it. It is very impressive.
3. The positive attitude of the players. For the first time in probably 8 years, the players believe they can win. I was talking to a parent who challeged me to ask any varsity player about success. She said they will all tell you that we are going deep in playoffs this year, but that state is ours next year. This belief is a key ingredient to winning. These boys are playing every down in preparation for a deep playoff run this year. It is also evident when talking to Faircloth. I was discussing the '99 state game with him one time and mention "if we make it to state." He replied with, "Not if we go to state, when we go to state."


500+ Posts
squaw said:
I totally agree with everything you said about the Indians! Heck, they always give 110%--that's nothing new. The only negatives have been about people not watching their children and letting them run wild, the concessions, and the band director not playing Cherokee correctly and loud. I still agree with those things, also, but I NEVER heard one negative about the players. Who can argue about people who don't sit by the band wanting to hear them?

Keep on whipping that horse Squaw...maybe it'll get you somewhere one day...lol! ;D

Sorry...I had to Squaw...just trying to lighten the mood a little!


Active Member
The stadium looked awesome.

The team played great for the first game.

That WAS the FIRST win in the new stadium!!!

The team played with class, and discipline, that is the best positive I saw.

The Band looked good for the first game as well.


500+ Posts
I got to go to the game, since I live way out of town, that's a miracle ;D
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy about Coach Faircloth being the new chief
Our uniforms look way better than I expected
Wonderful surprise to hear Tip announce at halftime
The band looked awesome coming around the track, got me fired up


1,000+ Posts
OMG, what part of English don't some people understand? The point I was making is that there are a whole lot of positives that we all agree on, just some minor negatives which, if the effort was made, can be corrected! What's so bad about wanting everyone to be able to enjoy the band?


Active Member
ndnmojo14 said:
There has been some negativity about friday nights game from some people so I wanted to point out A LOT of positive things from friday and since Coach Faircloth has gotten here. So if you have something negative to say and can't ever see the light at the end of the tunnel, go post somewhere else. But if you have something positive you want to say because I know for a fact players look at this, post here ;D.

Friday Night:

- First the uniforms and new helmets looked amazing!! We looked professional and like the top-notch program that we are.
- The defense was outstanding. In the scrimmage against Memorial and in fridays game they have forced a lot of turnovers. Reminds me of the Ravens in the NFL. Always getting the ball back for the offense. Something we haven't seen in a while.
- Has anyone noticed that the defense is really really really good at causing fumbles? They go for the ball every time they are tackling someone! They go over that in practice everyday. Thats exciting!
- Also, I noticed that when are guys tackled someone or knocked the mess out of someone, they would help them back up. A great show of sportsmanship that has been missing.
- Our guys were disciplined and played with heart. Enough said.
- When BH came back in the second half our offense responded. When we needed to stop them four downs in a row in the fourth quarter our defense responded. Even though it was a sloppy game, our kids didn't give up and responded when they needed too. I was very very impressed.
- The offense got it going in the second half and bounced back after making mistakes in the first half. It takes character and faith in yourselves and your coaching staff to keep pushing forward and they did.
- We had more return yards on special teams than we have had in a long time! We almost took one back for a touchdown!! Every return was 20+ yards and we have some speed. Should be exciting!
- Our special teams was solid overall minus one long return, which the kicker did exactly what he was supposed to in stopping the guy. Very good coaching and execution there.
- Even though our defense was exhausted in the second half and missing one of the key players, they didn't quit. Yeah they gave up some points, but they kept at it and made key stops when they needed to.
- We made half-time adjustments!! There is something new for us. Also, letting the QB kick that punt to pin them within the 10 late in the 4th was a very wise coaching move. Everyone thought they were going for it. Brilliant.
- Coach Faircloth prayed with our guys after the game was over. VERY VERY impressed. That's more important than anything.

Now i know i have forgotten some things. I had a huge list in my head but I'm sure i have left some out. Also, people the first game doesn't mean jack. It's like preseason football in the NFL. Yeah you want to win, but thats not your biggest concern. Please add positive things that you saw from friday night that your excited about that maybe other people didn't notice. It encourages everyone and even the players that get on here. This will be a special season, so get your popcorn ready :popcorn:

AMEN!!!! Mojo I loved it all the new stadium,the coaches, the new uniforms, the band, the whole experience was great!!!! unfortunately some people have to be negative no matter what. Keep up the positive posts.


Active Member
squaw said:
Coming from Mr. Negative himself!! What a laugh.

Oh PLEASE! You dont see any other posts on here where people are calling me negative, but there are so many about you and by you that that they cant be counted.


500+ Posts
Does every thread have to have a comment about how NOT loud the band is?? Give it a break we have all heard it before. Geez


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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