Suspiciously Silent


Active Member
The message board is suspiciously silent tonight. The game thread is pretty bare, and there is little, if any, reaction to the loss. I can't remember when there was such a low level of activity on the board. Also, the fans did not seem very fired up at the game. It's as if we took it for granted that we would win this game, and now nobody knows quite what to make of the loss.

My own opinion is that we did not have a very good defensive game plan, and some of the offensive play calling was questionable. On defense, we went with a three man rush most of the night, and that clearly was a mistake. They had forever to throw the ball, and they just sat back and picked our seconday apart. On offense, we tried to run the ball too much on first down and were too predictable in that regard, particulalry after it became clear that it was not working most of the time. Even so, we had a good chance to win the game at the end but went for too much too quick. We had plenty of time left and were moving the ball well. Even if we had scored on the play we would have left Dayton too much time, particularly since they would have only needed a field goal to win or tie (if we went for 2 and made it). Why go for it all at that point? What were we thinking????

I realize it is easy to second guess coaching decisions from the "armchair" position, and overall I still think the coaching staff did a great job this year. However, I think they did not perform very well in this one. I don't mind losing in the playoffs that much when we run into a team that clealry has superior talent, but I don't think that was the case on this night.


Active Member
I agree with your opinions and analysis. Not sure why we went for the long pass to endzone? Plenty of time left and didn't want to leave Dayton anytime. After 3 years of the same results, I think it's time for BF to let the defense have some of the top players and not load them all up on offense. Like the old saying goes Defense wins championships. We can't outscore everybody. Got to get a handle on the stupid penalties, they were a thorn in our side all year long. With all that being said thanks to the Seniors and underclassmen start busting butt for next year!


Active Member
I could not have said it better PNGALWAYS. Everything you just said was my exact thoughts all night following the game. Its gonna take a few days for me to get over this one........


100+ Posts
I saw the same stuff y'all did. I really can't blame Travis for the long pass at the end of the game. Yes, I would have wanted a couple of more square outs to the sideline to move up closer so that we could take 4 hits at the end zone but that's why I'm sitting in the stands. Any other other time, Jace would have reached over the defender and stolen the pass but Travis badly under threw the ball. I think he was under alot of heat at the time as well. Alot of people said someone was open over the middle but I didn't see it. When you've got Broncos all over you, you can't see everything. As I've said all run one guy between the tackles with success all year, you pretty much know what future defenses are going to do to stop that success. And damn if Dayton didn't do it. Was very frustrating watching that little Dayton QB have pretty much all the time in the world to do what he wanted. But for us, it wasn't meant to be. I want to commend the team for pulling out a season that could have been disasterous after being 2-3 at one point. Most teams would have quit right there and just go through the motions for the rest of the season. This team had alot heart and determination to get where they were last night. I salute every member of this year's PNG football team! :clap: :thumbsup: :rocks:


1,000+ Posts
PNGALWAYS - I agree with your comments.

I am somewhat reserved about criticizing, but will say that I did not understand the play call to go for a touchdown with that much time left on the clock last night. Obviously, Dayton would of had plenty of time to march down the field and kick a field goal for the win.

I will say that I am extremely proud of the athleticism and class that the entire team showed last night. That loss stings. I think I need a few more days to digest the loss before I say anymore.


Active Member
I think the fans are in was such a hard game to lose. All I can say now is -- I am proud of the game that the Indians' played --did I see problems ----yes but team played till the very end. And my heart just broke when I saw J Nelson walk off the field after he missed "the pass" He played such an awesome game--hope he remember all the other things that he did so perfectly. It was so very sad to see-- wanted to go down there and hug him. Lets try to be kind at this time!!


Active Member
Jayce is the last person that should be hanging his head after the fantastic game he had last night. Also, pngdad8420 makes a good point about Dayton's placekicker, and it was not only his field goal kicking that did us in but the fact that he almost completely neutralized our return game, taking away what has often been a big part of our game this year. Having said all that, however, we still have the better team in my opinion, which makes the loss more difficult to take. I also agree with 81alum in the sense that we need to put more emphasis on our defense if we want to make a long playoff run. However, in this particular game I think it boiled down more to a flawed defensive strategy and/or a failure to make defensive adjustments. I am not saying we would have been able to shut them down with a better defensive strategy, particulalry since we did not have much experience trying to defend against teams that rely almost completely on the passing game. But I do think we would have put ourselves in a much better position to win the game. Finally, I agree that the players are deserving of high praise for the job they did this year. They worked extremely hard to recover from getting into a big hole early in the year and with the help of the coaching staff transformed themselves into a serious playoff contender. None of them have any reason to feel bad about their performance last night or during the season as a whole in my view.


500+ Posts
Let me put into perspective what the D had to do all night. They had to contain at times 5 receivers and a very good running QB. The defensive position was to apply some pressure but to contain the line to not allow their QB to run up the middle. It seemed to work, he had to run outside. Our outside containment was ok, but not what we usually had. We did have blitz packages that worked. I thnk when you look at it, our D actually did a very good job. The difference maker was their kicker. Without him we would be playing next week. That kid will be kicking on Sundays. Overall good game for the D. The O was doing ok, yes they seemed to shut down the run on Bertrand but couldn't contain Miller much. Our passing game was decent, but we had a difficult time on the O line with all the linebackers they were sending in. Dayton played a very good D game against our O. I'm proud of this team for overcoming adversity at the beginning of the season. They made things happen to get to the playoffs.

This season is over now and I for one am proud of these boys. I look forward to next year. I think we are going to have a really good team next year as well. About 5 returners on the D and 5 on the O and several more who got play time during the season. Also we have some great talent coming up from the JV and who knows maybe even a few more Sophomores too.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Actually, I found the crowd to be very exciting. I've only made about 3 games this yr., but this one was the most exciting by far, as far as the fans go. Of course, I was down on the lower level, around the 50 yd. line. Perhaps on the upper deck it was quiet, but not where I was.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
Let me put into perspective what the D had to do all night. They had to contain at times 5 receivers and a very good running QB. The defensive position was to apply some pressure but to contain the line to not allow their QB to run up the middle. It seemed to work, he had to run outside. Our outside containment was ok, but not what we usually had. We did have blitz packages that worked. I thnk when you look at it, our D actually did a very good job. The difference maker was their kicker. Without him we would be playing next week. That kid will be kicking on Sundays. Overall good game for the D. The O was doing ok, yes they seemed to shut down the run on Bertrand but couldn't contain Miller much. Our passing game was decent, but we had a difficult time on the O line with all the linebackers they were sending in. Dayton played a very good D game against our O. I'm proud of this team for overcoming adversity at the beginning of the season. They made things happen to get to the playoffs.

Here's the story on the Dayton kicker. He is a junior and will, barring injury, be the most productive HS kicker in Texas history by the end of next season.

Dayton Kicker Juan Carranco Record Watch

November 6, 2011 By miwright Leave a Comment

Dayton’s kicker Juan Carranco kicked 6 extra points and 2 field goals during their 48-21 victory over Houston King. He now has 154 extra points and 31 field goals for his career.

All-Time Records

T11.162 – Jabo Leonard, Barbers Hill, 1969-1971
T11.162 – Chris Copeland, Ennis, 2001-2002
13. 161 – Josh Pursche, Rogers, 2000-2002
T14.154 – Juan Carranco, Dayton, 2009-present
T14.154 – Kyle Bryant, A&M Consolidated, 1990-1992
16. 152 – Brent Grubbs, South Grand Prairie, 1999-2001
17. 151 – Jeff Johnson, Katy, 2009-present
18. 145 – Jeff Pyatte, Gregory-Portland, 1972-1974
19. 141 – Marty Akin, Gregory-Portland, 1969-1971
20. 138 – Kory Leis, Round Rock Stony Point, 2009-2010
21 .137 – Kenneth Hall, Sugar Land, 1950-1953
22. 130 – Logan Barrett, Kennedale, 2004-2007
T23.122 – John Stodghill, Wichita Falls, 1984-1986
T23.122 – Glenn Gregory, Abilene, 1954-1956

1. 48 – Tomas Sanchez, Fort Worth Arlington Heights, 1995-1998
2. 42 – Garrett Hartley, Southlake Carroll, 2001-2003
3. 41 – Eduardo Camara, Cedar Hill, 2008-2009
4. 38 – Chris Boswell, Keller Fossil Ridge, 2005-2008
T5. 37 – HUNTER LAWRENCE, Boerne, 2003-2005
T5. 37 – Ross Evans, Burnet, 2004-2007
7. 36 – Colt Dowd, Aledo, 1997-1999
8. 35 – Zach Myatt, A&M Consolidated, 2000-2002
9. 34 – Russell Bynum, La Marque, 1993-1995
10. 33 – Taylor Wilkins, La Marque, 2003-2005
11. 32 – Jordan Williamson, Round Rock Westwood, 2007-2009
T12. 31 – Juan Carranco, Dayton, 2009-present
T12. 31 – Jon Lopez, Gainesville, 1999-2002
T14. 30 – DeWayne Wages, Hallsville, 1996-1998
T14. 30 – Kyle Bryant, A&M Consolidated, 1990-1992
T16. 29 – Steven Coker, Lufkin, 1999-2001
T16. 29 – Andy Locke, Austin Westlake, 1984-1986
18. 28 – Jaime Hernandez, Lufkin, 2004-2005


Active Member
There was nothing wrong with the defensive game plan. It worked. Its hard to imagine getting beat by a kicker, but in reality this is what happened. He kicked 3 fg's over 40 yards. Its not like we could not or even did not stop their offense. They won that game on special teams and field position. Its a tough loss considering we won the other aspects of the game, but sometimes this is how football games are won and lost. Our coaches put together a great gameplan and our kids played a HELL of a game. We just lost to an inferior team by losing the special teams game. There really is no way to game plan for a kicker who can kick 50 yarders all day long. So everyone needs to quit whining about the play calling and game plan and just be proud of our coaches and players on a great season.


500+ Posts
thetestament said:
There was nothing wrong with the defensive game plan. It worked. Its hard to imagine getting beat by a kicker, but in reality this is what happened. He kicked 3 fg's over 40 yards. Its not like we could not or even did not stop their offense. They won that game on special teams and field position. Its a tough loss considering we won the other aspects of the game, but sometimes this is how football games are won and lost. Our coaches put together a great gameplan and our kids played a HELL of a game. We just lost to an inferior team by losing the special teams game. There really is no way to game plan for a kicker who can kick 50 yarders all day long. So everyone needs to quit whining about the play calling and game plan and just be proud of our coaches and players on a great season.
I agree, I think as you do, our D did their job and executed. If their kicker was not as good as he is then it would have been a different story. Our game plan was working and worked all night pretty much. We got beat by a kicker. You can't plan for that except trying to block the kick. These boys played their hearts out and it hurts to see them lose. All we can do is tell them we appreciate their hard work all year. Also, who knows maybe next year Angel will be a great kicker like Dayton's kicker. Angel is only a Junior this year. I look forward to Spring ball next year. I think we will have another great team next year. We have 11 total returning from the Varsity team this year on Defense and 8 on the offense. Over half of these 19 started and all of them got play time during the season. you can read more of my comments in the other thread about next years team. I can say that next year looks impressive as this years team.


100+ Posts
It’s unbelievable that some of you are complaining about the defensive game plan. That crossing route that Dayton had some success with is absolutely the hardest route for a defensive back to cover, and it only worked a hand full of times. Dayton’s offense ONLY SCORED (3) touchdowns. Do you know how hard it is for any defense to hold an offense with that kind of firepower to ONLY (3) touchdowns. Our defense played great and our game plan was just fine. If you would have asked me before the game if the other team would have scored only (3) touchdowns I would have told you we are going to win. Stop complaining and realize that without the other team having the best kicker in the state we would have won the game. You cannot game plan for that. The coaches and players did a good job all around.


100+ Posts
Great job by ALL THE PLAYERS this season, be proud of yourselves, you did a remarkable job with little sideline help. ::)


500+ Posts
I would have replied sooner but this weekend was spent mainly at the hospital with some close family friends. This has been the first time I have been able to check in. We did get to go to the game and only because our daughter is a Senior and it is her last year.

Congratulations , guys and especially all the Seniors it was a great ride and thanks for the great memories.


Active Member
hookem14 said:
ndn78 said:
Great job by ALL THE PLAYERS this season, be proud of yourselves, you did a remarkable job with little sideline help. ::)
WOW !!!!

My thoughts exactly! ndn78 have you ever played football or even been to a game? This is one, if not the best coaching staffs in the state of Texas. No disrespect to the former staff, but these guys run this program better than most colleges and head and shoulders above the previous staff. Just ask any of the coaches who served under both, or anywhere else for that matter, how different Faircloth runs his ship. By different, I mean better. It is simply incredible that you would even speak on a subject you obviously know absolutely nothing about. People like you should not be allowed to steal air from the rest of us.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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