What an embarassment....


Port Neches, TEXAS
first a fight between adults in the stands at the last home game, now a bench clearing brawl to end the season. I had already left so I dont know who was at fault but the fact that a Port Neches Groves football game was called early due to a fight on the field is very embarassing.

What a way to end a very frustrated season.


CardiacKids 92

100+ Posts
I can tell you one thing that kind of crap in the "old days" was never tolerated. I can say "old days" because the early 90's was soo long ago ehh PNG1992? Do you know how many air raids and leap frogs that would have cost you in the Malone era? You can bet your A$@ no one wanted to find out. I hope Matt will be reviewing the tape to see what caused it and who ran their sorry butts on the field when the stuff hit the fan. If my kid ran out to get in the middle of that mess we would have a long discussion when he got home, as some probably will. THAT IS NOT INDIAN FOOTBALL, regardless of who started it.

P.S. PNG1992 why did you leave so early, I thought you bleed purple like the rest of us?


1,000+ Posts
I agree that PNG players should not have participated in the brawl. That being said, do you leave one of your teammates/friends on the field with two or three opposing players on him and offer no help?


Active Member
As far as a fight in the stands I sent right by there. There is an older man that sits on the 50 yard line on the 2nd row. He has a cane and gets really mad anytime someone walks through. At least 3 times a game he hits people with that cane if they stop in front of him. It is ridiculous. I have seen him hit kids and women with the cane. I have watched him poke a kid with the cane that has cerebral palsy that sits nearby and has a brace on his let. Last night was all the all time worst. When the parents were coming down to watch their little indianettes and cheerleaders that participated in the clinics he was hollering and poking at everyone. He hit a lady and also we saw him wad up his bag of popcorn and throw it at a tiny little girl that was sitting there. The fight or exchange of words came from a man he yelled at to move that was trying to watch his daughter. This was the same man whose wife had just got hitten by the man with the cane. The man told him he better not see anyone get hit with that cane again especially his wife. Our entire section is fed up with this guy. It is ridiculous and he should be ashamed of himself picking on women & children. I am off my soap box but just wanted to set the record straight on what I saw and see everyweek from this guy.


100+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
I agree that PNG players should not have participated in the brawl. That being said, do you leave one of your teammates/friends on the field with two or three opposing players on him and offer no help?

Exactly what I was thinking - that is why it happened. There were about 3 of Central's guys on 1 of our guys and it escalated from there...I know talking smack happens at every game and I am sure we do our share of smack talking, but it had gotten really pissy last night and then came the illegal blocks and the unsportsman like conduct and BOOM - before you know it - FIGHT!!!


500+ Posts
What happened last night was a shame and an embarresment. I would hope that if I had a child out on that field that if he was the one down with how ever many guys on top of him that someone would come to his aid to help get those guys off him. I mean I wouldn't want them fighting but I would want them to protect themselves. That was very uncalled for from Central, they were winning and had WON the game. There was only 58 seconds left on the clock. Central should be ashamed of themselves for that and the half time performance which was just vulgar.


1,000+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
What happened last night was a shame and an embarresment. I would hope that if I had a child out on that field that if he was the one down with how ever many guys on top of him that someone would come to his aid to help get those guys off him. I mean I wouldn't want them fighting but I would want them to protect themselves. That was very uncalled for from Central, they were winning and had WON the game. There was only 58 seconds left on the clock. Central should be ashamed of themselves for that and the half time performance which was just vulgar.
I agree. Also, ask Nederland fans what happened when they played Central over there. They had to leave before the game for safety's sake. I personally think this issue should be addressed with UIL and all the 4A teams in this area.


100+ Posts
squaw said:
Cheermom4 said:
What happened last night was a shame and an embarresment. I would hope that if I had a child out on that field that if he was the one down with how ever many guys on top of him that someone would come to his aid to help get those guys off him. I mean I wouldn't want them fighting but I would want them to protect themselves. That was very uncalled for from Central, they were winning and had WON the game. There was only 58 seconds left on the clock. Central should be ashamed of themselves for that and the half time performance which was just vulgar.
I agree. Also, ask Nederland fans what happened when they played Central over there. They had to leave before the game for safety's sake. I personally think this issue should be addressed with UIL and all the 4A teams in this area.

True squaw, I wonder how many other games have ended in a similar way this year?


100+ Posts
If this has already happened at a central game this year, maybe UIL will see this. But, they may look only look at it per event, and not what has already happened. I am about to look on the UIL website to see if it addresses consequences to this type of thing. I would assume whatever, if anything, happens to us, it would be put into effect next season. (?)


Active Member
we went out with a blaze of glory... if any of you people can honestly say that if you saw your friends getting jumped and you wouldn help or retaliate... then you need to re evaluate what a friend is and another thing... the frustration level from us indians was at a all time high. you have no idea how good it felt to let out a bunch of pent up stuff


Staff member
NDN X said:
If this has already happened at a central game this year, maybe UIL will see this. But, they may look only look at it per event, and not what has already happened. I am about to look on the UIL website to see if it addresses consequences to this type of thing. I would assume whatever, if anything, happens to us, it would be put into effect next season. (?)

A fight among players is bad enough. But if Central players struck an official, PN-G coach, or any other personell on the sidelines or field, I would hope the UIL would bring down the hammer.


80sPurple said:
As far as a fight in the stands I sent right by there. There is an older man that sits on the 50 yard line on the 2nd row. He has a cane and gets really mad anytime someone walks through. At least 3 times a game he hits people with that cane if they stop in front of him. It is ridiculous. I have seen him hit kids and women with the cane. I have watched him poke a kid with the cane that has cerebral palsy that sits nearby and has a brace on his let. Last night was all the all time worst. When the parents were coming down to watch their little indianettes and cheerleaders that participated in the clinics he was hollering and poking at everyone. He hit a lady and also we saw him wad up his bag of popcorn and throw it at a tiny little girl that was sitting there. The fight or exchange of words came from a man he yelled at to move that was trying to watch his daughter. This was the same man whose wife had just got hitten by the man with the cane. The man told him he better not see anyone get hit with that cane again especially his wife. Our entire section is fed up with this guy. It is ridiculous and he should be ashamed of himself picking on women & children. I am off my soap box but just wanted to set the record straight on what I saw and see everyweek from this guy.

i disagree with you, that man pays his ticket to WATCH the game and halftime too! The ppl that stand at the railing are the one that are rude! if you want to watch your kid, football game , etc, the GO TO YOU SEAT AND SIT DOWN! i was on the first ron on the 20 yard line and was hollering at the ppl to move on, I PAY FOR MY TICKET TOO! All the handicap ppl that have to sit in the handicap section have ppl constantly standing in from on them! So i applaud the man for making the ppl move, kids , parents etc.!


500+ Posts
80sPurple said:
As far as a fight in the stands I sent right by there. There is an older man that sits on the 50 yard line on the 2nd row. He has a cane and gets really mad anytime someone walks through. At least 3 times a game he hits people with that cane if they stop in front of him. It is ridiculous. I have seen him hit kids and women with the cane. I have watched him poke a kid with the cane that has cerebral palsy that sits nearby and has a brace on his let. Last night was all the all time worst. When the parents were coming down to watch their little indianettes and cheerleaders that participated in the clinics he was hollering and poking at everyone. He hit a lady and also we saw him wad up his bag of popcorn and throw it at a tiny little girl that was sitting there. The fight or exchange of words came from a man he yelled at to move that was trying to watch his daughter. This was the same man whose wife had just got hitten by the man with the cane. The man told him he better not see anyone get hit with that cane again especially his wife. Our entire section is fed up with this guy. It is ridiculous and he should be ashamed of himself picking on women & children. I am off my soap box but just wanted to set the record straight on what I saw and see everyweek from this guy.

i disagree with you, that man pays his ticket to WATCH the game and halftime too! The ppl that stand at the railing are the one that are rude! if you want to watch your kid, football game , etc, the GO TO YOU SEAT AND SIT DOWN! i was on the first ron on the 20 yard line and was hollering at the ppl to move on, I PAY FOR MY TICKET TOO! All the handicap ppl that have to sit in the handicap section have ppl constantly standing in from on them! So i applaud the man for making the ppl move, kids , parents etc.!

I stood up front to watch my daughter for about 5 minutes in the 3rd quarter. I don't see what the problem is. It was a one time deal. This is probably coming from the same people who send off their little kids to ruin the game watching for those in section F and G. A big thanks to those parents that have no accountability of their obnoxious kids!!! So I guess I should bring me a stick and start picking off kids that refuse to sit down and don't mind cussing like sailors. I mean, I did pay for my ticket just like everyone else.

CardiacKids 92

100+ Posts
indian20106 said:
we went out with a blaze of glory... if any of you people can honestly say that if you saw your friends getting jumped and you wouldn help or retaliate... then you need to re evaluate what a friend is and another thing... the frustration level from us indians was at a all time high. you have no idea how good it felt to let out a bunch of pent up stuff

A BLAZE OF GLORY IT WAS NOT! I didn't see the central guys on top of our guy but if that was the case I would have went on the field to bring our guy back to the sidelines as quickly as possible. I know there were some illegal blocks, I saw two of them...did our guy do anything or say anything to the central players to cause them to attack? If so he deserved to get his but whipped, if not get him back to the sideline and do not add fuel to the fire.

P.S. PNG1992 I was just joking about the leaving the game early/bleeding purple thing, I know you do. That's what happens when you have young kids and a million other things going on...Peace!


100+ Posts
indian20106 said:
we went out with a blaze of glory... if any of you people can honestly say that if you saw your friends getting jumped and you wouldn help or retaliate... then you need to re evaluate what a friend is and another thing... the frustration level from us indians was at a all time high. you have no idea how good it felt to let out a bunch of pent up stuff

We should have used that frustration in blocking and tackling on the field!!! But I have been trying to tell everyone on this board that the WHOLE team has been frustrated ALL season. And not just because we had a not so good season - but for other reasons as well - Maybe some of you guys should enlighten the good people of Port Neches and Groves as to what really goes on....

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
MightyNDNS said:
indian20106 said:
we went out with a blaze of glory... if any of you people can honestly say that if you saw your friends getting jumped and you wouldn help or retaliate... then you need to re evaluate what a friend is and another thing... the frustration level from us indians was at a all time high. you have no idea how good it felt to let out a bunch of pent up stuff

We should have used that frustration in blocking and tackling on the field!!! But I have been trying to tell everyone on this board that the WHOLE team has been frustrated ALL season. And not just because we had a not so good season - but for other reasons as well - Maybe some of you guys should enlighten the good people of Port Neches and Groves as to what really goes on....

It will never, never happen. Nobody would listen to these kids if they did. Too many have blinders on. Can't believe anything negative ever happens here. But thats probably based on those who give out the official info and spin it. We are human just like everybody else and so are our kids. Speaking out doesn't mean we don't have pride in our kids, it means we care enough to want things fixed or improved. And that includes questioning building a multi-million dollar stadium while every building in the district is falling down around our ears. I'm sure I'll get trashed again for this but so be it. :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag:


Active Member
well.. the article from the news paper from the game pretty much said it. coach burnett feels as if the talent just wasn here this season. again its our fault. what talent did last years team have that this one doesn? and what does next years team have that this one doesn?


Staff member
When you only build new facilities every 50 years it's gong to take a while to replace everything. The athletic facilities are a big part of the district and community as well and had to be addressed. 10 million to replace a 50+ year old facility that will likely have to do for the next 50 years isn't unreasonable.


NDN fan 4ever said:
MightyNDNS said:
indian20106 said:
we went out with a blaze of glory... if any of you people can honestly say that if you saw your friends getting jumped and you wouldn help or retaliate... then you need to re evaluate what a friend is and another thing... the frustration level from us indians was at a all time high. you have no idea how good it felt to let out a bunch of pent up stuff

We should have used that frustration in blocking and tackling on the field!!! But I have been trying to tell everyone on this board that the WHOLE team has been frustrated ALL season. And not just because we had a not so good season - but for other reasons as well - Maybe some of you guys should enlighten the good people of Port Neches and Groves as to what really goes on....

It will never, never happen. Nobody would listen to these kids if they did. Too many have blinders on. Can't believe anything negative ever happens here. But thats probably based on those who give out the official info and spin it. We are human just like everybody else and so are our kids. Speaking out doesn't mean we don't have pride in our kids, it means we care enough to want things fixed or improved. And that includes questioning building a multi-million dollar stadium while every building in the district is falling down around our ears. I'm sure I'll get trashed again for this but so be it. :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag:

i am in full agreement with you there buddy! As for as the team this year is too many I's instead of team play. the coaches do not play everyone! I know of a few seniors that did not play ONE down all season, is that fair? is that right? Also there is lots of politics and favoritism on the coaching staff for certain kids, and i know for a fact if you as a parent disagree with a coach or bring your concerns to them about your kid playing time, then they take it out on your kid and not let you play! THIS IS A FACT!

time to get a new HEAD COACH that can motivate these kids to play for pride, tradition and honor. I do not see the fire in the players eyes like i did back in the past! And when a kid nevers gets to play then why should he be all fired up. JMHO


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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