This message board needs to be disbanded!


Staff member
I'm not sure what an ordinary fan is, but yes, every sports message board I've visited does have negative opinions and comments. Some much worse than others. I guess that's human nature and a byproduct of the passion that makes sports competition popular. Does that mean everyone should be punished by not having a public forum, or make this message board 'evil'? No.

A lot of good has come from this forum. Especially for alumni and fans that live away.
I understand your disappointment with the negative comments, and agree with your point. But please don't label all of us that way. Most of us have been offering words of encouragement and support for 11 years on this message board.


Staff member
One other comment. A winner does not melt down and begin striking out in every direction when something goes wrong. He doesn't point fingers and lay blame on others. He doesn't voice discouraging words that serve no positive purpose. He recognizes the challenge ahead and vows to do whatever it takes to succeed. And if that doesn't translate to wins on a football field, he recognizes that he gave his all.

I'd bet my last dollar that the PNG players and coaches sure won't. And it's about time for all fans to do the same and support the team 100%.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The positive comments on this message board exceed the negative vibes by miles and miles. Winning is important...that is why we keep score...but, you're's important to keep life in perspective and balanced.

Go Indians. Peace.


100+ Posts
Auto...I understand your distress but this is a PUBLIC forum. People have a right to their opinions here as long as it's acceptable to the administrators here. They have the final say as to what can be posted and what can not. I applaud them for allowing ALL sides of opinion to be posted here. Yes,toes are gonna be stepped on here but that's what makes a forum a forum. It's like a side gives their position and then the other gives their's and then it's discussed. Like I've said before, if you don't like the way a thread is going...quit reading it. That's what I do. ;)


1,000+ Posts
Automo 65 said:
I wonder if there is another high school in the state of Texas where ordinary fans feel they have the right to get on a web site and bash the head football coach, assistant coaches, and/or players of their team. This message board needs to be shut down and not ever allowed again! I can understand college or pro fans venting about their team...these teams get to choose their players! High school football is a very different thing. This is a sport where young men are learning life lessons that will help them become good citizens, fathers, and husbands. These coaches pour their hearts and souls into the lives of these young men, yet adults continue to come on this site and have all the answers when a HIGH SCHOOL football team loses a game. It's absolutely ridiculous, and some of you need to have some perspective on what's really important. Do we hate losing to Nederland? Sure we do. Is it the end of the world? Absolutely not! Let the coaches coach and support the players!
Delete your account, don't log on and it will be shut down. Why put yourself through the pain and aggrevation?


Active Member
Everyone here understands the difference of football and life. I appreciate you comments, but if you dont want to see negativeity after a winnable loss, I suggest you not log on. Fans are critical of their teams at every level. Football fans are not always about apple pies and mommas. I dont agree in saying negative things about players, as they all are trying their best....and in the end are just kids. However, coaches are fair game. Do you get mad when the district decides to fire one? That is part of being a coach and comes with the job. As long as they keep it professional and not personal, there is nothing wrong with it.


1,000+ Posts
Layingemdown said:
Everyone here understands the difference of football and life. I appreciate you comments, but if you dont want to see negativeity after a winnable loss, I suggest you not log on. Fans are critical of their teams at every level. Football fans are not always about apple pies and mommas. I dont agree in saying negative things about players, as they all are trying their best....and in the end are just kids. However, coaches are fair game. Do you get mad when the district decides to fire one? That is part of being a coach and comes with the job. As long as they keep it professional and not personal, there is nothing wrong with it.
As far as coaches are concerned. There are two kinds of coaches those that have been fired and those that are going to be fired.
credit the quote to Bum Phillips


Staff member
This message board has done a lot more good than bad. Every fan base has its bad eggs, but that doesn't make the entire fan base bad. The same concept applies to internet forums, and this one doesn't have as many problems as most.


Active Member
" These coaches pour their hearts and souls into the lives of these young men, yet adults continue to come on this site and have all the answers when a HIGH SCHOOL football team loses a game. "

Not Just the Coaches, but you need to consider the sacrifices made by the coaches families, also. They are a one parent family for several weeks so that your kids can have the benefit of the very best coaching staff around.

Never second guess a professional decision. It is always easy to do when your job is not on the line. And remember that at the end of the day, it is a High school football game, played by high school players. The game is theirs. Everyone in the stands is not privileged to all the info that goes into those decisions. Yet with all these considerations, some of you feel the need to bash the staff. Why did you not invest the hard work and time to get the right to call the plays if it is so important to you?

I am an Indian supporter. I support all the players and coaches and all their families, the stadium grounds keeper, the consession stand workers and everyone who work so hard to make these games happen. I especially appreciate being able to listen on line to the games. The sports announcers from Cool 92.5 do a fine job!!


1,000+ Posts
mcgoldrick2 said:
" These coaches pour their hearts and souls into the lives of these young men, yet adults continue to come on this site and have all the answers when a HIGH SCHOOL football team loses a game. "

Not Just the Coaches, but you need to consider the sacrifices made by the coaches families, also. They are a one parent family for several weeks so that your kids can have the benefit of the very best coaching staff around.

Never second guess a professional decision. It is always easy to do when your job is not on the line. And remember that at the end of the day, it is a High school football game, played by high school players. The game is theirs. Everyone in the stands is not privileged to all the info that goes into those decisions. Yet with all these considerations, some of you feel the need to bash the staff. Why did you not invest the hard work and time to get the right to call the plays if it is so important to you?

I am an Indian supporter. I support all the players and coaches and all their families, the stadium grounds keeper, the consession stand workers and everyone who work so hard to make these games happen. I especially appreciate being able to listen on line to the games. The sports announcers from Cool 92.5 do a fine job!!
1st post?

Not all bash the coaches - how do you think Matt and his family felt when he was being massacared on here? His son was on the team and girls in High School and his uncle was a coach, sisterinlaw worked in the district. Really, think about it.


Active Member
bark said:
brahman said:
" These coaches pour their hearts and souls into the lives of these young men, yet adults continue to come on this site and have all the answers when a HIGH SCHOOL football team loses a game. "

Not Just the Coaches, but you need to consider the sacrifices made by the coaches families, also. They are a one parent family for several weeks so that your kids can have the benefit of the very best coaching staff around.

Never second guess a professional decision. It is always easy to do when your job is not on the line. And remember that at the end of the day, it is a High school football game, played by high school players. The game is theirs. Everyone in the stands is not privileged to all the info that goes into those decisions. Yet with all these considerations, some of you feel the need to bash the staff. Why did you not invest the hard work and time to get the right to call the plays if it is so important to you?

I am an Indian supporter. I support all the players and coaches and all their families, the stadium grounds keeper, the consession stand workers and everyone who work so hard to make these games happen. I especially appreciate being able to listen on line to the games. The sports announcers from Cool 92.5 do a fine job!!
1st post?

Not all bash the coaches - how do you think Matt and his family felt when he was being massacared on here? His son was on the team and girls in High School and his uncle was a coach, sisterinlaw worked in the district. Really, think about it.


100+ Posts
I think the problem is that we have very high expectations for this team because of all the success we've had in the past. When the team doesn't meet those expectations, we lash out. Let's face it, we're spoiled with our success. But we should NEVER single out an individual player for criticism. It is a team game.....they win together, they lose together. If we want to single out a player... praise the him or her for doing something right.


1,000+ Posts
wacape said:
I think the problem is that we have very high expectations for this team because of all the success we've had in the past. When the team doesn't meet those expectations, we lash out. Let's face it, we're spoiled with our success. But we should NEVER single out an individual player for criticism. It is a team game.....they win together, they lose together. If we want to single out a player... praise the him or her for doing something right.
well said!!


1,000+ Posts
wacape said:
I think the problem is that we have very high expectations for this team because of all the success we've had in the past. When the team doesn't meet those expectations, we lash out. Let's face it, we're spoiled with our success. But we should NEVER single out an individual player for criticism. It is a team game.....they win together, they lose together. If we want to single out a player... praise the him or her for doing something right.

Very well said


Active Member
As I left the Nederland game griping to myself, I was reminded of the movie Friday Night Lights when the 2 old guys pulled alongside the coach with threats. I was quickly reminded how pathetic they seemed. lol! I played for Woodlawn Jr. High squad -undefeated, PNG sophmore squad-undefeated, PNG JV-undefeated. Varsity-one loss to South Houston. I really HATE to lose but must do my best to keep my emotions in check and be careful about offending others. Growing up I remember my dad cussing the cowboys and swearing to never watch another game but by the next week, there he sat, ready to root on his favorite team. so...GO INDIANS. SCALP THE RAIDERS!!!


1,000+ Posts
75NDNDB said:
As I left the Nederland game griping to myself, I was reminded of the movie Friday Night Lights when the 2 old guys pulled alongside the coach with threats. I was quickly reminded how pathetic they seemed. lol! I played for Woodlawn Jr. High squad -undefeated, PNG sophmore squad-undefeated, PNG JV-undefeated. Varsity-one loss to South Houston. I really HATE to lose but must do my best to keep my emotions in check and be careful about offending others. Growing up I remember my dad cussing the cowboys and swearing to never watch another game but by the next week, there he sat, ready to root on his favorite team. so...GO INDIANS. SCALP THE RAIDERS!!!
I don't think we were allowed to look up in the stands. Those of us that graduated in 77 and played on the 75 & 76 varsity teams were undefeated as well in 9th, JV, then on varsity we lost to South Houston our Jr. year and SA our senior year (last game) so we only lost 2 games in 4 years. I wasn't all that good but we had some great players! Richey my senior year and Wilson my Jr. year went D1 and while they did not play much, stayed 4 years got a degree. 27 straight wins '75&'76

Damn that was fun.

All we got for the State Champ was a medal that was about the size of a Boy Scout merit badge.
No Booster Club and no Daddys at practice. Wilson and I were talking a couple of Sundays ago about this and he mentioned his Dad did not even meet Ethridge until after the State game - how times have changed.


Active Member
bark said:
75NDNDB said:
As I left the Nederland game griping to myself, I was reminded of the movie Friday Night Lights when the 2 old guys pulled alongside the coach with threats. I was quickly reminded how pathetic they seemed. lol! I played for Woodlawn Jr. High squad -undefeated, PNG sophmore squad-undefeated, PNG JV-undefeated. Varsity-one loss to South Houston. I really HATE to lose but must do my best to keep my emotions in check and be careful about offending others. Growing up I remember my dad cussing the cowboys and swearing to never watch another game but by the next week, there he sat, ready to root on his favorite team. so...GO INDIANS. SCALP THE RAIDERS!!!
I don't think we were allowed to look up in the stands. Those of us that graduated in 77 and played on the 75 & 76 varsity teams were undefeated as well in 9th, JV, then on varsity we lost to South Houston our Jr. year and SA our senior year (last game) so we only lost 2 games in 4 years. I wasn't all that good but we had some great players! Richey my senior year and Wilson my Jr. year went D1 and while they did not play much, stayed 4 years got a degree. 27 straight wins '75&'76

Damn that was fun.

All we got for the State Champ was a medal that was about the size of a Boy Scout merit badge.
No Booster Club and no Daddys at practice. Wilson and I were talking a couple of Sundays ago about this and he mentioned his Dad did not even meet Ethridge until after the State game - how times have changed.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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