png fan for life
Active Member
Well put expatndn!
png94 said:Aki, Coach Faircloth told us he is all for open enrollment as long as there are strict rules for it, like keeping grades above a certain average, disciplinary record at the other school and in the community, etc... I also think it would be okay as long as there are strict guidelines and if there were we could charge per semester like a private school does.
????????????????????????????????????????????????????akifan94 said:png94 said:Aki, Coach Faircloth told us he is all for open enrollment as long as there are strict rules for it, like keeping grades above a certain average, disciplinary record at the other school and in the community, etc... I also think it would be okay as long as there are strict guidelines and if there were we could charge per semester like a private school does.
I could understand why he would if it helped the athletic program but it still does not make it a good idea. I am pretty sure it has been stated before there would be no tuition charge if the plan passed back in 2011 when it was discussed. I could be totally uneducated on all the details of open enrollment but it seems adding additional students to what is already maxed out classrooms with no additional money coming for more teachers is a setup for failure when it comes to ensuring our kids get the best education possible. If parents want their kids at PN-G then they need to find a way to move into the district. There are plenty of homes for sale and places to rent.
akifan94 said:png94 said:Aki, Coach Faircloth told us he is all for open enrollment as long as there are strict rules for it, like keeping grades above a certain average, disciplinary record at the other school and in the community, etc... I also think it would be okay as long as there are strict guidelines and if there were we could charge per semester like a private school does.
I could understand why he would if it helped the athletic program but it still does not make it a good idea. I am pretty sure it has been stated before there would be no tuition charge if the plan passed back in 2011 when it was discussed. I could be totally uneducated on all the details of open enrollment but it seems adding additional students to what is already maxed out classrooms with no additional money coming for more teachers is a setup for failure when it comes to ensuring our kids get the best education possible. If parents want their kids at PN-G then they need to find a way to move into the district. There are plenty of homes for sale and places to rent.
Purple Dove said::thud: Did ya'll have all those open enrollment trick or treaters, like I did last night? LOL :clap: :clap: :clap:
attakapandn said:love it png15!! hahha was at a friend house last night and we est bout 1300 to 1400 trick or treaters!
Purple Dove said:\
You are so tricky 15PNG, I am afraid this is the way open enrollment would be. As I drive around our
campuses and see we have several portable buildings, so we are already over crowded.
2025 Season
I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever. -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph