This team should be 4-1....


100+ Posts
Last minute heroics from Gregory Portland,Texas City and Livingston and the mistakes in the Nederland game....this team is better than it's 1-4 record shows. Never seen a high school team as "snake bit" as this one. Has to be very frustrating for the kids, The Chief and his staff as well as for us. At least the players are still giving it their all and will continue until the last play of the season. As far me....I don't care if they get beat 100-0 in the remaining games. As long as I see Reggie's 112% by our guys on the ticket has been worth it. Keep plugging,boys...the only thing that can stop you is YOU! :clap: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :rocks:


500+ Posts
I've been thinking the same thing the past two weeks! I don't know who put the hex on us but we need to break it and with a quickness! It seems the talent is there, but something just isn't right. After the way we performed against a VERY good GP team, I would have NEVER guessed we would be in this position now! Our boys just have to keep their confidence up and put these losses behind them and get back on track.


100+ Posts
I like others would have loved for us to have won! but it wa not so! i sat on the other side of the band in the GA section and i did my damnest screaming and starting the DEFENCE chant! Even when others did not join in i still chanted it and stood up! If others do not want to get involved in the game then so be it, I will continue to do whaqt i do and maybe one day i can cause an infection of theothers to join in! Boys you all did me proud (i do not have any kids on the team) but i am a PNG fan through and through, and will pull for ya know matter win or lose! Keep your heads up and continue to do your best and represent the HONOR, PRIDE and TRADITIONS!


Staff member
The goal now is just to get better, win out and make the playoffs. If the chips fall right and at least a share of the DC is possible, then even better.


100+ Posts
attakapandn said:
I like others would have loved for us to have won! but it wa not so! i sat on the other side of the band in the GA section and i did my damnest screaming and starting the DEFENCE chant! Even when others did not join in i still chanted it and stood up! If others do not want to get involved in the game then so be it, I will continue to do whaqt i do and maybe one day i can cause an infection of theothers to join in! Boys you all did me proud (i do not have any kids on the team) but i am a PNG fan through and through, and will pull for ya know matter win or lose! Keep your heads up and continue to do your best and represent the HONOR, PRIDE and TRADITIONS!
I graduated in 1973 and haven't had a kid in school since 2006 but I love PNG Indian football and could hardly work Friday in the anticipation of the game. We were standing and cheering virtually the whole game in Sect. D. Early in the game one of the ball boys was raising his little hands and arms over and over for people to get up or make some noise. I will say this to the fans - you think those players are in the zone of the game and can't hear or see the fans. You are wrong. The perfect example of that was last night and Lunceford's face at the beginning of the 4th. quarter. His face and actions said it all. He was so upset because he saw fans leaving at the beginning of the 4th quarter. A few minutes later the cheerleaders had magaphones in hand asking people to stand up. The thread regarding the "Very Sad - No Fan Support" has been locked so no one can post the truth on it. Yes we can pack the stands, but I've said it before and will say it again the fan support is sad. This game was the Superbowl of all rivalries. The Dog fans were 112% more into the game until it looked like we were making a come back. Our fans weren't. I have seen more excitement and enthusiasm out of parents potty training their toddler. At least the little kid gets a "YEA!". Sorry fans it is what it is. I just hope the players don't get so down on themselves that they give up because of it. i'm not counting them out. I hope the INDIAN NATION feels the same way.


500+ Posts
AND HERE WE GO AGAIN! pngrow is the only true fan that loves and supports the Indians. Thank you for disrespecting all of the fans that were at the game friday in Nederland. I'm alaso amazed at your ability to read minds, knowing at the exact moment what Lunceford was thinking!??
I for one am proud of all our Indian fans.A true Indian fan does not criticize,put down, or make inflammatory or derogatory remarks toward other fans.WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET THE MESSAGE?!?! This isn't just about YOU!!PLEASE allow the fans to watch,enjoy,cheer,shout,sit,stand,get excited,laugh,sigh,and otherwise experience the game as they see fit.The PN-G fan experience is different and special to each individual--PLEASE refrain from taking away from that with your selfish rants. Thank You!


100+ Posts
I am entitled to my opinion just as are you. I am not the only fan who has had something to say about this subject and that is why the thread on the subject is now locked. I do not disrespect the fans as we have the best fan base in the state of Texas. I am merely stating what I observed in watching Lunceford. He had just come off the field. It was as he looked up into the stands and saw people leaving that he became very upset. It is also a fact that the cheerleaders had the megaphones requesting the fans to stand.


500+ Posts
pngrow you are entitled to your opinion--with that I agree. But, if that opinion includes a baseless,factless judgement of others then it is no longer an opinon but it becomes an indictment.
Also, the cheerleaders shout, and talk through their megaphones to the fans all of the time. This is what cheerleaders do, and have done for many,many,many years. Otherwise, they would just be young ladies in purple outfits like everyone else! :shout:

Again let's quit retreading this issue and leave our fans alone to enjoy the game as they see fit! :clap: :cheesy: :woohoo: :clap: :cheesy: :woohoo:


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Thread was locked because the topic had been thoroughly discussed in another thread, which may be viewed at,1918.0.html

Please keep this conversion of this thread on topic, which is "This team should be 4-1"


2,000+ Posts
Agreed. Coach is building a foundation. We had a very good core of players last year that fit very well in his system. I watched the Freshman play last year and to be honest they were not very good. Now these same kids are on JV and look at them now.


Active Member
Not trying to take anything away from the sophomore class, but there's a lot of juniors that log a lot of playing time on the JV. It's pretty junior heavy.


500+ Posts
Whodat said:
Not trying to take anything away from the sophomore class, but there's a lot of juniors that log a lot of playing time on the JV. It's pretty junior heavy.
JV is more 50/50 with Juniors and Sophmores. My son is on the JV and plays D. He has started several games on the JV as a Sophmore. There are some of the Sophmores as well as Juniors that could play on the varsity level. This JV team is our future pipeline. Both JV qb's are Sophmores, Several Recievers are Sophmores, A few O linemen are Sophmores as well as running backs. Half the D consist of Sophmores.
Last years Freshmen were not good at all. That was their first year in the BF system. After Spring ball and up till now you can see a 120% change over them from last year.

png tribe

100+ Posts
I know for a fact that Lunceford was upset that people were leaving. I thought everyone was leaving pretty early. If not for an errant snap, who know's what would have happened. I thought the crowd was pretty dead. I seen several time's where the cheerleader's were trying to get the crowd involved with no luck and she turned to the other cheerleader and said they suck. So PNGGROW isn't insinuating anything. Anyone can behind their team when everything is going good, it's when are going bad that our player's need the fan's most. Player's shouldn't have to beg for people to get up and cheer.
I am glad to know that I wasn't blind. We sat high in Section D and the majority of folks in front of us were not into the game which is certainly their priviledge. But for the life of me, I just can't understand what it takes to get some people motivated. This was PN-G against Nederland, the Indians vs the Bulldogs, MCM, with all its hype. As a young lady sitting near me said "some people just like to talk the talk, others will walk the walk" and she was so right. Everyone can be the kind of fan they choose, as for me I am planning to keep on walking.


100+ Posts
png tribe said:
I know for a fact that Lunceford was upset that people were leaving. I thought everyone was leaving pretty early. If not for an errant snap, who know's what would have happened. I thought the crowd was pretty dead. I seen several time's where the cheerleader's were trying to get the crowd involved with no luck and she turned to the other cheerleader and said they suck. So PNGGROW isn't insinuating anything. Anyone can behind their team when everything is going good, it's when are going bad that our player's need the fan's most. Player's shouldn't have to beg for people to get up and cheer.


Active Member
png tribe said:
I know for a fact that Lunceford was upset that people were leaving. I thought everyone was leaving pretty early. If not for an errant snap, who know's what would have happened. I thought the crowd was pretty dead. I seen several time's where the cheerleader's were trying to get the crowd involved with no luck and she turned to the other cheerleader and said they suck. So PNGGROW isn't insinuating anything. Anyone can behind their team when everything is going good, it's when are going bad that our player's need the fan's most. Player's shouldn't have to beg for people to get up and cheer.

61ndn said:
I am glad to know that I wasn't blind. We sat high in Section D and the majority of folks in front of us were not into the game which is certainly their priviledge. But for the life of me, I just can't understand what it takes to get some people motivated. This was PN-G against Nederland, the Indians vs the Bulldogs, MCM, with all its hype. As a young lady sitting near me said "some people just like to talk the talk, others will walk the walk" and she was so right. Everyone can be the kind of fan they choose, as for me I am planning to keep on walking.

Do you really want to know how bad it was? The people behind me asked me to sit down because I was cheering our football team on and standing for Cherokee. When I looked around, you would have thought you were in church.

Yes, we are 1-4, but it is PN-G. You cheer. You stand for Cherokee. You stay until the very end. I grew up believing whether our PN-G team was 9-0 or 0-9, that 10th game was going to be packed from beginning to end. I'm not seeing this at all. Or is that just folklore?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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