Round 1: PN-G vs Dayton

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Re: Final: PN-G 44, Vidor 22

I also heard 2 pm.
Is this confirmed?

Not questioning, just trying to be sure.


1,000+ Posts
Re: Final: PN-G 44, Vidor 22

Anyone know much about Dayton?

I can't believe this is already BF's 6th full season.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Great job coach Fairclothe and staff on another great season and hopefully deep run in the playoffs'!!!!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
Re: Final: PN-G 44, Vidor 22

IndianFan said:
Thanks so much for the info.

seems like the traffic on here has slowed down. Miss the interaction, even if I am usually in the minority.

:machinegun: :punchingbag: :machinegun: :shout: :woohoo:

Any more word on the indoor facility and how the SB. Is going to ear mark the 150K? I know there was discussion on being in compliance with the TEA.



500+ Posts
Like us, Dayton is very well balanced. Their QB looks to be very versatile in the pocket and can run. Containment is key with pressure. Their O line seems to be suspect on pass blocking. Our D has hit its stride, so it should be a great game. I really hope this is the year we beat Dayton. Always a very close game. If we can get the running game going and moving the ball then our chances increase dramatically. Their secondary bites on the play action pass easily.


2,000+ Posts
Re: Final: PN-G 44, Vidor 22

bark said:
IndianFan said:
Thanks so much for the info.

seems like the traffic on here has slowed down. Miss the interaction, even if I am usually in the minority.

:machinegun: :punchingbag: :machinegun: :shout: :woohoo:

Any more word on the indoor facility and how the SB. Is going to ear mark the 150K? I know there was discussion on being in compliance with the TEA.



500+ Posts
After watching some of the Dayton/Crosby game, Dayton reminds me of Central on offense. If pass is not open immediately the QB takes off running. Their RB is good like Centrals. They have some very good receivers who can get up in the air.


500+ Posts
From what Dayton people are posting, they are at 100% as far as key players back from injury. Hearing their Oline is huge. If I read right, the last time we've beat Dayton was in 1946 and have never beaten them in the playoffs. Oh, and the kicker is good as usual.

Huge task we have in front of us, and most have us one and done.

I believe we have the Team and the Weapons to do it!


500+ Posts
This team has a lot of potential to do well, but they have to play to their abilities ..... we can't have the first half jinx and put up a goose egg and expect to win imo. I think if we don't go away from the run early and Morse has a good game (meaning no Int's and receivers don't have any drops) we win.


Active Member
Good-morning to everyone......from what we all have witnessed from the first srimmage game all the way through Friday night versus Vidor.....we have proven that we are a very competitive team. All we need to do to get a win versus Dayton is play PNG FOOTBALL. We start it off with the running game or passing game and switch it up a bit. Element of surprise on each down that we play is the key. We should expect the unexpected just like Dayton will probably be doing. We need to execute our offense and let the Halfin dog run. He's a beast and he's hungry. Have Morse hand the ball to him up the middle or let him bounce to the outside. He will give us his best running game on each carry. We just have to turn him loose and let him go at it. Our offensive line needs to continue doing the great blocking that they have done and the rest will work itself out. Whether Morse drops back to pass or hands it off.....lets take it straight at them. They got some speed I hear, but remember, so do we. We got the speed on the inside and on the outside, give them ball to the hungry and let them munch away at the yards to get to the goal line. Running backs 25 and 33 seem to be hungry as well. Our defense needs to keep Dayton in check. If they want to run, we can stop them. If they want to pass, we can stop them. Just need to make sure of our assignments and continue to play PNG FOOTBALL. Even though it will be on the cold side, we need to make sure that the players are warm, continue to move about the sideline anticipating the next time to get back on the field. If we get the ball, lets put in the endzone. If they got the ball, we got to strip it away and get it back. The less time we have the offense on the field, the better. Then again, the less time we have the defense on the field, the better. When we are on offense, lets continue to get 1st downs. Eat the clock up and then score at anytime we are ready. They will bite on the play action, then we burn them. We can do this, all we need to do is believe in each other. Coaches, you continue to go with your game action and stay on track. Running and throwing the ball, with accuracy will land positive results. Receivers, bring your best hands and your best legs, you will be busy. Running backs, rest up.....get ready so you can pound that pigskin towards the goal line. Opportunities missed are opportunities that you can't get back. Take advantage of their mistakes because they will do that same on ours. Keep the mistakes to a very minimum. Remember, play PNG FOOTBALL, not Dayton football. The count down starts........anticipating the National Anthem and then when the official blows that whistle, you play your hearts out each and every play. Leave nothing on the sidelines, leave it all on the field. Take it to them, 150% on each play. Play until the whistle blows. If you get a chance to throw a block on someone or make a solo tackle, make sure that they never forget your other words, tattoo your number onto them because they will never forget for instance, how hard 23 hit them. Or how hard 27 hit them as he ran over them with the ball. Sorry for so long, but when I get into the moment, I can't quit. You should never quit either. It's on the line, do you want the win - you have earned the right to get there - so all you gotta do is take the win. One play, one whistle at a time. Keep the penalties to a minimum and keep the motivation to a HIGH. What do you say.......we the people......PURPLE PEOPLE....will be cheering you on louder and louder. We are PNG FOOTBALL......we cheer for PNG FOOTBALL......we BELIEVE in PNG FOOTBALL...........! Enough Said!


500+ Posts
Copied from PNGISD

Tickets for the game will go on sale to season ticket holders Wednesday, November 12 and to the general public on Thursday, November 13. Sale hours are 7:00am - 4:00pm at the stadium ticket booth. Adult tickets are $6.00 and student tickets are $4.00. All tickets at the gate will be $7.00. PNG is the home team and all seating is general admission.


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
Mom2Indians, I was thinking that we beat Dayton in 99" at Lamar Stadium.
Didn't play them in 99. Lost to them in 98 at LU. Thry had Dakari Pearson at QB and he tore us up.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The playoffs...PN-G needs a strong performance by the OL and DL. To win in the post season, you have to control the line of scrimmage.

Go Indians. Peace.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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