2013 Baseball


1,000+ Posts
newindianfan said:
My take on this situation is #1 This kind of language is not acceptable from anyone in authority, no matter what other coaches have done in the past or now. Coach B is a family man and should have thought about the consequences if this would have gotten out eventually. #2 The young men should have taken this to there parents and let the parents deal with it. Think of what you would have done if it were your children. The 2013 baseball players should put all of this aside and play for the GLORY of PNG! Show everyone that that this is a TEAM game.



100+ Posts
newindianfan said:
My take on this situation is #1 This kind of language is not acceptable from anyone in authority, no matter what other coaches have done in the past or now. Coach B is a family man and should have thought about the consequences if this would have gotten out eventually. #2 The young men should have taken this to there parents and let the parents deal with it. Think of what you would have done if it were your children. The 2013 baseball players should put all of this aside and play for the GLORY of PNG! Show everyone that that this is a TEAM game.
If I would have gone to my parents every time I heard a coach use vulgar language, I would have been running to "Mommy and Daddy" an awful lot. Right or wrong, that's just reality.


100+ Posts
bark said:
indianalways said:
Seems like quite a few of you here and on the setxsports page are finally hearing what I've been saying all these years. PN-G ISD has a parenting problem..
REALLY!!! you think that all parents in PNG are a problem? I had 3 go through and no problem ndnetts, athlete, etc.. never a Principal visit, Church on Sunday, Lamar U. grads./attending, married, etc...

Maybe the problem is a coach cussing kids out like a dog. Even if it happened before does it make it right?

What if their Math teacher did the same thing? what do you think would happen?

You'd might be able to understand my point if you did not have selective reading and saw my second post:

indianalways said:
png1977 said:
The entire country has the same problem...it's not only a "PNG parenting problem"

Between adding a few more cheerleaders to the mix, Indianette boxes, and certain school board members getting on this very website to talk trash about coaches and Administrators----this whole scenario with Brevell shouldn't come as a shock to anyone familiar with this board.

I'd be careful to call out "boys" on doing this, until we all know for sure it wasn't their parents who uploaded it to YouTube..Just a thought.


Staff member
indianalways said:
I'd be careful to call out "boys" on doing this, until we all know for sure it wasn't their parents who uploaded it to YouTube..Just a thought.

That's a good point.

Also, whoever originally uploaded the video to YouTube deleted it.


500+ Posts
The parents didn't chose to record it. The "boys" did. "Boys" at the age of 17 and 18 should be "Young Men". They want to strut around, chest out, talk like sailors, try and make babies with everything that moves and be considered Men, then they should start acting more like young men and not little boys. Put your big boy pants on and sack up when an authority figure rips into you because your not abiding by the rules.
Also if my child's Math teacher had continued problems with my child and decided to chew her a new one about it after class in a one on one environment then my child sure as heck better be listening. In my day coaches and administrators could give "licks" to get their point across in an demonstrative manner that would get your attention. Coach Bryson looked down at me with that scary wandering eye look and gave me licks once. I didn't record it. I didn't run home and cry to Mommy that I was being treated unfairly. I got the message! This option is gone. Brevail used one of the few attention getting tactics he has left at his disposal.


100+ Posts
Haven't been on here in a while and this is exactly why. Right or wrong I quit my fairly large donation to the Booster Club because of the kids I see being coddled by their parents, the kids drive brand new vehicles most on here can't afford, have parties every weekend (which I have no problem with under the right conditions) but as soon as something happens they don't like they pull something like this. I blame the parents first then the kids, this should be dealt with behind the scenes. It happens at all schools across the country, Coach B should have handled it different but to make it sound like this sweet little boys don't hear it in the music they choose, the wat they talk to each other, hear it on all the shows they watch etc is a joke. This self esteem generation parents are raising are killing this country, glad I'm out of this soap opera a great school like PNG has turned in to. The coaches I had in the mid 70's beat my B when I needed it and chewed me out including cuss words when I needed it. Sad state we are in.


Active Member
Well said ndn78, Those days are gone, We as parents went through this types of discipline and became a better person, Now we want to turn it around and protect them from harsh punishment. Mine you not through an abusive state, But enough to get his/her attention. I have two boys and they know if they get out of line, I have given the school permission to discipline them accordingly, Even if its a paddle. Cuss when they get home they will get it from me as well. Sad that this is a national problem not a local issue. Till this day my boys will open and hold the door for us as well as any adult and young women wherever we are. Let support our Coaching staff, because they are under allot stress to just do there job. Good Luck

ndn78 said:
Haven't been on here in a while and this is exactly why. Right or wrong I quit my fairly large donation to the Booster Club because of the kids I see being coddled by their parents, the kids drive brand new vehicles most on here can't afford, have parties every weekend (which I have no problem with under the right conditions) but as soon as something happens they don't like they pull something like this. I blame the parents first then the kids, this should be dealt with behind the scenes. It happens at all schools across the country, Coach B should have handled it different but to make it sound like this sweet little boys don't hear it in the music they choose, the wat they talk to each other, hear it on all the shows they watch etc is a joke. This self esteem generation parents are raising are killing this country, glad I'm out of this soap opera a great school like PNG has turned in to. The coaches I had in the mid 70's beat my B when I needed it and chewed me out including cuss words when I needed it. Sad state we are in.


Staff member
Not all of the kids at PN-G act this way. Many of the problems you're seeing right now have a time limit that runs out in about a year and a half. We've got a lot of good, talented, well-mannered kids coming up through the ranks. We just need to stay the course and bide our time.


1,000+ Posts
badndn said:
The parents didn't chose to record it. The "boys" did. "Boys" at the age of 17 and 18 should be "Young Men". They want to strut around, chest out, talk like sailors, try and make babies with everything that moves and be considered Men, then they should start acting more like young men and not little boys. Put your big boy pants on and sack up when an authority figure rips into you because your not abiding by the rules.
Also if my child's Math teacher had continued problems with my child and decided to chew her a new one about it after class in a one on one environment then my child sure as heck better be listening. In my day coaches and administrators could give "licks" to get their point across in an demonstrative manner that would get your attention. Coach Bryon looked down at me with that scary wandering eye look and gave me licks once. I didn't record it. I didn't run home and cry to Mommy that I was being treated unfairly. I got the message! This option is gone. Brevail used one of the few attention getting tactics he has left at his disposal.
it was nice to hear that Coach B will remain as coach and I agree with the district going on record that consequences for similar behavior by all employees will be the same as Coach B. A few days off but NOT termination.


Staff member
bamakid said:
Not all of the kids at PN-G act this way. Many of the problems you're seeing right now have a time limit that runs out in about a year and a half. We've got a lot of good, talented, well-mannered kids coming up through the ranks. We just need to stay the course and bide our time.

Possibly a big factor in the underachieving 2012 football season?

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
IndianFan said:
bamakid said:
Not all of the kids at PN-G act this way. Many of the problems you're seeing right now have a time limit that runs out in about a year and a half. We've got a lot of good, talented, well-mannered kids coming up through the ranks. We just need to stay the course and bide our time.

Possibly a big factor in the underachieving 2012 football season?



1,000+ Posts
Former NDNette said:
I haven't read or heard anything about any type of punishment.
That would be even better - to allow him to coach the team because they need him now more that ever.

Additionally, all other employees can rest easy knowing the guidlines for this behavior have been set by the Board.

Last comment on this from me.

Good luck to the team and coaches.


Staff member
IndianFan said:
bamakid said:
Not all of the kids at PN-G act this way. Many of the problems you're seeing right now have a time limit that runs out in about a year and a half. We've got a lot of good, talented, well-mannered kids coming up through the ranks. We just need to stay the course and bide our time.

Possibly a big factor in the underachieving 2012 football season?

Among other things, yes.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I truely hope that this matter is settled for the sake of these young men on this team and the school. Now I believe that any and all cell phones should be banned from any and all atheletic facilities. I hope they make this happen. The coaches needs to be held accountable for there actions BUT I know alot of parents now days dont want to here this LITTLE JOHNNY also needs to be held accountable for his actions . Ban the phones and put in a serious punishment system if they are caught with them. If you cant live without a phone during the school day then there is a serious problem going on. Teachers and coaches and administrators should not be held hostage by students and there recording devices. I do not condone a school rep cussing a student and rules should reflect that but the school should be ran by the teachers and coaches not by the kids.


100+ Posts
Now that we have our coach back and hopefully this should be behind us, did anyone go to the scrimmages this week and what was your take on them.


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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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