Shame on you James Ware!


500+ Posts
James was 1 of only 2 that picked us to lose to Livingston in todays PA News! :nono: Don't you know that's bad Ju-Ju to bet against your alma mater! Shame, shame, shame! ;D


1,000+ Posts
I talked with a Coach at another school and was told that 8 Nederland players were caught on top on the Dog Dome drinking beer Sat. (by the Police) and will be out 4 weeks.

He said Neuman is on lock down to the press and calls.

My guy is defiantly in the loop.

We'll see if Nauman can jump through hoops to find a way to get them a pass.

He is almost as good as Dan Ray at bending/breaking the rules!!!!!!!


1,000+ Posts
All true, but there were 3 guys instead of 8 and two were from prominent nederland families. I also heard from a relative in nederland that Newmann is trying to get them released from their punishment. ::) Shame, shame


2,000+ Posts
After the tragedy this past weekend in Orangefield, what is that teaching your kids from releasing them from any punishment?


1,000+ Posts
Justafan said:
After the tragedy this past weekend in Orangefield, what is that teaching your kids from releasing them from any punishment?
As some coaches do - not ours, I feel sure - winning is everything and sinning doesn't matter.

Prime example, Dan Ray Hooks a verified violator of UIL rules, documented MANY TIMES and punished by the UIL and what---- they name the stadium after him AND he is voted into one of the Hall of Honors deals.



500+ Posts
Justafan said:
After the tragedy this past weekend in Orangefield, what is that teaching your kids from releasing them from any punishment?

Speaking of this tragedy, word is the boys were headded back from a party in Port Neches. When will parents learn that if your child hosts a party, you are responsible??


100+ Posts
This wouldn't be the first time he weaseled his players out of trouble. He has had enough influence in the past to cover up arrests of his star players and have them take the field the same week. I know that two of the players are starters on defense, so I am sure he will pull out all the stops to get them out of this. It is a shame that a man who is supposed to be leading young men is more worried about winning than doing what is right. There are people in the community who know who these kids are and if they take the field Friday, we will all know what Nuemann did. This should be an opportunity to teach these kids a life lesson and let them learn from their mistake, because once they stop playing football, no one will give them preferential treatment when they mess up. The consequences in real life will be much worse than missing a football game.I am confident that Coach Faircloth and his staff care about our kids more than just what they can do on a football field and would do the right thing in this situation. If these kids involved were on JV or 3rd stringers, Neumann would probably make an example of has happened over there before.


500+ Posts
pngmom4 said:
Justafan said:
After the tragedy this past weekend in Orangefield, what is that teaching your kids from releasing them from any punishment?

Speaking of this tragedy, word is the boys were headded back from a party in Port Neches. When will parents learn that if your child hosts a party, you are responsible??

That was earlier in the night and left and went to two other parties. They had been at a party in Mauriceville from what I have heard and had left Mc Donald's before this.


500+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
This wouldn't be the first time he weaseled his players out of trouble. He has had enough influence in the past to cover up arrests of his star players and have them take the field the same week. I know that two of the players are starters on defense, so I am sure he will pull out all the stops to get them out of this. It is a shame that a man who is supposed to be leading young men is more worried about winning than doing what is right. There are people in the community who know who these kids are and if they take the field Friday, we will all know what Nuemann did. This should be an opportunity to teach these kids a life lesson and let them learn from their mistake, because once they stop playing football, no one will give them preferential treatment when they mess up. The consequences in real life will be much worse than missing a football game.I am confident that Coach Faircloth and his staff care about our kids more than just what they can do on a football field and would do the right thing in this situation. If these kids involved were on JV or 3rd stringers, Neumann would probably make an example of has happened over there before.

Can't predict the outcome. However, I spoke with several Nederland residents. They say the community will support the suspensions and will be upset if they are lifted. Particularly if the boys were drinking on top of a school building.


500+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
I think 3 died in an auto accident after drinking.
Correct me if i,m wrong guys

They may have been drinking but I think the primary reason they didn't survive the head-on crash was they did not have their seat belts on. The man and child in the other vehicle (albeit it was a Tahoe) survived. Everyone should used this to impress on teenagers the important of wearing their seat belts.


Staff member
OldEagle said:
PNG Proud said:
I think 3 died in an auto accident after drinking.
Correct me if i,m wrong guys

They may have been drinking but I think the primary reason they didn't survive the head-on crash was they did not have their seat belts on. The man and child in the other vehicle (albeit it was a Tahoe) survived. Everyone should used this to impress on teenagers the important of wearing their seat belts.

... and not drinking and driving.


500+ Posts
bamakid said:
OldEagle said:
PNG Proud said:
I think 3 died in an auto accident after drinking.
Correct me if i,m wrong guys

They may have been drinking but I think the primary reason they didn't survive the head-on crash was they did not have their seat belts on. The man and child in the other vehicle (albeit it was a Tahoe) survived. Everyone should used this to impress on teenagers the important of wearing their seat belts.

... and not drinking and driving.

Anyone know how the Nederland rumor played out?


1,000+ Posts
Torino, I know several prominent people in Nederland, but the topic has been "hush, hush". If anyone's taking bets, I bet the boys do NOT play tonight, but I'd bet double that they are in uniform, on the field and playing a week from tonight. In 40 years I've seen almost the exact same thing happen and their top players somehow, magically, were able to play in a crucial game. I love football, but I love kids more and I'd hate to see these boys learn that some people are allowed to break the rules (or laws) and others can't. I don't care who they are or how important of a game it is, if they were given 4 weeks suspension, they should serve 4 weeks. Maybe other teens will learn from it and it may save another child's life.



1,000+ Posts
It's been a ling time since I've been an administrator, but possession and use of a controlled substance on campus should call for an extended stay of 6 weeks to a semester on the alternative campus or outright expulsion to JCYA.


500+ Posts
squaw said:
Torino, I know several prominent people in Nederland, but the topic has been "hush, hush". If anyone's taking bets, I bet the boys do NOT play tonight, but I'd bet double that they are in uniform, on the field and playing a week from tonight. In 40 years I've seen almost the exact same thing happen and their top players somehow, magically, were able to play in a crucial game. I love football, but I love kids more and I'd hate to see these boys learn that some people are allowed to break the rules (or laws) and others can't. I don't care who they are or how important of a game it is, if they were given 4 weeks suspension, they should serve 4 weeks. Maybe other teens will learn from it and it may save another child's life.



Active Member
Dang, how did this go from giving James Ware a hard time to Ned kids getting caught drinking??? :huh:

Two football players and 1 cheerleader have where on the dog dome drinking.

None where suited up against Vidor... :shout: None will be playing in MId-County Madness... :thud:

As for the kids from Orangefield who died from the auto accident they too had been at several parties... I heard they where at a party in Port Neches... :stop:


Active Member
squaw said:
Torino, I know several prominent people in Nederland, but the topic has been "hush, hush". If anyone's taking bets, I bet the boys do NOT play tonight, but I'd bet double that they are in uniform, on the field and playing a week from tonight. In 40 years I've seen almost the exact same thing happen and their top players somehow, magically, were able to play in a crucial game. I love football, but I love kids more and I'd hate to see these boys learn that some people are allowed to break the rules (or laws) and others can't. I don't care who they are or how important of a game it is, if they were given 4 weeks suspension, they should serve 4 weeks. Maybe other teens will learn from it and it may save another child's life.


:pistols: you were wrong again Ms Squaw :punchingbag:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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