2013 Baseball


100+ Posts
png1977 said:
The entire country has the same problem...it's not only a "PNG parenting problem"

Between adding a few more cheerleaders to the mix, Indianette boxes, and certain school board members getting on this very website to talk trash about coaches and Administrators----this whole scenario with Brevell shouldn't come as a shock to anyone familiar with this board.


Staff member
I don't know how serious of a parenting problem we have, but I think a certain post made in this thread about a pattern was dead on the money. I had a feeling problems would start to surface about this time.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
bark said:
png94 said:
He has not resigned. Please be patient. The majority support him.

Just curious but what would happen to a Teacher if they did the same thing?

I understand what you are saying Bark, but if an "English" teacher had performed the SAME speech, but didn't use curse words, they would STILL get in trouble. As you well know, the coaching environment is totally different than a classroom setting.
I coached youth football for several years, and on the first day, I called all of the kids, and their parents around and told them all that "I'm going to hollar at your little boy"! I didn't want anyone shocked when it happened, so I told them right up front. (No cursing tho).

What he did was wrong. He made a mistake. Sadly, a school job doesn't allow for 2 mistakes in your long career. Sad, really.


Active Member
bark said:
akifan94 said:
Weak. I have been cussed worse by coaches at PN-G. I did not go cry to my parents or run to some sort of outlet. I do not agree with it but it is no reason to cost someone their job.
I find it hard to believe that anyone has been cussed worse than the video. I too played sports at PNG and NEVER heard Vergara, Ethridge, Clearman, Davis and many others say a curse word.

Troy, Hopper and a few others, yes but NEVER NEVER anything like the rampage that I heard on the video.

We are the talk of the area - and that is ashame. I know Brevell and he is a great guy, good Baseball guy, played on the great TJ team, however he knows he blew a fuse. Bad part is his wife and girls are in the district.

The parents of the 2 EXplayers should be ashamed!!!! The two issues here are 1. the improper use of a electronic device by a student and 2. the complete improper behavior of a Educator/Coach.

Sad situation.

I have to agree with you bark, The sad part is the parents of this kiddos, If they ever played sports they also experience explicit rants from coaches, It happened to me, And must say it will continue to happen until we leave this earth. That's just part of it. We must understand that the generations have change and some kids are not use to this type of what I call back in the day (motivation speeches). Not condoning Coach B, But I understand where his coming from. The sad part about this, is when this kids go out to face the real world, it's going to be cruel and ugly and it will not be a coach, but your Boss. Hope everyone can mend this issues and move on with a distraction free baseball season for the sake of the other team members. And also would like to see Coach Brevell still leading our beloved Indians.


Staff member
Just confirmed it with someone very close to the situation. Coach Brevell has not resigned.


2,000+ Posts
hookem14 said:
If I would have recorded and/or posted something like that when I played at PN-G, my teammates would have kicked my A$@, and then my father would have kicked my A$@........And I would have deserved both of them!!!

Same here hookem!!!!


Active Member
I support Coach Brevell and hope he doesn't resign. After his suspension is over, I hope he comes back and unites the team. He shouldn't have used those words, but those boys needed to be chewed out, and should get some sort of serious punishment also. If I were the coach, i wouldn't play those boys at all. Let some guys with good attitudes step up and take their places. The team would be better off without them.


Staff member
attakapandn said:
Here is my take, there is more ways to get attention and punish a player (laps, bench, etc). I am pretty sure back in my day that Coach E, Coach Troy, Coach Bryson did not drop the F bomb and use God name in Vain. What if one of the players or his family are religious and does not approve of this language? I for one think it should be a learning tool and move on. I bet you would not put up with that kind of verbal abuse from your boss or neighbor etc. so what is done is done. Notch it as a lesson learned.

Yes, some of those coaches did use harsh language. And often.


2,000+ Posts
mr.sportsfreak1976 said:
I support Coach Brevell and hope he doesn't resign. After his suspension is over, I hope he comes back and unites the team. He shouldn't have used those words, but those boys needed to be chewed out, and should get some sort of serious punishment also. If I were the coach, i wouldn't play those boys at all. Let some guys with good attitudes step up and take their places. The team would be better off without them.

Kids are entitiled now days, and the babies mommies and daddies would be up at the school wanting the coaches head for now playing their baby!!!


1,000+ Posts
indianalways said:
Seems like quite a few of you here and on the setxsports page are finally hearing what I've been saying all these years. PN-G ISD has a parenting problem..
REALLY!!! you think that all parents in PNG are a problem? I had 3 go through and no problem ndnetts, athlete, etc.. never a Principal visit, Church on Sunday, Lamar U. grads./attending, married, etc...

Maybe the problem is a coach cussing kids out like a dog. Even if it happened before does it make it right?

What if their Math teacher did the same thing? what do you think would happen?


1,000+ Posts
hookem14 said:
If I would have recorded and/or posted something like that when I played at PN-G, my teammates would have kicked my A$@, and then my father would have kicked my A$@........And I would have deserved both of them!!!


500+ Posts
bamakid said:
badndn said:
justafan said:
And people want to know why people outside of PNG hates us so bad!!! We're the laughing stock of SETX!!!!
It's not isolated to just PNG...Don't forget about Drinkin' Buddies on the Doggie Dome last year and parents highering an attorney to get there kid outta suspension instead of telling him to take his punshment...It happens everywhere these days, just so happens this week it has reared it's ugly head at PNG.

Not to mention that if you really want to talk about coaches cussing, the kingpin was Dan Hooks.

LOL..My Husband said Hooks was brutal.


100+ Posts
Varsity and JV most likely will scrimmage BC today. I will let you know after lunch on the times. I think the varsity is looking to go there and play at 3. JV would be at home but not sure on a time yet. Stay tuned....


Staff member
LOL..My Husband said Hooks was brutal.

KFDM used to do a thing where they would mic the head coaches during a practice. Whenever they went to WO-S, they always had to mic a coordinator for fear of trouble with the FCC.


100+ Posts
bark said:
hookem14 said:
If I would have recorded and/or posted something like that when I played at PN-G, my teammates would have kicked my A$@, and then my father would have kicked my A$@........And I would have deserved both of them!!!
REALLY!!!.....And I'd be willing to bet the majority of former players feel the same way!


100+ Posts
Varsity plays tomorrow at Baytown for a doubleheader at 3. JV plays at home at 3 against Clearbrook. Varsity plays at 12 in BC on Saturday, Soph & JV teams play at home against BC at 11 & 1.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
attakapandn said:
Here is my take, there is more ways to get attention and punish a player (laps, bench, etc). I am pretty sure back in my day that Coach E, Coach Troy, Coach Bryson did not drop the F bomb and use God name in Vain. What if one of the players or his family are religious and does not approve of this language? I for one think it should be a learning tool and move on. I bet you would not put up with that kind of verbal abuse from your boss or neighbor etc. so what is done is done. Notch it as a lesson learned.

Yes, some of those coaches did use harsh language. And often.

Like you are saying and I said above..let's not be naive..this happens everywhere in coaching whether it's being reported or not. Like I said, I had harsh language spoken to me when I was playing 6th grade basketball in Illinois and that's not even highschool.


Active Member
My take on this situation is #1 This kind of language is not acceptable from anyone in authority, no matter what other coaches have done in the past or now. Coach B is a family man and should have thought about the consequences if this would have gotten out eventually. #2 The young men should have taken this to there parents and let the parents deal with it. Think of what you would have done if it were your children. The 2013 baseball players should put all of this aside and play for the GLORY of PNG! Show everyone that that this is a TEAM game.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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