What do you think about this?


500+ Posts
Just tossing some ideas out for discussion. Since we have had some struggles on defense ( they are working hard and giving their best effort every week), last season and this season--what about a philosophy change? Let's just focus on scoring as many possible points as quick as we can, i.e. Lake Travis, Allen, Denton Guyer, Southlake Carrol, etc. Most, if not all of the top championship teams in Texas the last 5 years just put up a ton of points, and don't seem to worry about what the defense gives up. I am not saying that defense isn't important, but if there is a way to boost that offense and put your opponent in a hole early, then it would help a struggling defense. I am not saying our team does not try to score, but if there was a way to tweak things to put points on the board quicker--then we get the momentum, make the other team play catch-up the whole game. That would take our opponent out of their established game plan and force them to do things that they are not as comfortable with--this would help our defense too. Just trying to generate a little discussion--what do you think?


500+ Posts
I hear what your saying. I think thats what we did last year. I feel the D this year is better than last years D at this time. Tweaking is what the coaches do. I think they have been using several different players on the D this year. The O line this year is not the O line we had last year. Don't take me wrong, they are good this year as well, just the size is smaller. Of course we are all arm chair coaches and we all feel like we know what needs to be done or changed. But we are not paid to do that. The coaches all know who is better at each position. They work with the boys almost everyday. I feel the team is starting to hit their stride. Some bad situations and penalty's hurt us Friday night. We just have to get over it and be ready for MCM. We can win this game !


1,000+ Posts
nederbulldogs#1 said:
that is what TJ did in 1980...

Good ideal until you run into a great defense like you all will this Friday :woohoo:

Oh, please!!!! Let me ask you a question and see if you can answer this honestly! Are the boys who were caught on the dog dome going to play or are they going to take their punishment of 4 weeks off like men should? In other words, what's more important--teaching life skills or football? We are NOT WORRIED about your team at all. Nederland who?


Staff member
Please, no message board fodder for the Nederland coaches to hang on their field house wall.
We'll soon see how good both teams are.


100+ Posts
Since everyone's throwing their 2 cents in....what's the deal with Antonio Arvie???? The kid turns the corner on Gregory-Portland and runs for a TD and we've never seen him since except for blocking duty. Teams are stacking up the middle against Travis and Chase...they don't even worry about the flanks because they know we have no speed to the outside. Why should we deal with our opponent's team speed and they don't have to worry about ours because our speed is on the sidelines holding his helment in his hands. Put BOTH Chase and Antonio together in the backfield if you still want Bertrand out there. You don't think our opponents salivate when only Bertrand is the lone RB? All they have to do is tee off between the tackles and forget about the flanks. With Antonio running outside, that would free up Chase and Travis up the middle. It's not rocket science....put #25 in and at least try it for a series or two.


1,000+ Posts
Honestly, I hope Nederland let's them play. Otherwise, we all know what whining we'll hear come Saturday morning.


Active Member
squaw said:
nederbulldogs#1 said:
that is what TJ did in 1980...

Good ideal until you run into a great defense like you all will this Friday :woohoo:

Oh, please!!!! Let me ask you a question and see if you can answer this honestly! Are the boys who were caught on the dog dome going to play or are they going to take their punishment of 4 weeks off like men should? In other words, what's more important--teaching life skills or football? We are NOT WORRIED about your team at all. Nederland who?

:shout: squaw,
I said in another thread here the two starters on defense that got suspended and the cheerleader will not be suited up and participate in this year’s MCM. That is good news for your offense, but their replacements played well against Vidor. The NDN’S still has not seen a defense this good from the Bulldogs in years even with them gone…

Nederland who squaw? :clap: I hear that from you last year...
just for squaw:
2010 MCM Bulldogs vs Indians part 1.h264
2010 MCM Bulldogs vs Indians Part 2.h264

Remember the 2009 9th grade team? these guys are now Jrs.
Mid County Madness 2009 Freshmen Style


2,000+ Posts
wacape said:
Since everyone's throwing their 2 cents in....what's the deal with Antonio Arvie???? The kid turns the corner on Gregory-Portland and runs for a TD and we've never seen him since except for blocking duty. Teams are stacking up the middle against Travis and Chase...they don't even worry about the flanks because they know we have no speed to the outside. Why should we deal with our opponent's team speed and they don't have to worry about ours because our speed is on the sidelines holding his helment in his hands. Put BOTH Chase and Antonio together in the backfield if you still want Bertrand out there. You don't think our opponents salivate when only Bertrand is the lone RB? All they have to do is tee off between the tackles and forget about the flanks. With Antonio running outside, that would free up Chase and Travis up the middle. It's not rocket science....put #25 in and at least try it for a series or two.

+100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Aggie fight song and human barking and growling, only in Nederland, TX. ;D



Staff member
The bulldog fan must be right. And I'm sure Coach Faircloth has NEVER seen a defense as good as Nederland's. The Indians may as well not even take the field.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Aggie fight song and human barking and growling, only in Nederland, TX. ;D

Cutest and best post ever from you, Indian Fan. Maybe we should just stay home and we'll still beat them. Why are they on our site anyway? Oh, I forgot---they don't have a site anymore. Thanks, again, IndianFan, for all you do.;


500+ Posts
Justafan said:
wacape said:
Since everyone's throwing their 2 cents in....what's the deal with Antonio Arvie???? The kid turns the corner on Gregory-Portland and runs for a TD and we've never seen him since except for blocking duty. Teams are stacking up the middle against Travis and Chase...they don't even worry about the flanks because they know we have no speed to the outside. Why should we deal with our opponent's team speed and they don't have to worry about ours because our speed is on the sidelines holding his helment in his hands. Put BOTH Chase and Antonio together in the backfield if you still want Bertrand out there. You don't think our opponents salivate when only Bertrand is the lone RB? All they have to do is tee off between the tackles and forget about the flanks. With Antonio running outside, that would free up Chase and Travis up the middle. It's not rocket science....put #25 in and at least try it for a series or two.

+100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree somewhat. Change up the mix with the backs to keep a D honest. They mostly know if Bertrand gets the ball he is going between the tackles most of the time. I don't think we can honestly say that Arvie is the answer either. Its the blocking. We do need better pass protection for Miller. He needs to be able to set up and pass. Alot of teams know they can blitz either up the middle or on the corners and make Miller scramble and make some bad throws. We have to counter that Defensive strategy or all teams will do that to us and more than likely have the same results. Some games we do great, others we struggle. Yes I think Arvie may be faster than Bertrand, but Coach is sticking to his plan. Probably won't change unless a injury occurs. But who knows, maybe he could be thinking the same thing. Make some changes to the run game to throw off the D. We do need to be able to get to the corners and cut up field. Also I think maybe throwing Romero in to the mix on Offense as another receiver would probably cause some heartache for an opposing D. He is one of, if not the fast' guy we have on our D. He has great hands as well, can jump very high as well. Remember the kick off return against Crosby. Just some thoughts. I think we will be ok, just need to execute better and keep the penalty's down. Coach Faircloth is very intelligent and knows football. If something isn't working, move things around and try a different approach. Same with the D. I trust the coaches to make the right choices and decisions based upon talent levels and personnel.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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