The Head Coach Speculation Thread


1,000+ Posts
Ok. This is a topic that has previously been moderated for very obvious reasons. Now that the search is officially on, let's hear you speculation on who it will be and why. If anyone has any insider info, feel free to throw it up here too. I know I'm glued to the computer until an announcement is made.


pngfan93 said:
Ok. This is a topic that has previously been moderated for very obvious reasons. Now that the search is officially on, let's hear you speculation on who it will be and why. If anyone has any insider info, feel free to throw it up here too. I know I'm glued to the computer until an announcement is made.

Hopefully, they take their time and do a lot of interviewing before this decision is made. I have no suggestions at this point.


1,000+ Posts
Moving quickly at this point would not be beneficial. They are getting it out there early that they are looking. I agree. Let's give it time and see who all in interested. Let the lure of the new facility and the town support work its magic. If Mike Long is the best candidate, then by all means give it to him. However, you never know who all is out there unless you ask them to apply.

I guess what I'm asking in this thread is - - Who can be PN-G's Craig Stump? I would say Todd Dodge, but their program was not struggling when he took over.


question i have is this.. whoever is the new HC does he bring in his own coaching staff or keep the existing one?


1,000+ Posts
Excellent question also. This could be part of negotiations. Some coaches demand bringing their own staff. Others just come on in by themselves.


Do you think they would bring their "whole" staff or just a few key people? I know I am going back to the Etheridge days but if I remember correctly, he only brought about 3 people with him. Coach Clearman, Coach Cavness and one other one that I cannot think of his name. Am I remembering correctly?


well if anything on the bringing HIS ppl so to speak, i see whoever it is bringing in their own OC and DC. and reassigning the other coaches. if you going to change the system then have to have all the other coaches on board. not need the MB's coaches doing the same type of coaching.


Active Member
Back when Danny Malone came to PN-G he brought 4 coaches with him, reassigned a few coaches to the middle school level,and kept a few coaches from the previous staff. Matt was one of those coaches that stayed and served as defensive line coach, and he did a fine job.

I would think the next coach will due the same. He will have an opportunity to look at the staff at PN-G and make his decision then.

There are some good coaches at PN-G now that can still help this team, and the new coach that is hired.

We will all have to wait and watch.


Active Member
A few words of advice... don't allow the community to become too involved in the search for a new coach.

Good luck in your search.


500+ Posts
Who is ultimately responsiible for hiring/approving the new HC??

PLease...please...please...keep the GOBP out of this. Do what's best for the program as a whole.


500+ Posts
Not sure if I posted this here or not, but from what I hear the local candidates include:

Alvin Credeur - HC Lumberton 23-10
Would take a lot to lure him over from his hometown and I am not sure what difference from MB he would bring. Power running game and tuff defense, but he does work hard to develop at the lower levels. I hear he is at the top of the list for what it is worth.

Jack Alvarez - HC Kirbyville 69-33
K'Ville was 24-76 in the ten years before Alvarez and 0-20 in the two years just before he took over. All but one of his seven years has been at the 3A level.

Mike Long - HC Kelly can't find record. Not much info on Kelly.
I think he would do well to develop talent at the skill position from the lower levels. The thought of having Dustin working with young QBs and Receivers is exciting.

Brian Barbay - HC Coldspring 18-14?
Coldspring was 5-24 in the three years before Barbay took over. He is a Barbay, but he runs the Wing T which I just don't think will excite the PNG faithful!


1,000+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
Who is ultimately responsiible for hiring/approving the new HC??

PLease...please...please...keep the GOBP out of this. Do what's best for the program as a whole.

Technically speaking, it is solely up to the Superintendent. The Sup makes a selection and brings it to the school board for approval or denial. The school board cannot consider someone that the Sup doesn't bring to them. That being said, I know the school board was involved in bringing Malone here. It depends on the relationship between the Sup and the board, as well as how they choose to handle it.


1,000+ Posts
modmouse78 said:
i like all of those choices. I sure hope they take their time and try to pick the best and not the most convenient.
I agree. My personal choice would not be any of those mentioned on here, but someone from outside the area who has a "plan" and can execute it. I want someone who wants to be here (and his family, too), someone who is knowlegeable about football basics, someone who can inspire and motivate young men and would be a good role model for them in later years (in other words, someone who believes that football should teach young men how to be real "men"), and, very important to me, someone who wants to be a part of these two communities for a long time. I believe that a coach should be proud to be here. These two communities are great places full of great people and provide many opportunities for someone looking for a "hometown". I am glad to say I have purple blood and love this school district and community.


500+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
yankeedawg said:
Who is ultimately responsiible for hiring/approving the new HC??

PLease...please...please...keep the GOBP out of this. Do what's best for the program as a whole.

Technically speaking, it is solely up to the Superintendent. The Sup makes a selection and brings it to the school board for approval or denial. The school board cannot consider someone that the Sup doesn't bring to them. That being said, I know the school board was involved in bringing Malone here. It depends on the relationship between the Sup and the board, as well as how they choose to handle it.

Well hopefully the Sup and at least some of the board members have a good knowledge of football fundamentals and can make a decision based on the applicants merits as opposed to GOBP. Maybe they should hire an outside consultant who can assess each applicant on his football savy.


We all have our views and my list would filter down to something like this....

Outside the area (Proven HC at the 3-5A level, Proven OC/DC from 4A-5A level successfull program)

Area guys would be very limited but would bring in for interviews a well..

I think 3-4 Area guys and somewhere between 10-12 outside guys would be ok for interviews....


Active Member
coonass322 said:
We all have our views and my list would filter down to something like this....

Outside the area (Proven HC at the 3-5A level, Proven OC/DC from 4A-5A level successfull program)

Area guys would be very limited but would bring in for interviews a well..

I think 3-4 Area guys and somewhere between 10-12 outside guys would be ok for interviews....
Good post, I would rather hire outside the area. I don't believe Long or Creduer would be the change we need.Both are good coaches but this is a very desirable position and we will be able to do much better.


I would agree that name sounds to be ok for the list...

What about many of the power house 5A (OC/DC'S) that have continued to have success....

Euless Trinity
Katy schools....
etc....................Just to name a few....Many more could be named....


100+ Posts
Since no one here seems to want to "keep it in house"...I think Mike Arnaud would be a great choice. He's young,enthusiastic and from what I've seen on the sidelines, he's a great motivator. Looks like he has alot on the ball also.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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