Vote on Your Favorite Tempo for Cherokee

What is your preferred tempo for Cherokee after 1st downs and touchdowns?

  • 1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm.

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • 1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • 2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I am the wife of a PNG alum. and am commenting under his name to put in my 2 cents and give an outsiders opinion. I was previously in a marching band in Arizona. I prefer the faster version of the fight song - needs to be aggressive & fast. Its a fight song, not a death march. Save the slower pace for the alma mater and spring symphonic band season.


1,000+ Posts
91ndn said:
I am the wife of a PNG alum. and am commenting under his name to put in my 2 cents and give an outsiders opinion. I was previously in a marching band in Arizona. I prefer the faster version of the fight song - needs to be aggressive & fast. Its a fight song, not a death march. Save the slower pace for the alma mater and spring symphonic band season.
Good for you!! Voice your opinion--especially when its one that I agree with totally. lol BTW, where in AZ?

Straight Arrow

I second that on playing the fight song, fast and strong.


Active Member
squaw said:
91ndn said:
I am the wife of a PNG alum. and am commenting under his name to put in my 2 cents and give an outsiders opinion. I was previously in a marching band in Arizona. I prefer the faster version of the fight song - needs to be aggressive & fast. Its a fight song, not a death march. Save the slower pace for the alma mater and spring symphonic band season.
Good for you!! Voice your opinion--especially when its one that I agree with totally. lol BTW, where in AZ?
I marched (baritone horn) with the world famous Coronado Dons, from Scottsdale, AZ. We were #1 in the state every year. My first couple of years we were ranked in the top 20 in the U.S., under band director Ed Meier. BTW. We recently had a marching band reunion that spanned a 7 year period - it was great - I highly recommend something similar for y'all. Much more fun than my regular high school class reunion. Also Coronado high school's school colors were red and blue. What happens when you combine those two colors? You get PURPLE!!!!!


Active Member
this is the 84 band on youtube.....oh mister band director please watch...


Active Member
this is how i remember the band...they really pumped the crowd up...we had fun in the student section in the kids just sit there and don't even cheer


Active Member
We were sitting in the general admission and did not know that the band was playing until other people closer to the band was clapping and stomping....we need volume and THE DRUMS back


1,000+ Posts
wow.... watched the video of the halftime performance. The Marching I looked great.... the sound..... not so much. :thud:

Yikes... I guess another year of a slower version of Cherokee where the fans are clapping faster than the tempo of the band.

Still can not comprehend how this is allowed to continue
. :angry: :thumbsdown:


Staff member
wow.... watched the video of the halftime performance. The Marching I looked great.... the sound..... not so much. :thud:

Yikes... I guess another year of a slower version of Cherokee where the fans are clapping faster than the tempo of the band.

Still can not comprehend how this is allowed to continue
. :angry: :thumbsdown:

I don't see how the sound wasn't very good. The video was taken from the top of the stands, yet you could clearly hear Cherokee. I guess this begs the question: are you concerned with the Marching I's sound or speed?


500+ Posts
Ok, here's my 2 cents about last nights performance, and before anyone flames me, I am a former NDN band member, c/o '91, so I do kinda know what I'm talking about...even though it's been a! I personally thought the band sounded GREAT last night!! Especially for the first game! I remember being a Freshman and standing on that field on the first night and could barely breathe, much less play! The first game of the years performance is usually a little shaky and I really thought it looked and sounded fabulous! Secondly, there seems to be quite a bit more kids in the band this year...that is GREAT to see!

Now, as far as Cherokee, I think the speed has picked up a little, but I think we all would prefer it a little faster. I also thought the volume was much better too, and that has alot to do with the band being bigger. There is still something way off about the drum intro, you can barely hear it, not quite sure what it is though. So bandkid, to answer your question about whether we are concerned with the sound or the speed...I think the sound is lets work on the speed ;D

Oh, and as far as people not being able to hear Cherokee in general admission, I think it's kinda always been that way. Now, the few years after I graduated and actually sat down there, you could hear it, but not real good. Like I said before, the band was much bigger back then and that is the main factor in the volume. I think these kids would hurt themselves if they tried to achieve the same level of volume as back! So, with all that being said, I see both sides, I just wish the band the very best this year and let's bring home a 1 at competition!!!


Staff member
Let me first say that Mr. Wells told us to "blast [our] guts out on Cherokee" shortly before we marched in last night.

The band has grown by about 16 members this year and there are fewer alternates than last year. As a result, there are quite a few more people out on the field this year. As far as growth goes, expect it to continue. We brought in about 70 freshman this year. GMS alone has about 90 sixth graders. Granted, not all of those sixth graders are going to stay in band, but that's still a substantial increase from years past. Mr. Pallone is doing a fantastic job with the GMS band.

The tempo at which we play Cherokee is faster this year. I hadn't realized just how much faster the tempo is until they started playing Cherokee over the PA system yesterday in between classes at school and that particular recording - the same recording they've played between every class on every Friday during every football season since I've been in high school - actually sounded slow for the first time. Does it need to be sped up more? Sure. Fight songs are meant to be played fast. But we've still made some improvement with the tempo.

As far as the current volume goes, I noticed that everyone in the stands was standing and clapping both during the Marching I and when we played Cherokee at the end of the second quarter from the track. I tried to get a good look at the north end of the stands when we were playing from the stands, but couldn't really see from where I was. But, it seemed that there were more people standing and clapping this year, and the video of the Marching I taken from the top of the stands proves that we have had some improvement in terms of volume when compare with video of the Marching I from last year.

However, as with all things, there is always room for improvement.

I started thinking about how to increase the volume and better the sound quality when we're playing in the stands after last night's game and came up with some ideas:

For the Brass Section:

  • There are 8,000-12,000 fans at any given PN-G game. That's 8,000-12,000 barriers for our sound to penetrate. Naturally, those barriers muffle the sound. We obviously can't remove the barriers, so how do we get around them? The only solution I can come up with short of putting a microphone in the band section (which I'm personally against) is to have the powerful wind instruments, a.k.a. the brass section, stand on the seats. That would elevate the entire section slightly and put the instruments slightly in front of the people in the crowd standing in the same rows as the brass section on either side of the band. In effect, our sound would go over the crowds on either side of the band rather than bounce off of them. Our tubas and some of our trumpets already do this. Now, we need to extend this method to the brass section as a whole.
  • Have the entire section blast. After all, it's still a fight song.

For the Percussion Section:

  • Bass drums need to work on the intro.
  • As the band continues to grow, add the fifth base drum and the second quint back in. They were taken out last year because of the lack of percussionists, and Cherokee hasn't sounded the same since.
  • We need a percussion director. Bands half our size have directors devoted solely to their percussion section in addition to their head and assistant band directors, but the district won't pay for one for us. We used to have one, but lost him two years ago and the district has consistently refused to replace him. Since then, Mr. Wells' wife has stepped in as a volunteer, but she has other obligations and, understandably, can't be expected to fulfill the duties of that position, especially since it's not her job and she receives no compensation. It's unfair to expect her to continue to do so.

For the Woodwind Section:

  • Blast.
  • Flutes, just keep singing. ;)


2,000+ Posts
I just don't get it, bands half our size are louder than us. Cherokee is a FIGHT song, not a put you to sleep Lullaby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Another thought is have the band direct their instruments slightly to the North to help fans hear on the other end of the stadium. Also many of the band members turn from side to side while playing. While that may be fun for the band, and does add a visual impact, it seems that it would affect the volume.


1,000+ Posts
OK, Bandkid, you asked for it. We've sat on the 30 yd line (by choice) for almost 40 years and we are still in the same area. I did get goosebumps when the drums began and I could hear them, but that changed quickly when the rest of the fight song began. It was slow and low. Not many people standing where we were. I used to get goosebumps the first few times I heard Cherokee, but haven't in several years now. The band during the glory days (the 70's) was absolutely awesome. Personally, a lot of fans don't care if the band gets a 1 or a zero at contest--we want to be proud of them every week at the game. We enjoyed watching a different performance at every game, too. Now all we see is the same thing time after time.


Staff member
squaw said:
OK, Bandkid, you asked for it. We've sat on the 30 yd line (by choice) for almost 40 years and we are still in the same area. I did get goosebumps when the drums began and I could hear them, but that changed quickly when the rest of the fight song began. It was slow and low. Not many people standing where we were. I used to get goosebumps the first few times I heard Cherokee, but haven't in several years now. The band during the glory days (the 70's) was absolutely awesome. Personally, a lot of fans don't care if the band gets a 1 or a zero at contest--we want to be proud of them every week at the game. We enjoyed watching a different performance at every game, too. Now all we see is the same thing time after time.

The point wasn't that Cherokee doesn't still need improvement (in fact, I later offered suggestions for further improvement), it was that it has improved. You've just admitted that you could hear it at Friday's game. That's evidence of improvement.

If the crowd really doesn't care about how we do at contests, then why are half of the stands at the marching competition always solidly purple? I promise you, those people in purple in the stands aren't just family members. You may not care, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the crowd doesn't.

Yes, I'm sure it did sound louder back in the "glory days" of the 70s. The band was also running at around 300 members and the average graduating class (per EX79NDN's "CLASS OF 1979 INFORMATION" thread) ran around 540 students, compared to a band of 166 and a graduating class of about 330 today. We've got a bigger stadium and a smaller band, yet somehow the volume is supposed to be the same? Again, it's improving, but you can't use a band that's twice our size as a standard for volume comparison.

You're correct in saying that the performaces don't change with every game. However, they do change with every few games. If you consistently watch the halftime performances, you'll notice that a new piece of music is added to the show about every 2-3 weeks, and the pop tunes played for the Indianettes and the twirlers change from week to week.


Staff member
I'm sure the hearing was much more glorious 30-40 years ago as well. ;D

Seriously, the band is understandably going to be smaller and less loud. Student count is down 30% from the 70s.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
squaw said:
OK, Bandkid, you asked for it. We've sat on the 30 yd line (by choice) for almost 40 years and we are still in the same area. I did get goosebumps when the drums began and I could hear them, but that changed quickly when the rest of the fight song began. It was slow and low. Not many people standing where we were. I used to get goosebumps the first few times I heard Cherokee, but haven't in several years now. The band during the glory days (the 70's) was absolutely awesome. Personally, a lot of fans don't care if the band gets a 1 or a zero at contest--we want to be proud of them every week at the game. We enjoyed watching a different performance at every game, too. Now all we see is the same thing time after time.

I vehemently disagree with Squaw's comments about the fans not caring if the band gets a 1 or 0 at contest, but only their performance at the games. Please understand that my child is in band. I am biased. However, the number of fans from our Church, work, school staff, and community whom are so supportive is amazing and validates my opinion! Squaw, I do not believe, or do not choose to believe, that you are correct. I think many PNG fans are happy anytime our Indian students are successful. They are not callous people, but care about all of the many successes representative from our students and district. I know I am thrilled when a youth exceeds in UIL, soccer, Relflections contests, HOSA, theater, etc. Their success also reflects the caring staff, the district, the community as a whole and not just the football game. I think most people feel that way.

I'm sorry that this isn't reflective of your glory days of the 70's but this is their glory days. We can all be proud of them in all they do........and for much more than the games! That said - BLAST CHEROKEE and pick up the tempo. Win contest and bring home straight 1's! We want the state contest this year!


1,000+ Posts
I don't see how the sound wasn't very good. The video was taken from the top of the stands, yet you could clearly hear Cherokee. I guess this begs the question: are you concerned with the Marching I's sound or speed?

I was mainly referring to the speed. Precisely, the speed or tempo which Cherokee is now played. As I have said for almost two years..... IT'S TOO SLOW.

I thought the band looked good. Being the first performance of the year.... I thought everyone looked good.

No disrespect meant for any of the students that have worked so hard this year. I am just disappointed that the fight song is continued to be played at a slower tempo that what I have grown up hearing, singing, clapping and standing for years to.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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